[FREE] Zyke's Wheel Stabbing / Slashing

What is this?

This is a wheel stabbing script I made which would be part of a future release, zyke_gangs. However, I did a poll and my community wanted me to release these smaller resources separately, so here it is.

The main reason for me making this myself is to incorporate my own performance improvements and integrate zyke_gang functions as they are needed in the future (This can be toggled in the config).

And yes, before you comment, I don’t expect this script to hit the leaderboards with downloads. As stated above, this script was created to be a part of a larger script, but I wanted to share it in case anyone would be interested in downloading it.

TLDR - Features

  • Stab wheels to burst them.
  • High performance
  • Future integration for my gang script.
  • Completely free and open source.


Download here
Showcase here


Uses zyke_lib which in turn relies on QBCore or ESX for notifications and callback within the script. Also uses zyke_lib to draw text and play animations. If you wish to make this standalone, it’s really easy, but not something I will release it as.

Previous Resources

Advanced Drugselling: [QB, ESX] Zyke's Drugdealer (Drug selling)
Advanced Crafting: [ESX, QB] Zyke's Crafting
Advanced Plants: [ESX, QB] Zyke's Plants, last you'll ever need!
Minimalistic Drugsell: [ESX, QB] Zyke's Minimalistic Drugsell
Dogtags: [ESX, QB] Zyke's Dogtags
Crosshair: [Standalone] Zyke Crosshair


If you wish for any improvements to be made to any features to be added, I am happy to expand this script further.

Great release as always Linus <3


Thanks. :smile:

Changelog - Version 1.0.1

Quick overview

  • Altered how the wheel deflates.


Full details can be found here.


I think it’s called tires, but still cool release xD

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To be honest, I thought “tyre” was just a British way of saying “wheel” and they were the same thing, lmao.

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I´m currently using this on my future server and it´s a great script!
I would recommend this if you want a more passive criminal RP.

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