[WEAPON] Colt 1911

Greetings to everyone!
We are pleased to release Hane Mods’ new custom weapon Colt 1911 with Black Friday Sale.

With the Colt 1911 of Hane Mods, your city’s Police Department will be stronger than it is now. Point the gun at your target, and BOOM! With it’s firepower, your target will be neutralized without realizing who the target is. It can also be used by civilians, but only for self-defense and if your city’s laws allow it. But if you are on the dark side of the city, even if you are in rival gang neighborhood, you will feel safe. Remember to turn on the safety, you won’t want to accidentally lose your leg.

For Purchase the Colt 1911 :



Information about the Colt 1911

Skin versions : 3

1 - Classic

2 - Retro Red

3 - Golden Trim

Attachments :

1 - 1 Suppressor

2 - 1 Scope

Hane Studios Black Friday Sale
Special for Black Friday, 20% off all our projects.
Our tebex store :


Informations :

| Installation

• First of all, put [HaneWeaponEssentials] folder into your resouces folder.

• Then, put Hane_Colt1911 file into your resource folder.

• If you want to use the weapon menu you should add the line setr haneweaponmenu_useMenu true to your server.cfg file.

• After you put the StealthCarbine and Attachments files you have downloaded into your Resource folder, you can start them from the server.cfg file and make them ready for use.

• You can directly start the scripts by adding the line ensure [HaneWeaponEssentials] to your ``server.cfg` file.

| Hane Studios

Hane Studios is a producer and publisher organization that creates its own resources through its designers and produces Mods for GTA V to FiveM Industry with its co-producer developers.

| Credits

Producer : Hane Studios

Developer : Vt-Reus

Project Leads : Hane Mods | Humble , Butik

Hane Weapon Menu : Zeixna

MenuV : TigoDEV

[Release] MenuV - Standalone NUI menu for FiveM (v1.4), docs added!

Hane Studios Resources

Mirror Park 18 Houses- Pack 2 | 18 Vintage house maps
[MLO] Mirror Park 18 House Pack 2 | 25% Christmas Sale
Mirror Park 7 Houses- Pack 1 | 7 Vintage house maps
[MLO] Mirror Park 7 House Pack 1 | 15% November Sale
Mirror Park Expansion | End of Construction
Mirror Park Expansion | End of Construction | 15% Black Friday Sale
Cigar Bar | A vintage Cigar Business
[MLO] Cigar Bar & Store | Pipe Down | 15% Summer Sale | 3 Location
Golden Pub | A Pub with classic gold details
[MLO] Golden Pub & Restaurant
Hogs Pub | A cafe inspired by the Harry Potter Series
[MLO] Hogs Pub & Restaurant | Harry Potter Inspired | 15% Summer Sale
Del Perro 2 Villas Pack | 2 Modern Villas
[MLO] Del Perro 2 Beach Villas Pack
Pond Cafe | A sweet cafe located at the Mirror Park pond
[MLO] Pond Cafe - Mirror Park
Bohem Beach
[YMAP] Bohem Beach
Vespucci 6 Villas 1
[MLO] Vespucci 6 Villas Pack
Vespucci 6 Villas 2
[MLO]Vespucci 6/12 Villas Pack 2
Cafe Cool Beans
[MLO] Cafe Cool Beans
Limey’s Juice Bar
[MLO][PAID] Limey's Juice Bar
Trey Bakery&Cafe
[MLO][PAID] Trey Bakery&Cafe
For support, please DM to Hane Studios’ forum Profile.

For support, please DM to Hane Studios’ forum Profile.

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