🆗 okokGarage [QBCORE][ESX][PAID]



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Garage Menu

View/Inspect Vehicle Menu

Company Menu

Impound Menu


  • Public garages (cars and motorcycles/boats/aircraft):
    • Transfer vehicle keys/transfer vehicles ownership (vehicles can be transferred to the player’s society);
    • Favorite vehicles;
    • Access all your vehicles data:
      • Plate, status, fuel level, body and engine health;
      • Max speed, acceleration, braking and handling;
      • Engine, transmission, suspension, brakes, armor and turbo.
    • Vehicles can be set to be stored globally (meaning that you can take out a certain vehicle from any garage in the map) or to be stored individually (meaning that if you save a vehicle on the garage X you can’t take it out from the garage Y);
    • Inspect vehicles;
    • Repair vehicles (can be disabled in the config file);
    • Change vehicles name;
    • Doors/windows/tires/engine damage is saved, as well as the tuning;
    • Share vehicles (or your entire garage) with your friends, without transferring them the ownership.
  • Player owned Private Garages business system:
    • Deposit and withdraw money;
    • Hire employees;
    • Sales history;
    • Set the maximum employees per company;
    • Different job ranks;
    • Command to check all the available private garages in the map;
    • Private garages can only be purchased from a company employee;
    • Add as many companies as you want;
    • Set the maximum private garages each player can own;
    • New private garages can only be added by the server admins.
  • Impound:
    • Reason of the impound;
    • 2 default impound locations (Los Santos and Paleto Bay);
    • Set how much time you want a vehicle to be impounded for (you can add/change the times in the config file);
    • Set specific jobs to be able to impound vehicles;
    • Allow players to pay to retrieve their vehicles before the timer expires (the amount changes accordingly to the remaining time).
  • Job/Society garages:
    • 2 types of garages can be set:
      • Infinite garages (meaning that the garage will have unlimited vehicles mainly used for jobs such as LSPD and EMS);
        • Vehicles tuning, liveries and plate can be set in the config file;
        • Access to different vehicles according to the employee grade.
      • Normal garages (that work just like the public ones).
  • Liveries:
    • Set which jobs can access the liveries and extras menu.
  • Stolen vehicles:
    • Recover vehicles that have been stolen;
    • An event must be triggered for a vehicle to be set as “Stolen” (from another resource).
  • Admin menu:
    • Manage private garages and businesses.
  • Independent vehicle key system;
  • Vehicle keys metadata support for ox_inventory/qb-inventory;
  • Colliding prevention when taking vehicles out (you can set multiple spawn positions for each garage);
  • Config option to set how many vehicles each player can have on their garage;
  • Smooth camera animations;
  • Vehicle color RGB support;
  • okokBanking support;
  • Discord logs;
  • Translations.

okokTextUI/okokNotify/okokRequests aren’t included.


Click here to see the config file.

[FiveM Asset Escrow System]

This resource is using the Asset Escrow system.

Click here to know more about it.

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Code is accessible Partially
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 11.000+ (excluding the config file/translations)
Requirements es_extended/qb-core
Support Yes

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Looks great like always okok :fire:


as always nice work

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Does it save damaged on vehicles like paint work dints , bumpers and scratches?
Also work of Loaf Housing Garages?


We’ll be adding a list of compatible housing resources soon, as well as metadata support for more inventories (for the vehicle keys).

Ok , i see that it does the below already , just wanted to know if you will be adding more saved damage link when a car is dinted and have scratches on it from damage or hit things.

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It really only depends on the feedback, if we see many people requesting that, we may add it.

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Great resource!

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Can this be easily used with qb-phone to replace qb-garages?

Good job man, nice resource!


@okokokok Are you able to add maxum grade to the job garges?

Hi, I’m not sure I understood, you mean only being able to access the job garages in case the player has a certain grade?

ye, we only use one police job for all the divisons like ARV,RPU, DSU and FP @okokokok

Can you please contact me privately?

Everything Works But The Impound Menu . It Wont Let Anyone In My Server Pull Up The Impound Menu .

Hi @Flavo900, please contact me privately for support.

I need the name of an event that causes the evacuation of vehicles in a parking lot so that I can insert it into the qb-target

Hi, please send me a private message for support.

How can i translate the menu to german?

OkokGarage doesn’t work on the latest update of QBCore. You can’t replace the files correctly. In qb-inventory/apps.js there’s nowhere to add the necessary code because everything has changed. You guys make scripts non-stop, but none of them work properly.