[ESX, QB-Core] Marijuana plants

[ESX, QB-Core] Marijuana planting

Hello! This is my first “publicly” sold script.

I’ve done a few releases and sales for a smaller community as well as some custom scripts but decided I wanted to expand my audience.

What is this script?
This resource was created to make drug farms more modern, marijuana in this case. Common drug scripts are usually rather basic and farmed standing in a circle pressing E and I wanted to make something I would personally find more interesting to interact with, hence this resource.

Script features
A modern NUI for all actions
Water your plant for them to stay alive
Use fertilizer on your plant to make it grow faster
Different growth states with different props
All actions are completely synced between all players
Leave the server and come back, as long as your plants are watered they will continue growing
As low FPS usage as possible with all of the syncing and features

I want to be completely transparent to my audience, so for those that are interested in the specifics, this script is mostly ran server-side. This was a decision that was made in order to save some performance for the players that were not interacting with the script. This way, being far away from the plants will set your client ms to 0.0, 0.02 if you’re close. When you load into the server, you will retrieve the needed information and only when plants are in any way updated you will update it client-side, the “growth” timers and logic all happen server-side. Performance will vary depending on your update timers that you decide in the config, but I’ve had no problems running this script at all and will update the resource if needed.

Tebex: https://store.zykeresources.com/
ESX Version: https://store.zykeresources.com/package/5038496
QB-Core Version: https://store.zykeresources.com/package/5042142

Videos / Showcase
NUI design: Click to display
Video: Click to display
Video is QB-Core, but ESX version looks the same

Locked files
Since I am using Tebex I will also be using their escrow technology in order to prevent malicious distribution. All essential files will be locked. You will have access to the interaction function through main.lua and you can change values in the config.lua. If you wish for more to be unlocked, I am open to remake bits of the code in order to make that possible.

If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback I am open to receive it.

Previous Resources
Advanced Blackmarket: [ESX, QB-Core] Advanced Blackmarket [PAID]

Code is accessible Partially
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 650+
Requirements ESX / QB-Core
Support Active support

Vouch, quite cool. :slight_smile:

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Tip: you can use GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords - Natives @ Cfx.re Docs and PlaceObjectOnGroundProperly - Natives @ Cfx.re Docs to spawn the plant right in front of the player


Thank you for the tip, I believe I did attempt to use PlaceObjectOnGroundProperly, but if you were not close enough to the plants when you loaded into the server they would be floating in the air. But I will definitely look into GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords.

Showcase video has been updated because of some design and feature changes in the script.

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this is really what ive been searching for for months, my only question before i buy is, does this let you use different types of seeds. like the default qbcore weed has like 5 different strands, is this possible here or do you only have that one weed seed


Sorry for the late reply. This was only made to be used as a marijuana plant. Might make a v2 in the future, but this resource will not be updated to have more than one seed option.

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It would be really nice to find a script that doesn’t use the pots when you plant outside,every script I’ve come across has potters

DemmyDemon’s esx_uteknark is a script that should fit your needs.

Yea I used to use his but it’s script is waaay outdated for new QBCore too,
I’m rewriting doj-marijuana script with the new “QBCore.Functions.HasItem” in the script to solve the item issues other than that it seems to work good on Newqb.

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Im definautly going to buy this for my server to bring more life to the criminal and social RP.

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