[standalone]Advanced Zombie System

No it’s standalone so it doesn’t support any framework in the loot side

Can you create a script for this?
Events related to loot drops.
I will buy the open source version, please

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For now there’s lootpeds script that support esx and qb and soon will be loot area’s

Meaning I buy lootpeds and Advanced Zombie System.
Can I realize my idea?

yes they work if you are using qb or esx

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hi, is it possible to make the zombie attack has indicator or hit effect? like when they attack the player, it show something on screen other than a hit sound so player know they get hit by a zombie more directly? the current attack sound is very not reliable, it always play the range sound but not the attack sound.

ill see what i can do

change logs: Update 1.3.0 is out!

  • New Bite Settings so Zombies will Attack even in animations Cooldown

  • new Config.PlayerTalkingRange for players using proximity chat" works With pma-voice

  • new exports for Attracting zombies to player and spawning zombies near players

exports["Sinor-AdvancedZombieSystem"]:TriggerZombieAttractionToEntity(playerPed,50)  -- Attract zombies to player within 50m

exports["Sinor-AdvancedZombieSystem"]:TriggerZombieSpawn(GetEntityCoords(playerPed),30,5)  -- Spawns 5 zombies within 30m
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the new update seems to suppress the native animal spawn, is it possible to have config to enable or disable?

haw is that can you be more specific !

like with the last update, animal still spawns normally on where they usually appears like in the ranch, but with the new update theyre completely gone, i dont see animals anywhere, as long as i stop the script or change to old version animals are back.

oh nevermine i think i found out why, it was the scenario ped, i didnt know it will affect the animals. i turn the scenario ped off because sometimes theres zombie who is talking on the phone, thus i turned it off to avoid that but somehow that affects the animal spawn

i will try to mike it effect only zombies next update

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**change logs: Update 1.3.5 is out!

  • added boss system (now you can add boss positions and respawn timer for them)
  • fixed sync for npcs
  • fixed normal zombies spawning in redzones
  • add Global Zombies Health Configuration
  • add Npcs respawn Time Configuration
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the zombie is fleeing away from player when player pointing gun, stronger zombie didnt work, their hp didnt change no matter i use spawner or density. also there is still desync between some zombie, yet to test whether spawner or density or both has this issue, but so far player usually cant see the ped that are modded, so im thinking its the modded zombie issue because i have other script that uses moded ped and some cannot see certain modded ped.

for the zombies acting weard that will happen if you are using density side of the code becose they are turned to zombies after they been created as normal npcs not like spawner they are spawned as zombies…
for stronger zombies its my bad i will fix it next update
for Synchronization i dont have this problem but i will see more into it idk about moded peds as the problem or not but ill do my best

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the boss zombie also has some problems, i think its the same as ur qb safezone script, the npc is spawning whenever a new player join the server, so it will overload the area with npc duplicating on the same spot.

my bad it will be fixed for both scripts

**change logs: Update 1.4.2 is out!

  • Added an option to ignore players who are Fully Bledout.
  • Introduced a feature for players to fall to the ground when surrounded by zombies.
  • Implemented a new Config.Print to display all resource files.
  • Added new Config for Distance Attacks.
  • Introduced Config.SpecialZombies with the following types:
  • Runner Zombies
  • Fire Zombies
  • Gas Zombies
  • Stronger Zombies
  • Electric Zombies
  • Prop Zombies
  • All Special Zombies effects are now synchronized across players.
  • Zombies are now spawned from the server side.
  • Fixed all bugs related to NPC and boss zombie duplication.
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test the new update and give me the feedback hope its all fixed