RSD WashMachine NUI [PAID][ESX] by RSDEV

A complete WashMachine script for your server.

Everything is configurable

  • The time to wash the dirty money
  • Possibility to block the wash according to the server time (ex 18h00 4h00)
  • The peds are modifiable
  • The position of the ped can be changed, and you can add as many as you want
  • the ped that pop randomly is also completely modifiable
  • translation can be changed
  • notification can be adapted to your script / export
  • the final emote can be adapted to dpemote or not
  • the fees according to the amounts are modifiable
Config file
WashClient = {}

WashClient.Time = 10 -- The time during which the money will be cleaned 
WashClient.VeriftimeActivate = false -- if you want to active a local time for your washing money
WashClient.Veriftime = function(source, cb)
    local _source = source
    local temp_local ='%H:%M', os.time())
    if WashClient.VeriftimeActivate then
        if (temp_local >= '18:30' and temp_local <= '23:59') or (temp_local >= '00:00' and temp_local <= '04:00') then

WashClient.Ped1 = "a_m_y_smartcaspat_01"
WashClient.Ped2 = "a_m_y_smartcaspat_01"

WashClient.Config = {
    pedPosition = {
        vector4(19.743, 337.902, 110.485, 154.953), -- position of the ped, you can add as many as you want
    configuration = {
        money1 = 500000, -- if < money 1 = taxe1, if between money 1 and 2 = taxe 2, if > money2 = taxe 3
        money2 = 1500000,
        taxe1 = 30, -- % fee 1
        taxe2 = 25, -- % fee 2
        taxe3 = 20, -- % fee 3
    randomWashing = {
        vector4(-290.052, 2543.105, 74.415, 8.655), -- random position to open the wash UI, after talking to the pnj
        vector4(1591.427, 6575.425, 12.642, 213.186),
        vector4(1392.265, 2162.227, 96.757, 181.439),
        vector4(1912.013, 609.565, 177.398, 155.610),
        vector4(893.417, -3305.982, 6.089, 88.809),
        vector4(-3427.925, 967.469, 7.346, 265.459),
        vector4(-3064.718, 619.484, 6.382, 110.779),

WashClient.Translate = {
    WashTitle = "dirty money",
    WashText = "clean your dirty money",
    BlacMoneyIn = "dirty money available",
    BlackMoneyOut = "money to clean",
    Cleaning = "cleaning",
    Fee = "fee : ",
    CleaningProgress = "cleaning in progress...",
    RemainingTime = "remaining time : ",
    CleaningDone = "completed",
    GetMoneyBack = "get the money back",
    ToKnow = "to know",
    ToKnowText = "Holding dirty money is illegal, don't get<br>caught by the police.",
    IncorrectAmount = "Incorrect amount",
    Retry = "Please try again"

WashClient.TranslateNotif = {
    GetInformed = "Press ~g~E~w~ to be informed?",
    StartMachine = "Press ~g~E~w~ to start the machine?",
    AlreadyStarted = "A machine is already running",
    GPS = "You have received the meeting point information on your GPS",
    Later = "Come back later, it's too dangerous around here.",
    GetOut = "You don't belong here, get out.",
    Laundered1 = "You have cleared ~o~$",
    Laundered2 ="  ~s~or~o~$",
    Laundered3 =" ~s~net."

WashClient.Notifications = {
    useCustom = false, --if u want to use your notification function
    customNotificationClient = function(message)
        --redirect to your notification event for example
    customNotificationServer = function(source, message)
        --redirect to your notification event for example
        TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification", source, message)

WashClient.DPEmote = {
    Active = true,
    Animation = "e makeitrain",
    Dictionnary = "anim@mp_player_intupperraining_cash",
    Anim = "idle_a"



Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +1500
Requirements Requirements
Support Yes

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Nice design, and animation at the ending ! Hehe.

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Thank you dieselpowerlv :heart_eyes:

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