[ESX / QB] IF Weapon Store V2 (Shooting Range)


  • ESX / QB
  • Fully Customizable Via Config
  • 0.0ms (Best Optimize)
  • Full Responsive UI (4k Supported)
  • Full Weapon Details
  • Test Gun System (Shooting Range)
  • Each Gun has Buy ammo Option (You can remove it)


Config = {}

Config.Framework = '' -- ESX or QB
Config.FrameworkCore = '' -- es_extended, qb-core, if-core, ...

Config.PaymentMethod = 'money' -- money/cash, bank

Config.ShootingRange = {
   enabled = true, -- enable weapon testing ?
   duration = 1 -- Shooting range duration, in minutes.

Config.Webhook = { -- Discord webhook - Sends a message to discord channel when player buys a weapon or ammo.
   link = '', -- Discord webhook link
   title = 'WeaponShop',
   color = 65280,
   description = "The player **%s (%s)** has successfully purchased **%s** for **$%s**.", -- (playerCharName, playerGameName, weapon/ammo, price)
   authorName = "WeaponShop Logs",
   authorUrl = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/925082868831617074/49e4c022837fc9d876378d44840ff0da.webp?size=128",

Config.Notification = function(message, type, time)
   TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', message, type, time)
   TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, type, time)

Config.WeaponShops = {
      markerposition = vector3(21.6799, -1106.256, 29.79), -- Interact Position
      shootingRangePos = vector3(13.144, -1097.60, 29.83), -- Shooting Range Position
      blipname = "Weapon Shop", -- Blip Name
      blipsprite = 590, -- Blip
      blipcolor = 0, -- Blip Color
      blipscale = 1.0, -- Blip Size
      dist = 2.5 -- distance to interact (let be normal)

Config.Locales = {
   HelpNotification = "Press [E] to access the weapon shop!",

   NoMoney = "You don't have enough money, come back later!",
   NoWeapon = "You don't have this Weapon armed",

   Buyed = "You have successfully acquired the weapon!",
   Buyed2 = "You have successfully acquired the weapon Ammo!",

   ShootingRange = "You are now in the shooting range, you have 1 minute to test the desired weapon!",
   LeaveShootingRange = "You left the shooting range!",

   DimenstionEnter = "You are now in a free world and will not see any players for the time being!",
   DimenstionLeave = "You are now from the Free World, and see all players again!",

-- Check README.md to get a detailed view of below properties. 

Config.ShopWeapons = {
   ['WEAPON_KNIFE'] = {
      infos = {
         weight = 0.1,
         damage = 15,
         speed = 0,
         returns = 0
      price = 500,
      ammoData = nil,
      displayName = 'Knife',
      category = 'coldWeapons'

   ['WEAPON_PISTOL_MK2'] = {
      infos = {
         weight = 1.1,
         damage = 26,
         speed = 40,
         returns = 25
      price = 2000,
      ammoData = {
         price = 20,
         item = 'pistol_ammo',
         amount = 50
      displayName = 'Pistol',
      category = 'pistolWeapons'
      infos = {
         weight = 1.1,
         damage = 80,
         speed = 15,
         returns = 45
      price = 2500,
      ammoData = {
         price = 20,
         item = 'pistol_ammo',
         amount = 50
      displayName = 'Marksman Pistol',
      category = 'pistolWeapons'

      infos = {
         weight = 6.8,
         damage = 98,
         speed = 20,
         returns = 60
      price = 7000,
      ammoData = {
         price = 100,
         item = 'sniper_ammo',
         amount = 50
      displayName = 'Heavy Sniper',
      category = 'sniperWeapons'

      infos = {
         weight = 3.1,
         damage = 96,
         speed = 20,
         returns = 80
      price = 5000,
      ammoData = {
         price = 80,
         item = 'shotgun_ammo',
         amount = 50
      displayName = 'Sawnoff Shotgun',
      category = 'shotgunWeapons'

      infos = {
         weight = 2.1,
         damage = 21,
         speed = 60,
         returns = 40
      price = 3000,
      ammoData = {
         price = 30,
         item = 'smg_ammo',
         amount = 50
      displayName = 'Micro SMG',
      category = 'smgWeapons'
      infos = {
         weight = 2.5,
         damage = 23,
         speed = 55,
         returns = 20
      price = 3500,
      ammoData = {
         price = 30,
         item = 'smg_ammo',
         amount = 50
      displayName = 'Assault SMG',
      category = 'smgWeapons'

      infos = {
         weight = 3.3,
         damage = 34,
         speed = 70,
         returns = 55
      price = 5000,
      ammoData = {
         price = 35,
         item = 'rifle_ammo',
         amount = 50
      displayName = 'Advanced Rifle',
      category = 'rifleWeapons'
      infos = {
         weight = 3.2,
         damage = 32,
         speed = 65,
         returns = 55
      price = 4800,
      ammoData = {
         price = 35,
         item = 'rifle_ammo',
         amount = 50
      displayName = 'Carbine Rifle',
      category = 'rifleWeapons'

   ['WEAPON_RPG'] = {
      infos = {
         weight = 3.2,
         damage = 100,
         speed = 5,
         returns = 20
      price = 6000,
      ammoData = {
         price = 50,
         item = 'rpg_ammo',
         amount = 10
      displayName = 'RPG',
      category = 'rifleWeapons'


  • ESX / QBCore


Tebex : 12$

:gem: My Other Scripts :gem:
Battlepass V1
Banking V1
Banking V2
Chat V1
Crafting V1
Vehicleshop V2 (Dealership)
Weapon Shop V2
Vehicle Tuning V1 (Mechanic)
Realistic Fuel System (Gas Stations)
Gift System (Send Vehicle/Items to your friends as gift)
Luxury Markets (Weapon Store, Blackmarket, 24/7 Shops)
Luxury Clothing Store (All Clothes as item)(Meta Items)
Hot Tube (Jacuzzi)
Reports & Admin System
Barber Job (Ownable Barbers)
Animation Menu (Emotes)
Main Menu + VIP System (Pause Menu)
Rednight Vehicleshop (Dealership)
Rednight Markets (24/7 Shops)
Rednight Weaponshop
Redline Banking
Redline Markets (24/7 Shops)
Redline Tattoo Store
Redline Weaponshop
Redline Clothing Store
Redline Vehicle Rental
Redline Garage (Create Garage In-Game)
Redline Vehicleshop (Dealership)
OPS Banking (Card Robbery)
OPS Scoreboard
OPS Pet System
OPS Battlepass
DPS Login/Signup System (Advanced Register)(Verify Your Players)
DPS Spawn Selector
DPS Guide Menu (Rules Menu)

| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | +700 |
| Requirements | ESX / QBCore |
| Support | Yes |

1 Like

can sell bulletproof vest here or only sell weapon ?

Yea you can sell it , just add bulletproof item instead weapon (In config)

nice . your script is in my wish list now :heart_eyes:

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