[Free] QB Inventory Theme Update [QB]


This is a quick update to the standard qb-inventory script. I have simply updated the style to match my recent Clothing & Character Creator and my Multicharacter script that I have released for free! I really enjoy releasing free things and seeing people use my creations :two_hearts:

This kitten cannot wait to get her paws dirty in the beautiful new Qbox framework soon!

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Will You Update The Script?
I had planned to add new features, such as inventory weight. However, I have decided to stop creating and releasing free scripts. I’ve found the community to be rude and ungrateful, with forums flooded by people selling leaked work. It’s frustrating to wait days for my posts to go live, only to have them disappear and see my work posted by leakers more quickly than I can. So I shall now focus on releasing my work via my teams official channels I hope forum moderators can stop approving all the leaked scripts to be sold! Not sure how people can preach about rules when all that is on going!

My Releases
Free QB-Spawn Re-style
Free Player Info
Free Character Sleep On Disconnect
Perm Death Script / Character Delete On Death
Free QB Multicharacter Design Update
Free QB Inventory Update
QB Player Owned Banks
QB/ESX Outfit Menu
Free QB Clothing & Character Creator Update
QB/ESX Free Server Announcements
QB/ESX Admin Reports
QB/ESX Grow Weed Anywhere
QB/ESX Whitelisted Job Center
QB/ESX Job Center & Job Rewards
Free QB Chop Shops Version 2
QB/ESX Mechanic Price Menu
QB Owned Dealerships
ESX/QB Vehicle Mileage & Vehicle Wear
QB Police Bolo Menu
QB Free Chop Shops
QB Player Menu
QB Improved Snow Driving & Snow Balls
QB Police/EMS Zones


Code is accessible Yes
Requirements qbcore

Is it the newest QB-core files? Or the version before this one?


Nice when ox inventory edit :stuck_out_tongue::muscle::muscle:


its with a older version 1.2.0 latest is 1.2.4.


Nice one dude :DDD


Great theme, I think you missed the Inventory Weight status.

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There is an error with the latest version of QBcore framework and this reskin.
Any chance of an update to the latest version?


How would we edit it so on 1080p its 5 slots across instead of 4?


Also will your target be released?

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cool Inventory , Great work :heart:


Tiene errores con el peso en consola, aparte no puedes soltar los items se buguea.

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Hello, loving the theme!! Will there be an update on the inventory weight? like how full your pockets are? thanks

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amazing inventory! and im sorry you have to deal with the rude and ungrateful! stay motivated!


thanks :heartbeat: that means the world to me

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wow a very nice inventory love it. Even a beautiful theme in my favorite color wouldn’t change it! keep up the good work!

1 suggestion could u add a weight bar?


did you ever find this out?

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has anyone had the issue of the attachment box sliding off screen when opened? and also when you put an item from your inventory into a stash it moves it to lower in your inventory rather than into the stash slot? i’d love to be able to figure this out as this is by far my favorite inventory design

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Thanks for the comments and information. I will try and look into this along with adding weight and other things in the next few days!

Sure I will look at this for you no problem

you are amazing thank you, best inventory design on fivem.

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