Goooood afternoon. So, I noticed a ton of people use the standard ESX Jobs including the Reporter Job which is… super bare bones… (You get the job… you get a van… that’s it. ). I’m aware that being a reporter is 100% an RP Job, so I went and tried to add as much as I could think of to make this job bring in a ton more RP for Reporters.
Before we begin, I utilize bt-target in most of my scripts (including this one) so if you don’t enjoy it… you won’t enjoy this. So lets hop to it if you’re still here.
The script includes;
Standard Boss Menu - Using esx_society, theres a boss menu set up at the front of the weazel news building via a ped if you choose to have the reporter job be a “whitelisted” job. Otherwise, you choose how you get the job.
Place to take out/store Vehicles - Like the normal job, this will allow you to take out any vehicle of your choosing (Change in the Config).
Here’s where it gets different.
Buy/Sell Newspapers - A few newspaper stand models are set up by default, interacting with them will allow you to Buy/Read the Newspaper. This will display the newspaper nui ui (Easily changeable via the html/index.html)
As a Reporter - You can edit the news on the fly. By typing /editNews (Reporter Only) You have access to three text boxes which you can fill with information. Headline & Two Bodies.
Broadcast - Using mythic_notify (or any notification of your choice) Allow your reporters to broadcast Breaking News to all clients, You can change how often messages can be broadcast via the Config. Once one reporter broadcasts, no other can do it until the timer is up.
Within the Newspaper NUI You can choose to add a trigger in whatever Jailing script you use to send whoever the last jailed persons name was, and time they were jailed, to the Newspaper displaying their name at the bottom of the newspaper for everyone to shame them.
Display the News on TV - A sort of “Beta” feature at the moment, display the news on select TV’s via interaction. Choose any video you want to be displayed (Changed in the Config) and what TV’s you want it displayed on (Change in client.lua, search “TVs”). MAKE SURE the video keeps the mute and autoplay tags. You can ALSO CHOOSE TO DO TWITCH STREAMS. The reason for the mute is to keep the sound from broadcasting to ALL PLAYERS.
^ The above utilizes texture replacement to display on the TV’s.
If you like what you see and are still interested, it’s $15 on my Tebex Page
Uses ESX; (I currently use legacy, but should work on ANY)
PolyZone - GitHub - mkafrin/PolyZone: PolyZone is a FiveM mod to define zones of different shapes and test whether a point is inside or outside of the zone
bt-target - bt-target/bt-target at main · brentN5/bt-target · GitHub
nh-context -
nh-keyboard -
mythic_notify (Can be changed to any notification system)
Some of my other scripts: Oxy/Deliveries | Taco Job | Meth Making | Mechanic Job | BMX Comp Standalone | Fitness, Group Yoga & More | More Interactive Stores | Burgershot | Prison+ | Underwater Salvage Job | Jewelry Store | Chop Shop | The Best Trading Cards Script To Date