iPod Personal Music Player | Premium UI | [QB/ESX]

A Personal Music Player. This works the same as an iPod. You can play any song anytime, anywhere with your iPod through your headphones. It has some advanced features and comes with a wonderful UI which makes it must have a script for the RP server


Features :star:
  • Unique UI + Responsive to all screen resolution
  • Highly Optimized
  • Highly configurable config
  • Exploit and Bug-Free
  • Works with Xsound to play music from youtube (without copyright)
  • Supports URL from anywhere of any song
  • You can increase or decrease its volume
  • You can also put the song on loop as well as adjust its time bar
  • Supports animations with prop (Headphones)
  • Newly added songs will go into the recently played list
  • The playlist is saved in the database so if you add a song to the playlist by clicking on the heart icon you’ll be able to access it anytime from anywhere even after restarting the game
  • By clicking on the pencil icon you can edit the name of the saved song
  • When the song is saved the heart will turn red and by clicking on it again you can remove the song from your saved playlist or you can also delete any song from the playlist by clicking on the Bin Icon
  • Minimised UI for the ongoing song
  • When you close the music player, your ongoing song will get converted into a Minimised song UI
  • You can adjust the position of Minimised UI from the 6 different locations given in the config
Events, Exports & Command :star:
You can Edit these in Config

Open menu from another resource with exports:


Open menu from another resource with events:


Optimization :star:

0.00 ms in a quiet state

0.00 ms in an active state

Config Preview :star:

Links :star:

Script Preview

Code is accessible Only Config + UI Files
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600+
Requirements Xsound
Support Yes :heart:
Future Updates Free

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works for ESX?, cuz the tittle says qb/esx but in tebex it says QB?

you can have that its same it will work on ESX aswell

recheck I updated it @jaystar84

1 Like

1 question, people around can hear the music?

if i put music with copy from youtube the script dont work?

script will work

as this is a personal music player so only u can hear

oh thats sad.