[QB, ESX] Zyke's Drugdealer (Drug selling)

What is this?

Zyke’s Drugdealer is a unique and fun way to enhance your roleplay server’s criminal side. Instead of either sitting in a circle or running around the airport spamming E to NPCs to sell, you will need to go through a more realistic process to sell your products.

How it works can easily be demonstrated in the showcase video, but here’s the basics. You aquire a phone, either from a shop or perhaps a blackmarket. Using this phone, you can turn off flight mode and have customers message you various requests. These requests are random, but can have region based settings such as price generosity, drug type, ped model etc. Customers will message you what product, quantity and price they want and you can either decline or accept the offer. Accepting the offer will give you a marker on your map. When arriving at the marker you will finish the deal with the customer, hand over your products and you get paid.

In order to make it more interesting and further enhance the realism, you can turn on smart settings. Actions such as scaring the NPC, running around it suspiciously will automatically cancel the deal and based on your config settings, alert the cops.

Want more details? I recommend the showcase video and the documentation page.

TLDR - Script features

  • Completely pre-configured and ready to be started. (150 locations, props, animations etc).
  • NUI with animations and transitions to handle messages for a more realistic and in-depth feel.
  • Receieve messages from customers, call them to get the location. Don’t like the customer’s offer? Decline it and wait for a new offer.
  • Set price generosity, ped model and drug preference based on location to simulate realistic region based wealth and preferences.
  • Props and animations for a more lively experience.
  • Smart settings for peds alerting the police / deal cancelling (Running, nearby peds existence, in combat, frightened etc)
  • Highly optimized and thoroughly tested for a smooth experience.
  • Easy to change and add conversations with variables based on the deal from the customer for a more realistic feel (View showcase for examples).
  • Huge config to change all desired values.
  • Cooldowns after selling to a customer, location checking to prevent AFK:ing in superior locations etc.
  • Built in logs and events to monitor your server.
  • Huge and well-written documentation page.
  • Made with quality in mind, character changing, relogging etc will always reset to default, error handling with debug messages, first customer is faster to offer deal to keep player interest etc.
  • Uses zyke_lib for framework or custom functions, my public repository, meaning custom inventories, progressbars, notifications etc won’t be a problem as they can all easily be changed once, and work for all my resources.


View documentation here
View showcase here
View store here


Locked files

Files to fetch your framework and handle the config will be unlocked. Running custom functions? zyke_lib is completely open source which means you can change the default code out for your needs.

Previous Resources

Crafting: [ESX, QB] Zyke's Crafting
Plants: [ESX, QB] Zyke's Plants, last you'll ever need!
Minimalistic Drugsell: [ESX, QB] Zyke's Minimalistic Drugsell
Dogtags: [ESX, QB] Zyke's Dogtags
Crosshair: [Standalone] Zyke Crosshair

Code is accessible Partially
Subscription-based Yes & No
Lines (approximately) LUA 900 w/o config, UI 1600
Requirements ESX/QB, OxMySQL/MySQL, zyke_lib
Support Yes

Changelog (v1.0.1)


  • You can now set a police count requirement to prevent customers reaching out to you if it’s not met.
  • Rewards when selling has been re-written.
  • You can now get different types of currencies (cash, dirty_cash, bank) as well as any item when selling your products.
  • A chance system is also integrated, meaning you can sell as normal and have a 1% chance for a rare item, if that interests you.

Amazing script would be fire if sometimes they got in the car…do the deal then leave. Just an idea but amazing script


That could be a cool idea. I would have to think about how to implement it though. Would they sometimes get in, would they always get in? Etc. Perhaps a config option could be added in a future update. I appreciate the suggestion. :slight_smile:

No problem just such an amazing script. I was wondering have you thought about a A.I police script for ppl who are having trouble getting police in their server …Me and my friend who have a city are having that problem right now. There is one for Qbcore but not for Esx. And maybe they got in the car on bigger amounts so as to not hand over a big package in public view. Appreciate the msg says a lot about you and how you do business!! A+ will be looking for further content from you for sure!

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Also I have a free open source pimping script i wonder if you could have that on the phone too lmk what you think

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The poliec AI could be an interesting script. What features would you think could fit in it? Do you mean that you would get stopped when driving, having police come at you when doing something illegal? Would be great if you could elaborate on this idea.

Could you link me the script you’re talking about? Not sure if it would fit on the phone since it’s an old Nokia and meant as a burner phone for drug dealers.

What’s your discord name? I’m in your discord

Sadly messages containing Discord related stuff gets removed. If you have any issues they have to be addressed in here.

Changelog - Version v1.0.2

Full details can be found here.

Changelog - Version v1.0.3

Full details can be found here.

Changelog - Version v1.0.4

Quick overview

  • Fallback to stop errors if you had issues generating rewards.


Full details can be found here.

Changelog - Version 1.0.5

Quick overview

  • Fixed minor notification issues.


Full details can be found here.

Changelog - Version 1.0.6

Quick overview

  • New app to set your status (Which drugs you’re selling).
  • qb-target & ox_target support.
  • More fluid conversations using animations
  • Better support for multi-department servers.
  • Support for multiple talking sounds.
  • Plenty of minor details (Read full report)

Full Report Here

Any script that you get from these guys are amazing easy set up

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Good joob… nice script :ok_hand:

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Really good script, would recommend. Very good support and help with the script and worth every dime of the price.

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i was recommended this one by a friend who swore up and down this one was fire, and after seeing videos it looks dope cant add it to her wishlist as it was already there

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legend, always helpful with your scripts.

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