Envi-Ejector-Seats adds fully functional ejector seats to your vehicles! Install them in any owned vehicle and launch players into the sky with style. Perfect for epic getaways or adding some funny moments to your server!
Key Features
Multiple Ejector Installation Methods
Mechanic-friendly target system
Item-based installations
Optional command system
Full Customization
Restrict installations to mechanics
Adjustable installation times
Optional driver-only controls
Complete Vehicle Support
Works with all passenger seats
Individual ejection controls
Customizable hotkeys per seat
Seamless Integration
Work out-of-the-box with ESX/QB/QBox + Custom Framework Support!
Persistent installations across server restarts and garage saves!
Its all about greed and making money now, not adding to the community, and ChatGPT makes it so easy to write scripts, anyone can post stuff and make $$ I’m afraid
We’re sorry that you feel this way, the price is actually 26.99 GBP (or cheaper with one of our many bundle options) - we unfortunately cannot do much about amount added for your country’s taxes - we would love the opportunity to change your mind on our dedication to quality-control - if you ask around about our level of support, customer care and reputation for providing solid aftercare and updates (based on customer feedback) you may understand that as a team of Full-Time developers, we do unfortunately need to pay bills and keep the lights on. Additionally, we are well-known for being very generous with giveaways and discounts, so as a pert of the community you can always grab these at a much lower price if you know the right places to look
That being said, as a special offer to anyone who hasn’t had a previous experience with our store and thinks this price point is too high - Here’s 50% OFF your first purchase - Code: FRESH-50
I would just really do some research before trying to paint someone out to be one of these predatory cash-grab developers. We are trusted by thousands. We regularly release free resources. I don’t see any need to aim your statements at someone just because you feel that you have the morale high-ground because you decided to distribute your work for free. This is a forum designed for both PAID and FREE resources, if we’re talking about PR, its not really great to be coming onto a public forum to express your opinion of whether something holds value or not (without ever trying a single one of our products). Value is in the eyes of the purchaser - and with or without your support - our customers are happy!
At the end of the day nothing is free in life and people got bills to pay. Envi has a right to put whatever price tag they want on their work because at the end of the day they took the time and effort to keep bringing out quality resources to keep the RP experience interesting! Like they said they give out discounts and giveaways ALL the time! So far all of Envi resources I have seen in servers or bought myself have been great resources.
Envi isn’t one of the predatory cash-grab developers u are making them out to be if u want to call out predatory cash-grab developers go to the likes of quasar or CodeM for example
Crazy statement. Please do your research on our releases and I challenge you to achieve anything close to our quality using chatbots renowned for writing terrible code.
Hey there, support is better handled via our discord or support email found in your Tebex confirmation email, if you would like to reach out to us via one of those methods we would gladly look into any issues you may be facing. Thanks!