[ESX / QB] IF Advanced HUD V3 (Full Setting Menu)


  • Fully Customizable
  • 0.03ms (Best Optimize)
  • Full Responsive UI (4k Supported)
  • HUD Setting Menu
  • Notify (Success , Error , Warning)
  • Progress Bar (Animation , Freeze , Finish Function , Cancel Function)
  • Server Information + Job Display
  • Healthy , Armor , Stress , Thirsty , Hungry , Stamina , Breath (6 Type Model For Status)
  • 2 Types Car Speedometer + Car Nitro System Item + Refuel Nitro Item (Saved In SQL)
  • 2 Types Minimap : Circle , Square
  • Weapon Display HUD


  • Notify implementation:

    • Types: error, success, info.
    • Export: exports["if-hudv3"]:notify(label, time, type, title). Example:
        exports["if-hudv3"]:notify("Pay attention!", 3000, "info", "SERVER")
    • Event: TriggerEvent("if-hudv3:notify", label, time, type, title). Example:
        TriggerEvent("if-hudv3:notify", "Pay attention!", 3000, "info", "SERVER")
  • Progressbar implementation:

    • Export: exports["if-hudv3"]:setProgress(label, time, ellipsisAnim, cb). Example:
        exports["if-hudv3"]:setProgress("Performing an action", 3000, true, function(canceled)
            if (canceled) then
                print("Progress Canceled!")
                print("Progress Done!")
    • Export: exports["if-hudv3"]:isProgressActive().
  • Speedometer:

    • Seatbelt - We provides a seatbelt system, which is integrated with speedometer.
      • Make sure that you doesn’t have any seatbelt system running! (If you want to continue using a third-party script, use the below exports to sync with the hud.)
      • It’s automatically enabled and configured.
      • For dev:
        • We provide 2 exports in seatbelt system, one for get the seatbelt state and other for set the seatbelt state.
          exports['if-hudv3']:getSeatbelt() and exports['if-hudv3']:setSeatbelt(true)
    • Nitro - We provides a car nitrous system, which is integrated with speedometer.
      • At first, runs the SQL for you framework, located in “_SQLs” folder.
      • If you choose to use the Nitro when it’s has been installed by item, you must give “nitro_system” item to players to them install it.
      • You must give the item “nitro_refuel” for the players can refuel it nitro.


Config = {
    Framework = '', -- ESX or QB
    FrameworkCore = '', -- es_extended; qb-core; if-core ...

    Locale = 'en', -- en, pt_br | Check Translations in the end of this file

    Progressbar = true, -- enable progressbar? check readme to implement in your scripts
    Notify = true, -- enable notify? check readme to implement in your scripts

    HudToggleCommand = 'togglehud', -- Command to toggle the hud
    HudToggleKey = 'CAPITAL', -- A key to toggle the hud - (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/)
    HudSettingsCommand = 'hudsettings', -- Command to open the hud settings

    AlwaysShowRadar = true, -- Radar/Minimap - false: Show only in vehicles / true: Show always

    SeatbeltKey = 'B', -- Seatbelt Key (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/)
    NitroConfigs = {
        enabled = true, -- enable nitro system ?
        nitrousKey = 'LSHIFT', -- key to activete the nitro (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/)
        minSpeed = 40, -- The minimum speed(km/h or mp/h depends on your config) to the nitro boosts, if the speed is less than this, it will purge the nitrous when key pressed.
        InstallConfig = {
            enabled = true, -- true: nitro needs to be installed with 'nitro_system' item in an owned car, false: any owned car can use nitro
            jobWhitelist = '', -- -- if above is set to true, only specific job can install the nitro, leave blank to all

    HUD = {
        serverName = {
            ['header'] = {
                mini = 'IF',
                mega = 'DEVELOPMENT'
            ['footer'] = 'ROLEPLAY'

        moneyLocale = 'en-US', -- Locale used for money formatting
        moneyCurrency = 'USD', -- Currency used in money display

        dateFormat = 'DD/MM/YYYY',

        metricUnit = true, -- If false: imperial unit (mp/h), if true: metric unit (km/h)

        showSpeedometer = true,
        showMoney = true,
        showBank = true,
        showJob = true,
        showWeapon = true

Translations = {
    ['en'] = {
        -- HUD
        ['settingsSaved'] = 'Settings saved',
        ['settingsReseted'] = 'Settings Reseted! Pls restart game to apply all.',
        ['loadSquareMap'] = 'Loading Squared Map',
        ['loadedSquareMap'] = 'Square Map loaded',
        ['loadCircleMap'] = 'Loading Circled Map',
        ['loadedCircleMap'] = 'Circle Map loaded',
        -- Nitro
        ['nitrousInCooldown'] = 'Please wait, the nitrous is in cooldown',
        ['theSystemIsDisabled'] = 'The nitrous system is disabled!',
        ['notInVehicle'] = "You aren't in a vehicle!",
        ['notAllowedJob'] = "You can't install the Nitro System, search for specialisties!",
        ['succesfullyInstalled'] = 'The nitro system has succesfully installed!',
        ['installationFailed'] = 'The installation has failed!',
        ['alreadyHasNitroSystem'] = 'This vehicle already has nitrous system!',
        ['couldntFindAnyVehicles'] = "Couldn't find this vehicle in database!",
        ['succesfullyRefuelled'] = 'The nitro has been successfully refuelled!',
        ['refuelFailed'] = 'The refuel has failed!',
        ['doenstHaveNitroSystem'] = "This vehicle doesn't have nitro system!"
    ['pt_br'] = {
        -- HUD
        ['settingsSaved'] = 'Configurações salvas!',
        ['settingsReseted'] = 'Configurações resetadas! Por favor, reinicie o jogo para aplicar tudo.',
        ['loadSquareMap'] = 'Carregando Mapa Quadrado',
        ['loadedSquareMap'] = 'Mapa Quadrado Carregado',
        ['loadCircleMap'] = 'Carregando Mapa Redondo',
        ['loadedCircleMap'] = 'Mapa Redondo Carregado',
        -- Nitro
        ['nitrousInCooldown'] = 'Por favor espere, o nitro está em cooldown',
        ['theSystemIsDisabled'] = 'O sistema de nitro está desabilitado!',
        ['notInVehicle'] = "Você não está em um veículo!",
        ['notAllowedJob'] = "VocĂŞ nĂŁo consegue instalar o sitema de nitro, procure por especialistas",
        ['succesfullyInstalled'] = 'O sistema de nitro foi instalado com sucesso!',
        ['installationFailed'] = 'A instalação falhou!',
        ['alreadyHasNitroSystem'] = 'Este veículo já tem um sistema de nitro!',
        ['couldntFindAnyVehicles'] = "NĂŁo foi possĂ­vel encontrar este veĂ­culo no banco de dados!",
        ['succesfullyRefuelled'] = 'O nitro foi recarregado com sucesso!',
        ['refuelFailed'] = 'O recarregamento falhou!',
        ['doenstHaveNitroSystem'] = "Este veĂ­culo nĂŁo tem um sistema de nitro!"


  • ESX
  • QBCore



:gem: My Other Scripts :gem:
Battlepass V1
Banking V1
Banking V2
Chat V1
Crafting V1
Vehicleshop V2 (Dealership)
Weapon Shop V2
Vehicle Tuning V1 (Mechanic)
Realistic Fuel System (Gas Stations)
Gift System (Send Vehicle/Items to your friends as gift)
Luxury Markets (Weapon Store, Blackmarket, 24/7 Shops)
Luxury Clothing Store (All Clothes as item)(Meta Items)
Hot Tube (Jacuzzi)
Reports & Admin System
Barber Job (Ownable Barbers)
Animation Menu (Emotes)
Main Menu + VIP System (Pause Menu)
Rednight Vehicleshop (Dealership)
Rednight Markets (24/7 Shops)
Rednight Weaponshop
Redline Banking
Redline Markets (24/7 Shops)
Redline Tattoo Store
Redline Weaponshop
Redline Clothing Store
Redline Vehicle Rental
Redline Garage (Create Garage In-Game)
Redline Vehicleshop (Dealership)
OPS Banking (Card Robbery)
OPS Scoreboard
OPS Pet System
OPS Battlepass
DPS Login/Signup System (Advanced Register)(Verify Your Players)
DPS Spawn Selector
DPS Guide Menu (Rules Menu)

| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | +2000 |
| Requirements | ESX / QBCore |
| Support | Yes |


wooow its fantastic man

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When I change the colors of the HUD the others players can’t see it, how do I force the colors I set on other players?

That setting menu only sync just for yourself

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Aight thanks, I’ll add it in as a feature then where players can change the HUD to their own taste.

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Anyone that knows how i can fix the border here?

It doesn’t line up with the map;

Support on discord bro

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Hello, I also have a small problem with the status
Capture d'Ă©cran 2024-01-13 173038

Hi, its already fixed on new versions