[Free] Zerio Jobcenter

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Zerio Jobcenter
This is a simple job center script which is great for the price, it is literally free. Who could complain?


  • Fully optimized
  • Custom NUI
  • Not exploitable
  • Multiple locations
  • Custom choices for descriptions, icons etc
  • Drag and drop installation

Ingame Preview:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) UI: ~200 Lua: ~100
Requirements qb-core / es_extended
Support Partially

Previous Scripts:
Zerio Radio
Zerio Cardealer
Zerio Garage
Zerio Characters
Zerio Bossmenu


Free releases must contain direct download

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Oh really? I was trying to just keep all my scripts at the same place, so I put it up for free on my tebex.
Will try to create a github for it instead then :slight_smile:


There, I added an direct link instead and changed the old one :slight_smile:

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Neat :+1:

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what icons you using? just downloaded and looks great

Yes and no. They can be tebex and free, GitHub or direct upload via zip/rar.

One I hate is Google drive lol

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It uses the vue icon component.
So it should support both fontawesome and material design icons (which is what I use in this script).

BUT you will have to add the line to import font awesome if you want that to work since currently only material design icons is imported :slight_smile:
Link to material design icons: Click Here

Quick bug fix
The CSS and HTML has been updated to scale better etc.
I would recommend you guys to update the script.


Thank’s for the script!

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Nice one!

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Oh thats very clean bro, Nice work!

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Somehow It’s not updating my player job in-game. Can you help?

servercrash with new esx legacy and esxpack
after serverrestart. fresh connect. stop. crash. end.


I would assume you are using esx legacy 1.8.5+ then.
You would have to add es_extended’s imports to the fxmanifest.
(Either to both the client and server scripts, or just in the shared scripts)

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