Perm Death [QB] [OpenSource]

MOSHED-2024-7-19-9-0-32 (1)

How It Works
The script has been designed for serious roleplay servers, I have used this script for many months with my community with great success. If a player dies and does not receive medical treatment or is not revived by another player… there character will die and be deleted forever! It is a great solution to ensure your players treat there lives more seriously in game! The script was created in normal QBcore framework and comes with everything needed for a simple drag and drop install. The script makes use of qb-ambulancejob

Video Showcase

Tebex Purchase Link ($9.99 + Tebex Taxes)

My Releases
Free QB-Spawn Re-style
Free Player Info
Free Character Sleep On Disconnect
Perm Death Script / Character Delete On Death
Free QB Multicharacter Design Update
Free QB Inventory Update
QB Player Owned Banks
QB/ESX Outfit Menu
Free QB Clothing & Character Creator Update
QB/ESX Free Server Announcements
QB/ESX Admin Reports
QB/ESX Grow Weed Anywhere
QB/ESX Whitelisted Job Center
QB/ESX Job Center & Job Rewards
Free QB Chop Shops Version 2
QB/ESX Mechanic Price Menu
QB Owned Dealerships
ESX/QB Vehicle Mileage & Vehicle Wear
QB Police Bolo Menu
QB Free Chop Shops
QB Player Menu
QB Improved Snow Driving & Snow Balls
QB Police/EMS Zones

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 300
Requirements QBcore , qb-ambulancejob
Support Yes

Can you make this to work with wasabi ambulance please? And also you have no means of contact including a discord

Sorry but since that is a paid script from another dev I would not obvs be able to

Well I’m out also lol :joy: should really reconsider that

no idea what that means… makes no sense to me

asking me to edit another devs script is stupid

Are you stupid he asked to make it compatible he didn’t ask you to edit their script and how are all the good devs integrating scripts all over the place just say you don’t know how …. Its ok man

And you can ask dev for compatibility info but I take it this is about money fit you and the community “obv”

Making a perma death script that’s not compatible with anything is useless

:rofl: You got issues dude

Bro let’s be real hear not too many people gonna abandon they ambulance script for perma death I spent over 30k on here i know what im talking about you think me a dude are 2 off? Think about it you telling the community (customers) we trippin …. Ok :ok_hand:t5:

amazing script! it adds so much realism to the server. I noticed players stop acting so carelessly and perfect for serious RP

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Thank you! :heart: it is mainly designed for serious RP servers

its fully open source allowing changes and to be used with any scripts :kissing_heart:

Hey is there a way to make it so it doesnt fully delete the character but maybe makes them a ghost lol

Oh your the guy who made the one for offline players hey! This is a cool script btw just wondering on some other stuff