A beautiful Advent Calendar for Christmas,

  • Date and Month synchronized ont he server side (no abuse)
  • Ability to retrieve previously unopened items (saved in database)
  • Possibility to add items, money or weapons directly on config file
  • Christmas mapping included on the cube place (Thanks to Leon)
  • You can change the ped, and the variation of clothes. (santa)
  • Chrismas sound included

Fully configurable, you have full access to the code

Config file
Chrismas = {}
Chrismas.framework = "esx" -- "qb" for qbcore 

Chrismas.Vendor = "mp_m_freemode_01" -- mp can have setpedcomponent, if you chanbe by another ped not mp, it's removing the chrismas clothe
Chrismas.Coords = vec4(244.509888, -871.727478, 30.290894, 2.834646)

Chrismas.Translate = {
    Open                = "Press ~o~E~w~ to open ~o~Advent Calendar",
    Receive             = "You have received",
    Wishes              = "WISHING YOU A",
    MerryChristmas      = "Merry<br>Christmas",

    AlerteMessage       = "Recover your previous rewards",
    AlreadyRetrieved    = "You have already retrieved your reward",
    OpenReward          = "You have opened your reward"

Chrismas.Log = true -- If you want look Save in DB 

Chrismas.Item = {-- object = item, cash or weapon || name = your item name, your weapon name. || count is for item, or cash
    [0]     = {},
    [1]     = {object="item", label="Pain", name="water", count=3},
    [2]     = {object="cash", label="Cash", name="", count=15000},
    [3]     = {object="weapon", label="Pistol", name="WEAPON_PISTOL", count=1},
    [4]     = {object="item", label="Pain", name="bread", count=3},
    [5]     = {object="cash", label="Cash", name="", count=15000},
    [6]     = {object="weapon", label="Pistol", name="WEAPON_PISTOL", count=1},
    [7]     = {object="item", label="Pain", name="bread", count=3},
    [8]     = {object="cash", label="Cash", name="", count=15000},
    [9]     = {object="weapon", label="Pistol", name="WEAPON_PISTOL", count=1},
    [10]    = {object="item", label="Pain", name="bread", count=3},
    [11]    = {object="cash", label="Cash", name="", count=15000},
    [12]    = {object="weapon", label="Pistol", name="WEAPON_PISTOL", count=1},
    [13]    = {object="item", label="Pain", name="bread", count=3},
    [14]    = {object="cash", label="Cash", name="", count=15000},
    [15]    = {object="weapon", label="Pistol", name="WEAPON_PISTOL", count=1},
    [16]    = {object="item", label="Pain", name="bread", count=3},
    [17]    = {object="cash", label="Cash", name="", count=15000},
    [18]    = {object="weapon", label="Pistol", name="WEAPON_PISTOL", count=1},
    [19]    = {object="item", label="Pain", name="bread", count=3},
    [20]    = {object="cash", label="Cash", name="", count=15000},
    [21]    = {object="weapon", label="Pistol", name="WEAPON_PISTOL", count=1},
    [22]    = {object="weapon", label="Parachute", name="GADGET_PARACHUTE", count=1},
    [23]    = {object="cash", label="$15000", name="", count=15000},
    [24]    = {object="item", label="Pain", name="bread", count=3},
    [25]    = {object="item", label="Pain", name="bread", count=3},

record the 10 to give you an example


Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 750+
Requirements ESX - QBCORE
Support Yes

Other FiveM & RedM Resources

:fire: - RSD SkyDiving NUI
:fire: - RSD WindSurf
:fire: - RSD PauseMenu NUI
:fire: - RSD LoadingScreen
:fire: - RSD WashMachine NUI
:fire: - RSD PauseMenu NUI with REPORT
:fire: - RSD Interact
:fire: - RSD Advent Calendar NUI

:fire: - RSD[MLO] Luckywheels Motorcycle
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Paleto Bay Church
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Seoul Base
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Kortz Center Bunker
:fire: - RSD[MAP] Vinewood Rooftop
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Secret Base
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Little-Seoul Mafia/Yakuza/Triad
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Little-Seoul BigPack

:fire: - RSD MapColor [FREE]
:fire: - RSD Note
:fire: - RSD Teleport
:fire: - RSD FastTravel
:fire: - RSD SaltyBlock
:fire: - RSD Photography
:fire: - RSD Phonograph
:fire: - RSD NUI
:fire: - RSD Paycheck
:fire: - RSD Weather
:fire: - RSD Ped
:fire: - RSD RailRobbery

1 Like

Will this work for ESX 1.1 Not Legacy

Option to be able to give a vehicle too?

Also Is it exploit proof, so no one can log out and back in to open the same day or keeping the calendar open and keep clicking the same day to get the same prize?

Hello, we thought that a vehicle directly can be so many problems of configuration for the user.
Even if we put a function.

We prefer to tell the user to create a vehicle item that when you open it gives you the vehicle.

And the script is non encrypted. you can modify all the files

Hello, of course, you juste have to change this :

Client side
ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()

to this

while ESX == nil do
	TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)
Server side
ESX = exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()

to this

ESX = nil
TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)

we can send you back the script on our discord if needed with the modifications

A vehicles item ? how would that work , as did not know that was possible