- ESX / QB
- Fully Customizable
- 0.02ms (Best Optimize)
- Full Responsive UI (4k Supported)
- HUD Setting Menu
- Notify (Success , Error , Warning, Server)
- Progress Bar (Animation , Freeze , Finish Function , Cancel Function)
- Server Information + Job Display
- Car HUD + Car Nitro System
- Vehicle Cruise Actions
- Healthy , Armor , Stress , Thirsty , Hungry , Stamina , Breath
- Car Nitro System Item + Refuel Nitro Item (Saved In SQL)
- Request Menu, Dialog Menu (Yes or No)
- Help Notify with Button
- 2 Types Minimap : Circle , Square
- Safe Zone System (Warning Zone , Green Zone , Red Zone)
- Car wipe System (Command or Automatically)(Editable Timer)
- Weapon Display HUD
- Admin Announcement (Command or Automatically)(Editable Timer)
Notify implementation:
- Types:
. - Export:
exports["if-hudv2"]:SendNotification(message, type, duration)
. Example:
exports["if-hudv2"]:SendNotification("Pay attention!", "info", 3000)
- Event:
TriggerEvent("if-hudv2:SendNotification", message, type, duration)
. Example:
TriggerEvent("if-hudv2:SendNotification", "Pay attention!", "info", 3000)
- Types:
Progressbar implementation:
- Export:
exports["if-hudv2"]:ProgressStart(Message, Duration, Options)
. Example:
exports["if-hudv2"]:ProgressStart("Performing an action", 3000, { FreezePlayer = true, footerMessage = "Searching a sandwich...", animation = { type = "anim", dict = "anim@mp_player_intmenu@key_fob@", lib ="fob_click" -- or scenario: -- type = "scenario", -- Scenario = "PROP_HUMAN_BUM_BIN", }, onFinish = function() --Code here end, onCancel = function() --Code here end })
- Export:
Zones Notifications implementations:
- Types:
. - Export:
exports["if-hudv2"]:SendZoneNotification(message, type)
. Examples:
exports["if-hudv2"]:SendZoneNotification("Pay attention in this zone!", "warning") exports["if-hudv2"]:HideZoneNotification()
- Event:
TriggerEvent("if-hudv2:SendZoneNotification", message, type)
. Examples:
TriggerEvent("if-hudv2:SendZoneNotification", "Pay attention in this zone!", "warning") TriggerEvent("if-hudv2:HideZoneNotification")
- Types:
Dialog implementation:
- Export:
exports["if-hudv2"]:showDialog(author, message, callback, yesBtnText, noBtnText)
. Example:
showDialog('HUD', 'Wanna see a happy face in F8?', function(cb) if (cb == 'yes') then print(':)') else print(':0 :|') end end)
- Events:
TriggerEvent("if-hudv2:showDialog", author, message, callback, yesBtn, noBtn)
- Export:
Draw Text implementation:
exports["if-hudv2"]:drawText('E', 'Close this', 'This is a message') exports["if-hudv2"]:hideText()
Config = {
Framework = '', -- ESX or QB
FrameworkCore = '', -- es_extended; qb-core; if-core ...
Locale = 'en', -- en, pt_br | Check Translations in the end of this file
Progressbar = true, -- enable progressbar? check readme to implement in your scripts
Notify = true, -- enable notify? check readme to implement in your scripts
HudToggleCommand = 'togglehud', -- Command to toggle the hud
HudToggleKey = 'CAPITAL', -- A key to toggle the hud - (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/)
HudSettingsCommand = 'hud', -- Command to open the hud settings
AlwaysShowRadar = true, -- Radar/Minimap - false: Show only in vehicles / true: Show always
SeatbeltKey = 'B', -- Seatbelt Key (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/)
NitroConfigs = {
enabled = true, -- enable nitro system ?
nitrousKey = 'LSHIFT', -- key to activete the nitro (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/)
minSpeed = 40, -- The minimum speed(km/h or mp/h depends on your config) to the nitro boosts, if the speed is less than this, it will purge the nitrous when key pressed.
InstallConfig = {
enabled = true, -- true: nitro needs to be installed with 'nitro_system' item in an owned car, false: any owned car can use nitro
jobWhitelist = '', -- -- if above is set to true, only specific job can install the nitro, leave blank to all
CruiseConfigs = {
enabled = true, -- enable cruise control ?
toggleCommand = 'toggleCruise', -- command to toggle on/off the cruise control
toggleKey = 'Y', -- key to toggle on/off the cruise control (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/)
CarWipe = {
enabled = true, -- enable car wipe ?
interval = 60, -- interval of each wipe, in minutes
manualCommand = 'carwipe', -- manual car wipe, using this will make a reset on interval
AlertZones = { -- This shows a persistent notification when player is inside a zone.
-- Available Zone Types: green, red, warning.
enabled = true, -- enable alert zones ?
showZoneBlips = true, -- show zone blips in map ?
zones = {
zoneType = 'green',
message = "Have a good behavior.",
centerCoords = vector3(160.0, -1000.0, 30.0),
radius = 50.0
zoneType = 'red',
message = "Take care.",
centerCoords = vector3(-1654.86, -588.73, 33.69),
radius = 25.0
zoneType = 'warning',
message = "Check Behind.",
centerCoords = vector3(-1456.34, -1072.8, 3.51),
radius = 25.0
HUD = {
serverName = {
['header'] = {
mini = 'IF',
mega = 'SCRIPTS'
['footer'] = 'Role Play'
serverIconNotification = 'I<span style="background: linear-gradient(228.58deg, #FFFFFF 11.58%, #626262 106.57%); -webkit-background-clip: text;-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; background-clip: text;text-fill-color: transparent; text-shadow: 0px 4px 115px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.55); ">F</span>',
minimapType = 'squared', -- Default minimap type 'squared' or 'circled'.
metricUnit = true, -- If false: imperial unit (mp/h), if true: metric unit (km/h)
showSpeedometer = true,
showJob = true,
showWeapon = true,
showWeaponImage = true,
showArmor = true,
showHealth = true,
showStamina = true, -- only showed when player is on foot
showHunger = true,
showThirst = true,
showStress = true, -- Trigger this event('hud:client:UpdateStress', newStress) to setting stress elsewhere (or just make it update with the default status script of framework)
showBreath = true, -- only showed when player is in the water
Translations = {
['en'] = {
-- Notify
['notify_success'] = 'SUCCESS',
['notify_info'] = 'INFO',
['notify_error'] = 'ERROR',
['notify_server'] = 'SERVER',
-- Zones Notification
['zone_green'] = 'GREEN ZONE',
['zone_warning'] = 'WARNING ZONE',
['zone_red'] = 'RED ZONE',
-- HUD
['settingsSaved'] = 'Settings saved',
['settingsUnsaved'] = 'You have unsaved settings!',
['loadSquareMap'] = 'Loading Squared Map',
['loadedSquareMap'] = 'Square Map loaded',
['loadCircleMap'] = 'Loading Circled Map',
['loadedCircleMap'] = 'Circle Map loaded',
-- Cruise
['cruiseUnavailable'] = "Cruise control unavailable",
['cruiseActivated'] = "Cruise Activated: %s %s",
['cruiseDeactivated'] = "Cruise Deactivated",
-- Nitro
['nitrousInCooldown'] = 'Please wait, the nitrous is in cooldown',
['theSystemIsDisabled'] = 'The nitrous system is disabled!',
['notInVehicle'] = "You aren't in a vehicle!",
['notAllowedJob'] = "You can't install the Nitro System, search for specialisties!",
['succesfullyInstalled'] = 'The nitro system has succesfully installed!',
['installationFailed'] = 'The installation has failed!',
['alreadyHasNitroSystem'] = 'This vehicle already has nitrous system!',
['couldntFindAnyVehicles'] = "Couldn't find this vehicle in database!",
['succesfullyRefuelled'] = 'The nitro has been successfully refuelled!',
['refuelFailed'] = 'The refuel has failed!',
['doenstHaveNitroSystem'] = "This vehicle doesn't have nitro system!"
['pt_br'] = {
-- Notify
['notify_success'] = 'SUCCESSO',
['notify_info'] = 'INFO',
['notify_error'] = 'ERRO',
['notify_server'] = 'SERVIDOR',
-- Zones Notification
['zone_green'] = 'ZONA VERDE',
['zone_warning'] = 'ZONA DE ATENÇÃO',
['zone_red'] = 'ZONA VERMELHA',
-- HUD
['settingsSaved'] = 'configurações salvas',
['settingsUnsaved'] = 'Você tem configurações não salvas',
['loadSquareMap'] = 'Carregando Mapa Quadrado',
['loadedSquareMap'] = 'Mapa Quadrado Carregado',
['loadCircleMap'] = 'Carregando Mapa Redondo',
['loadedCircleMap'] = 'Mapa Redondo Carregado',
-- Cruise
['cruiseUnavailable'] = "Controle de cruzeiro indisponível",
['cruiseActivated'] = "Controle de Cruzeiro ativado: %s %s",
['cruiseDeactivated'] = "Controle de Cruzeiro desativado",
-- Nitro
['nitrousInCooldown'] = 'Por favor espere, o nitro está em cooldown',
['theSystemIsDisabled'] = 'O sistema de nitro está desabilitado!',
['notInVehicle'] = "Você não está em um veículo!",
['notAllowedJob'] = "Você não consegue instalar o sitema de nitro, procure por especialistas",
['succesfullyInstalled'] = 'O sistema de nitro foi instalado com sucesso!',
['installationFailed'] = 'A instalação falhou!',
['alreadyHasNitroSystem'] = 'Este veículo já tem um sistema de nitro!',
['couldntFindAnyVehicles'] = "Não foi possível encontrar este veículo no banco de dados!",
['succesfullyRefuelled'] = 'O nitro foi recarregado com sucesso!',
['refuelFailed'] = 'O recarregamento falhou!',
['doenstHaveNitroSystem'] = "Este veículo não tem um sistema de nitro!"
- QBCore
My Other Scripts
Battlepass V1
Banking V1
Banking V2
Chat V1
Crafting V1
Vehicleshop V2 (Dealership)
Weapon Shop V2
Vehicle Tuning V1 (Mechanic)
Realistic Fuel System (Gas Stations)
Gift System (Send Vehicle/Items to your friends as gift)
Luxury Markets (Weapon Store, Blackmarket, 24/7 Shops)
Luxury Clothing Store (All Clothes as item)(Meta Items)
Hot Tube (Jacuzzi)
Reports & Admin System
Barber Job (Ownable Barbers)
Animation Menu (Emotes)
Main Menu + VIP System (Pause Menu)
Rednight Vehicleshop (Dealership)
Rednight Markets (24/7 Shops)
Rednight Weaponshop
Redline Banking
Redline Markets (24/7 Shops)
Redline Tattoo Store
Redline Weaponshop
Redline Clothing Store
Redline Vehicle Rental
Redline Garage (Create Garage In-Game)
Redline Vehicleshop (Dealership)
OPS Banking (Card Robbery)
OPS Scoreboard
OPS Pet System
OPS Battlepass
DPS Login/Signup System (Advanced Register)(Verify Your Players)
DPS Spawn Selector
DPS Guide Menu (Rules Menu)
| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | +2500 |
| Requirements | ESX / QBCore |
| Support | Yes |