[Paid] Outfit/Uniform Menu [QB]



A simple outfit and uniforms menu for QBcore. Allow players or Police to access the uniform menu anywhere via commands. Also able to apply outfit via command. The menu will display 4 presaved outfits. Outfits are not saved via this menu, but I do plan on updating it with new things and scroll function for more potentially.

  • Access Outfits Anywhere (can be disabled)
  • Allow Police To Access Anywhere
  • Apply Outfits via commands /apply [outfitname]
  • Uses standard player_outfits table for streaming saved outfits

ESX Possible?
Sure if enough people like this and want it, I will happily apply ESX

Video Demo

Tebex Purchase Link

My Releases
QB Player Owned Banks
QB/ESX Outfit Menu
Free QB Clothing & Character Creator Update
QB/ESX Free Server Announcements
QB/ESX Admin Reports
Free QB Multicharacter Design Update
Free QB Inventory Update
QB/ESX Grow Weed Anywhere
QB/ESX Whitelisted Job Center
QB/ESX Job Center & Job Rewards
Free QB Chop Shops Version 2
QB/ESX Mechanic Price Menu
QB Owned Dealerships
ESX/QB Vehicle Mileage & Vehicle Wear
QB Police Bolo Menu
QB Free Chop Shops
QB Player Menu
QB Improved Snow Driving & Snow Balls
QB Police/EMS Zones

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000
Requirements qbcore
Support Yes

Hello can I somehow con tact you on d1sc0rd ?

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Here is my honest opinion after uselessly spending my 20€.

  • The code part where you could and should be able to change the clothes aka outfit appending is locked ( Spoiler : All files are locked beside of 1 config file that doesnt help you at all )

  • You cannot add multiple police jobs or whitelisted jobs which in my opinion is complete bullshit.

  • Guess what if all these before werent enough; its not responsive for any screensize beside of his he is using.

Ive never wasted and consumed my money in such a bs way lmfao

  1. Advertised as using Escrow
  2. Advertised as simple menu to apply presaved outfits
  3. Sold for only $11 with tebex charges so not sure why you miss quoted the price

:thinking:why are you a “developer” who sells scripts… buying scripts and complaining about missreading info

I would of happily assisted you where needed, but obviously I shall not waste my time on someone rude.

For the interest of other people, its a simple menu to access presaved outfits as explained…


Advertised using escrow

Regarding the files being escrowed, my expectation was that while the core files might be protected, there would be sufficient access to make necessary adjustments for personalization and functionality expansion. Perhaps this was a misunderstanding on my part, and if so, I apologize.

On the matter of the price discrepancy, it appears there may have been additional charges by tebex that were not immediately clear. I apologize for any confusion this has caused.

I must clarify that my earlier message was intended to express concerns from a customer’s perspective and was not meant as a personal affront. If it came across as discourteous, that was not my intention, and I offer my sincere apologies.

Warm regards,

No worries , the script is for sale for $9.99 and sold for $11.99 including charges. so again I do not appreciate you shitting on my price and miss leading people.

The script is simple, the moment I released the script I also posted in my Discord I had intentions to update the following.

I also posted a picture of the config file, to ensure full transparency with what was available to edit and change.

Conclusion, given my current statements and how you have initially acted towards me and my post, I shall not waste time replying to you or speaking with you further, as my only intention is for positive interaction and helping people who are really in need, I have no need to argue via forums so I wish you a good day and the best of luck!

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Hey there,

Thanks for the rundown and the pic of the config file – super transparent, like a window! Just so you know, I’ve already kicked off a dispute and chargeback on Tebex because things didn’t really pan out on my end.

Appreciate the positive vibes pitch, really. Let’s skip the forum drama and part ways here. Good luck with the script sales, hope they do wonders for you!

Catch you later, maybe in another forum life!

You state to create scripts, I made this script in 1 hour… why are you a “developer” buying simple scripts and then complaining when you misread the details

A script creator buying scripts :rofl: :rofl: :sweat_smile:


Why is a developer buying a script from another developer, then miss quoting the price and details…

maybe he intimated by a 15 year female developer named Caticus

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