[PAID] Envi-MethVan - Advanced RV and Meth Cooking Script! [ESX/QB-CORE/CUSTOM]

:blue_car: Envi-MethVan: The Ultimate Cooking Experience! :blue_car:

Looking to amp up your FiveM server’s excitement? Look no further than Envi-MethVan – a feature-packed script that takes your crim roleplaying experience to the next level.

:test_tube: Master the Art of Cooking: Dive into the world of secret chemistry as you whip up your signature methamphetamine blend. Experiment with chemicals like Hydrochloric Acid, Red Phosphorus, Lithium, and Crushed Pseudoephedrine to craft your unique concoction.

:wheel: Mobile Lab on Wheels: Take charge of a customizable Meth Lab RV, equip it with tools like the Pestle and Mortar, Beaker, and Meth Lab. Transform your RV into a moving meth machine, allowing you to cook wherever you go for a thrilling experience.

:thermometer: Precision Control: Tweak your cooking process by adjusting temperature and pressure levels. Keep an eye on the gauges, maintain optimal conditions, and prevent disasters to produce top-quality results.

:question:Random Challenges and Events: Get ready for unexpected challenges. From spills and reactions to power outages and fires, each moment will test your skills and decision-making.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Rewards: Showcase your skills for top rewards – Reward items with OR without metadata.

:ninja:Stay Stealthy: Be discreet. Local NPCs will get suspicious if they see you and will alert Law Enforcement!

:art: Custom Vehicle Skin: The Meth Lab RV boasts detailed interiors, functional doors, and interactive stations for a complete experience.

:rocket: Optimized for Performance: Envi-MethVan runs smoothly with a low idle time of 0.00ms, reaching a maximum usage of 0.01 - 0.02ms. The script runs with minimal impact on your server’s performance.

:unlock:Open-Source Bridge: A fully open bridge that will allow you to create custom framework compatibility – fully compatible with QB-Core and ESX straight out of the box!

:family: Enhanced Roleplay Features: Enjoy seats, beds, a sink, and a sophisticated storage system for immersive interactions.

:alembic:Custom Props: Experience realism with handcrafted props from BzZz.

:exclamation:Decisions Matter: Make choices to improve your product’s quality – but beware, wrong decisions can be disastrous.

PURCHASE AT: https://envi-scripts.tebex.io

Trailer: – Shout out to Rebels Studio🎥

Gameplay Preview #1:

Ready for thrilling adventures in the world of underground chemistry? Elevate your server’s gameplay with Envi-MethVan today!

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Code is accessible No (open bridge)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000 excluding bridge/config
Requirements Ox Lib/ A Target System
Support Always!

Insane :exploding_head:

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Immersive experience, great script for roleplay servers!:wave:


This looks absolutely incredible. How encrypted is it currently? is the recipe/items changeable in config? I see you release your scripts OS as well, might wait for that but definitely need this.

  • just an opinion, I would put the gameplay preview instead of the trailer or have both appear. Almost disregarded this after the trailer ended, glad I didnt. Looks 11/10
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WOW freaking insane. Im lookking forwards to (hopefully not) dying, or maybe getting some of that good stuff!

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It’s fucking ausam!!! especially love to see bald guy back :upside_down_face:. I love the creativity of the script and I believe this will be one of the best scripts the fivem community has ever witnessed. And specially the video editing is :hot_face:


Thanks for the detailed feedback. I have only just released my first OS project and it is very much an experiment, this might not get released open source just FYI :slight_smile:

There are many open functions in the config and it is extremely deep, allowing you to change most things.

The bridge is also completely open, allowing you to interject at any stage you need.

Also always happy to hear you out if you need anything opened up to fuel your personal creativity!

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Thanks very much, appreciate the feedback! :slight_smile:

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Much love Mr Mehul! :heart:

For sure, you’re gonna need to be Walter White to get the best results :wink:

This is not script this is not game this is reality :fire::fire::fire:

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Always try my best to keep the immersion alive :smiley:

Thank you! Enjoy!

One day i will get this!
Can’t wait to live out my breaking bad dream of setting up in the middle of sandy in just my underwear

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That’s the real dream right there :thought_balloon:

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A script this good is legendary! Some even call it Methical :wink: :unicorn:

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Amazing script creator, always surprising with new works! I was not disappointed with what I got from him. Don’t stop!!! :pinched_fingers: :grin: :ok_hand:

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Appreciate you man! Thank you for the constant support :smiley:

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Can I try to catch a fly with this script? (Like in the Breaking Bad episode lol)

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