ProLaps Gym Enhancement by DotSoft (ds-gym) | QBCore


ProLaps Gym Enhancement by DotSoft (ds-gym) | QBCore

This is an addition for our ProLaps Gym MLO that adds some neat features! It is possible to make this resource work for other gyms, though we recommend you use it with ProLaps Gym


  • Gym Subscription & Membership Card
  • Custom Animations
  • Exercises:
    • Situps
    • Pushups
    • Treadmill
    • Hyperextension machine (Custom Animation)
    • Bench Press
  • Synced Animations
  • Skills, Levels & Experience (ds-skills)
  • On-site supplements store offering a variety of products including whey protein, BCAAs, mass gainers, etc. (Helps you gain more experience)
  • Convenient entrance with keycard scanners
  • Can be modified to work with other gyms

Work in progress

  • Player Owned Gyms:
    • Hire people
    • Pay rent, or buy the place
  • More Exercises
  • Functional Lockers
Note: Update coming soon


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Take a look at our latest offering: the All-In-One Monthly package. With this subscription, you can pay on a monthly basis and unlock full access to all our resources for both ESX and QBCore.


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Other Resources

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000+
Requirements qb-core, qb-target/ox_target , ox_lib, ds-skills, ProLaps Gym by Dotsoft
Support Yes

size of mlo in mb???

The size of the MLO is 31mb however this is an addon resource for the MLO that allows you to use some of the equipment and a bunch of other cool features!

If you want to buy the MLO, check out this thread.

Been waiting for you to release this lol

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nice script

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Thank you!

Take a look at our latest offering: the All-In-One Monthly package. With this subscription, you can pay on a monthly basis and unlock full access to all our resources for both ESX and QBCore.


Will you guys still be implementing owned gyms? I see in the config that it has the option but says set to false because it doesn’t work yet. It’ll be dope if connected to okokBanking/Jim-payments for society accounts as well.

We are working on it and it will soon be released as an update.

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Take a look at our latest offering: the All-In-One Monthly package. With this subscription, you can pay on a monthly basis and unlock full access to all our resources for both ESX and QBCore.