[PAID] [ESX/QB-CORE] Envi-ChopShop - An Advanced ChopShop using tools!


We’re excited to announce the release of our Advanced Chop-Shop!

  • An immersive new way of breaking down stolen vehicles using tools and collecting illegal rewards

Available now at: https://envi-scripts.tebex.io/

V1 Features Include:
Pick up tools - find various tools scattered around the shop to remove doors and wheels! :hammer_and_wrench:
Wheel Removal - this system removes the actual wheel from the vehicle, other than just deleting it and spawning a prop. This will allow for some hilarious moments when criminals try to outrun the cops with 1 wheel - if they dare… :joy: :police_car:
Custom Sounds - sounds will be synced for all players. Police will know what’s up when they patrol the area :eyes:
All Shapes and Sizes - will work on all road vehicles including Motorcycles and Large Vehicles :truck: :pickup_truck: :blue_car::motor_scooter:
Rewards Multiplier - allows you to set multipliers for each vehicle category in the config! :100:
Reward Types - allows you to choose from cash/ black money (ESX) and cash/ marked bills (QB) :moneybag:
Random Parts - randomizes props so you don’t pull the same from every vehicle! :recycle:
Rewards Materials - adds an extra way for your players to grind for crafting materials! :derelict_house:
Server Side Cooldown - players will remain on cooldown even after re-logging. :hourglass_flowing_sand:
Exploit Prevention - additional checks to ensure that vehicles are not owned and events are secure! :lock:


Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~ 1500
Requirements ox_lib, ox_traget or qtarget or qb-target
Support Always!

:large_blue_diamond: :large_blue_diamond: :large_blue_diamond: :large_blue_diamond: :large_blue_diamond:


An amazing script againn :heart_eyes:

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this means that only non-owned vehicles can get chopped ?

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That’s correct!

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Cant wait to get this!!! love how hands on it is instead of just driving to an npc


Is there a way to chop owned vehicles, and they delete from all tables that use that plate info?

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target is needed right ? or can be desactivated ?


nice :ok_hand:t2:

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Target is required, yes :smiley:

This is planned for V2 with option to turn on or off and its own unique cooldown

ok :confused: not for me so… thanks for fast answer :slight_smile:

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Nice Work!

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Fun with power saws! And nobody got hurt… this time.

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Nice quality as allways!

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great script

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Awesome! will wait till v2. thanks!

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Insane !!

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Great script

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