Felis Development - Boat anchor

It’s pretty straight forward resource which adds boat anchor functionality to your server. It’s very useful if you have boats, fishing resource where users have to drive boat to start fishing. Basically, after anchor is activated on a boat, it will drift back and forth around position where you dropped anchor, but if breaking force exceeds, for example if there’s a storm or you start driving boat, anchor will break.

You can find the latest releases here:
fd_anchor releases

Resource documentation for it and support will be available on our github repository:
GitHub Repository

Additional information:

Code is accessible Yes
Lines (approximately) ~200
Requirements OneSync
Support Yes

[Our Paid Resources]


github link not working

Following for test after the github link is fixed :blush:

My bad, left repo as private. Should work now.

Cool release.

Hi is the compatible with qbcore?

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I get the error No such export IsAnchored in resource fd_anchor

I use QBCore framework and call it like this:

QBCore.Functions.CreateUseableItem("boatanchor", function()

This awesome script has it defined as an export already, so I have no idea what’s going on xD

exports('ToggleAnchor', function()

could you add support for seaplanes, doesn’t work with it