πŸ†— okokDeleteVehicles [STANDALONE][PAID]



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  • Set multiple times of the day to automatically delete all the vehicles without a driver/passenger and that are outside a safe zone.


Click here to see the config file.

[FiveM Asset Escrow System]

This resource is on keymaster but IT IS NOT ENCRYPTED.

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Bruh … You can literally write this in less than 1 hour,
People are trying to make everything #paid its awful, The only thing that pointed out to me was the timer but thats also easy to do.


َAt least im not charging people for a single command like this mate.
if you want to keep our opinion to your self keep it, But i can tell my opinion about this topic and already wrote it.
If i had time i would probably write this command and release it for free…


Thank you for your opinion, I like constructive criticism, appreciate it.

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simple but does the job!

how would i add a chat message to warn players?

I would like to add a chat message that says the following

Car Wipe 5 minutes

Car Wipe 2 Minutes

Car Wipe 30 seconds

Car Wipe Done.

I Understand how to create chat messages but if you could help with implementing this then it would be much appreciated !


Hi, it’s already done, you should change the default notifications on client.lua to a chat message.

just noticed, thank you for your rapid response :slight_smile:

np :slight_smile:

Okay to change resource name ?

Yeah, there is no problem.

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sorry last question :wink: my vps is 1 hour behind my time so does the auto wipe time need to be same as vps local time ?

Yes, you should set it up according to the VPS time.


sure YOU can, maybe ME too. But new Server owners? hell no
You get Servers for as cheap as 4€ per month. Many kids are trying themselfes in owning a project even without the knowledge of .lua

So you’re right, but wrong

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There is a script doing the exact same for free here: Auto Delete Pro - Ultimate Vehicle Cleanup Solution

Github: GitHub - CodineerDigital/AutoDeletePro

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This script does the same Auto Delete Pro - Ultimate Vehicle Cleanup Solution
It’s free and also with the timer thing

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Please just don’t criticise saying this script is the same as that script even if it might be the same, they put hard work into this.

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Thank you for telling me that, that’s a very important information for me, if it wasn’t you I wouldn’t even be alive, just imagine.

:rofl: nice find.

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Nice work once again, this will be really useful for me

[UPDATE 1.1]

  • The script is now STANDALONE.
  • If you bought the script previously and want to get the new version please send me a PM.