[FREE] [ESX, QB] Zyke's Burncars

What is this?

This script is released in the same fashion as [FREE] Zyke's Wheel Stabbing / Slashing, it was made to be part of a future gang script but my community voted for me to release them as separate resources so here it is.

This script allows you to burn and destroy vehicles. It was made so that you can easily track what you’re burning, who burned it, location, cooldowns etc so that I can use it with objective progression or loyalty removal for territories for my gang script.

It is properly made but too simple for me to sell, in my opinion.

TLDR - Features

  • Burn vehicles.
  • Blacklist singular vehicles or entire vehicle classes.
  • Requires items.
  • Configurable requirements such vehicle being empty.
  • Quality made with performance and security in mind.
  • Future integration for my gang script.
  • Completely free and open source.


Download here
Showcase here


Previous Resources

Advanced Drugselling: [QB, ESX] Zyke's Drugdealer (Drug selling)
Advanced Crafting: [ESX, QB] Zyke's Crafting
Advanced Plants: [ESX, QB] Zyke's Plants, last you'll ever need!
Minimalistic Drugsell: [ESX, QB] Zyke's Minimalistic Drugsell
Dogtags: [ESX, QB] Zyke's Dogtags
Crosshair: [Standalone] Zyke Crosshair
[FREE] Wheel Stabbing / Slashing [FREE] Zyke's Wheel Stabbing / Slashing


If anyone has any questions or suggestions, feel free to share!

Why not standalone?

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Uses callbacks to validate requests and requires items. Honestly never used standalone myself so not sure what you would replace the callbacks with that doesn’t get tedious.

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Ok thank you!

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@Zyke I got these errors, i didt have all items but pressed E
Latest ESX 1.9.4

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Hmm, I actually got one of the errors myself, for the items. So I’ll see what’s up with that. As for the animation, I can’t seem to replicate it.

I was able to replicate both issues on my end and pushed an update to zyke_lib for fixes. You can download the latest and working version here.

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does it work with ox_inventory ??

Haven’t tested, but I believe ox uses standard functions so it should work as it’s not too complicated. If not, I am happy to assist with errors and all the framework functions are completely open to switch out if needed.

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This is an awesome script and im definautly going to use this for my criminal RP on my future server, It´s a very nice system to make a more “passive” RP for the players.

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so on qbcore this script doesnt function properly

the fire starts in the engine and is only seen by the client starting it
and after a bit of time the fire goes out because of the vehicle failure built in with qbcore