[ESX / QBCore] Advanced Realistic Fuel System V1


  • ESX / QB
  • Fully Customizable
  • 0.0ms , 0.06 In Refueling (Best Optimize)
  • Full Responsive UI (4k Supported)
  • Full Configure From Config.lua
  • Fuel Types system , You can add More fuel via config
  • Each Fuel defined with different Perfomance , Compsume Modifier , Handling
  • Anti Fuel Abuse System
  • Tank Size for Each Vehicle
  • Blacklist Vehicle’s
  • Jerry can can refuel with other fuel types
  • Synced with All Players


  • Added Diesel fuel category
  • Increased the compatibility with trucks
  • Adjusted the calculation of performance modifier
  • Known bugs has been patched

Note: This Script No Need Other fuel script like LegacyFuel or FRFuel , Can work Standalone


  • All ESX
  • QBCore
  • VRP
  • Custom Frameworks



Tebex : 14$

:gem: My Other Scripts :gem:
Battlepass V1
Banking V1
Banking V2
Chat V1
Crafting V1
Vehicleshop V2 (Dealership)
Weapon Shop V2
Vehicle Tuning V1 (Mechanic)
Realistic Fuel System (Gas Stations)
Gift System (Send Vehicle/Items to your friends as gift)
Luxury Markets (Weapon Store, Blackmarket, 24/7 Shops)
Luxury Clothing Store (All Clothes as item)(Meta Items)
Hot Tube (Jacuzzi)
Reports & Admin System
Barber Job (Ownable Barbers)
Animation Menu (Emotes)
Main Menu + VIP System (Pause Menu)
Rednight Vehicleshop (Dealership)
Rednight Markets (24/7 Shops)
Rednight Weaponshop
Redline Banking
Redline Markets (24/7 Shops)
Redline Tattoo Store
Redline Weaponshop
Redline Clothing Store
Redline Vehicle Rental
Redline Garage (Create Garage In-Game)
Redline Vehicleshop (Dealership)
OPS Banking (Card Robbery)
OPS Scoreboard
OPS Pet System
OPS Battlepass
DPS Login/Signup System (Advanced Register)(Verify Your Players)
DPS Spawn Selector
DPS Guide Menu (Rules Menu)

| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | +1000 |
| Requirements | ESX / QBCore |
| Support | Yes |


Looks insane. How easy is the integration of your script to replace LegacyFuel?

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fuel scripts are easy just open your whole server in vsc and search for the export then replace it

exports['if-fuel']:SetFuel(veh, 85, fuelId)
exports['if-fuel']:GetFuel(veh) -- returns the fuel count
exports['if-fuel']:GetFuelType(veh) -- returns the fuel type id

Hmmm, Idea is really good, but design is like a bit poor,
And q about fuel… lets say if car runs on Fuel 92 and u fill tank with Fuel 98 , it makes some difference? for example from real aspect if your car have disel engine and u fill gasoline its dont work, or its broken , is that efect is implomented as well in your script?

Example i want for trucks make disel fuel type, and i by mistake fill truck with gasoline - Fuel 95, my truck still goes or how it work? :thinking:

No problem with the gasoline jerrycan on OX Inventory? Because ESX Legacy has problems

Yea some difference you can edit it from config (performance , handling, power)

We updated script with your idea , Yea its good

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Works well with OX Inventory :+1:

Thank you for your help, will definitely take a real look at this at next pay!

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I am a bit disappointed with this script. It is marked as a standalone script which I had thought meant that it works for a standalone FiveM server (a server that doesn’t use any framework at all) but rather the standalone is referring to the fact that it doesn’t use any other script to work. I recommend that you re-arrange the tags on this script so people don’t get confused about the fact that it doesn’t actually work with standalone FiveM servers being I had bought this script under the assumption it did being it was marked with the [STANDALONE] only to find out after that it does not work.

For other people looking to buy this script for their standalone FiveM server, don’t, it won’t work.

Mod creator, if you can contact me to see if changes can be made to have it actually work with my standalone FiveM server then please do so as I was looking forward to using this script only to find out that it is incompatible with mine.

Please fix the topic, making clear whether it’s standalone or requires something.

I want to add ox_target to the if-fuel script. Therefore I need the Eventname to trigger the same event like if you click on “E” at a gas station pump. Does someone know the name and can provide me?
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

topic fixed @TheIndra