[ESX / QB] IF Banking V1


  • Multiple Framework Support (ESX and QB)

  • Withdraw, Deposit, Transfer (IBAN), Transactions, ATM’s.

  • ATM Pincode System, fully configurable

  • ATM Max Withdraw Limit

  • IBAN fully configurable (gives the possibility to transfer money to offline players)

  • Money Formatter (to a better player experience)

  • Transactions History System

  • Discord Webhooks for transactions

  • Exports for transactions (the script also listen to ESX/QB money changes and save they if a reason is available)

  • Translations


Config = {
    Locale = 'en',

    Framework = '', -- ESX or QB
    FrameworkCore = '', -- es_extended, qb-core, if-core, ...
    FrameworkEvents = {
        ['ESX'] = {
            getSharedObject = 'esx:getSharedObject', -- Only used if getSharedObject from exports fails
            playerLoaded = 'esx:playerLoaded',
            removeAccountMoney = 'esx:removeAccountMoney',
            addAccountMoney = 'esx:addAccountMoney'
        ['QB'] = {
            playerLoaded = 'QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded',
            moneyChange = 'QBCore:Server:OnMoneyChange'

    ATMRequiresPincode = true,
    ATMTransLimit = 5000, -- ATM Transation Limit by session (Withdraw)

    -- IBAN's are used to make transferences between players
    IBANPrefix = 'IF', -- IBAN Prefix
    IBANCost = 5000, -- IBAN Change/Create cost
    IBANMinLength = 4,
    IBANMaxLength = 6,

    -- PIN's are used to open the ATM
    PINCost = 1000, -- PIN Change/Create cost

    MoneyLocale = 'en-US', -- Locale used for money formatting (front-end)
    MoneyCurrency = 'USD', -- Currency used in money display (front-end)

    Blip = {
        blipName = "Bank",
        blipType = 108,
        blipColor = 2,
        blipScale = 0.55

    ATMModels = {

    BankLocations = {
        vector3(149.9, -1040.46, 29.37),
        vector3(314.23, -278.83, 54.17),
        vector3(-350.8, -49.57, 49.04),
        vector3(-1213.0, -330.39, 37.79),
        vector3(-2962.71, 483.0, 15.7),
        vector3(1175.07, 2706.41, 38.09),
        vector3(246.64, 223.20, 106.29),
        vector3(-113.22, 6470.03, 31.63)

    Webhooks = {
        ['onTransaction'] = { -- Sends a webhook message when a bank transaction is made
            link = '', -- Discord webhook link
            title = 'Bank - onTransaction',
            color = 65280,
            description = "The player **%s (%s)** peformed a transaction with details:\n**Transation: **%s\n**Amount: $** %s\n**Date:** %s", -- (playerCharName, playerGameName, transactionType, amountDeposited/Withdrew, date)
        authorName = "Bank Logs",
        authorUrl = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/925082868831617074/49e4c022837fc9d876378d44840ff0da.webp?size=128",

Translations = {
    ['en'] = {
        ['openBank'] = 'Press [E] to access the bank',
        ['openAtm'] = 'Press [E] to access the ATM',

        ['statementDeposited'] = 'Deposited %s to bank.',
        ['statementWithdraw'] = 'Withdrew %s from the bank.',

        ['cantDoThis'] = "You can't peform this transaction!",

        ['pincodeMissing'] = 'You need to set a PINCODE, check in Bank settings.',

        ['cashDeposited'] = 'You successfully made a cash deposit of $%s.',
        ['cashWithdraw'] = 'You successfully made a bank withdraw of $%s.',

        ['transactionError'] = 'There was an error processing your Transation, either the amount has not been entered, or is not a positive number.',
        ['withdrawLimit'] = 'Sorry you have reached the Daily Withdraw limit of $'..Config.ATMTransLimit..' for the day, please use a bank if you need money sooner.',

        ['invalidIbanTransfer'] = 'There was an error with the IBAN that you have entered, please ensure it is correctly filled out.',
        ['invalidIbanAccountTransfer'] = 'The account details entered could not be located.',

        ['transferTo_Receipt'] = 'Bank Transfer to %s',
        ['transferFrom_Receipt'] = 'Bank Transfer from %s',
        ['bankTransferSent'] = 'You have sent a bank transfer to %s for the amount of $%s',
        ['bankTransferReceived'] = 'You have received a bank transfer from %s for the amount of $%s',

        ['newPinInvalidLength'] = 'Your new PIN is invalid, need to be 4 digits.',
        ['successfullyUpdatedPin'] = 'You have successfully updated your ATM pin.',
        ['failedToUpdatedPin'] = 'An error on updating pin.',

        ['newIbanContainsPrefixError'] = "You doesn't need to specify the IBAN prefix!",
        ['newIbanInvalidLength'] = 'Your new IBAN is invalid, check max and min lengths.',
        ['successfullyUpdatedIban'] = 'You have successfully updated your IBAN.',
        ['failedToUpdatedIban'] = 'An error on updating IBAN.',

        ['insufficientMoney'] = 'Insufficient bank money to complete the action.',

        ['atmIncorrectPin'] = 'Incorrect PIN!',


  • ESX
  • QBCore


Tebex : 14$

:gem: My Other Scripts :gem:
Battlepass V1
Banking V1
Banking V2
Chat V1
Crafting V1
Vehicleshop V2 (Dealership)
Weapon Shop V2
Vehicle Tuning V1 (Mechanic)
Realistic Fuel System (Gas Stations)
Gift System (Send Vehicle/Items to your friends as gift)
Luxury Markets (Weapon Store, Blackmarket, 24/7 Shops)
Luxury Clothing Store (All Clothes as item)(Meta Items)
Hot Tube (Jacuzzi)
Reports & Admin System
Barber Job (Ownable Barbers)
Animation Menu (Emotes)
Main Menu + VIP System (Pause Menu)
Rednight Vehicleshop (Dealership)
Rednight Markets (24/7 Shops)
Rednight Weaponshop
Redline Banking
Redline Markets (24/7 Shops)
Redline Tattoo Store
Redline Weaponshop
Redline Clothing Store
Redline Vehicle Rental
Redline Garage (Create Garage In-Game)
Redline Vehicleshop (Dealership)
OPS Banking (Card Robbery)
OPS Scoreboard
OPS Pet System
OPS Battlepass
DPS Login/Signup System (Advanced Register)(Verify Your Players)
DPS Spawn Selector
DPS Guide Menu (Rules Menu)

| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | +1500 |
| Requirements | ESX / QBCore |
| Support | Yes |