A beautiful and hypercool script that will beautify your server,
The plane is synchronized with your server, you can enter several at the same time and jump at the same time.
The config file is complete and allows you to create your own path
a standalone version and qbcore coming soon
Fully configurable
- Display text
- Time before departure
- Parachute price
- Flight price
- You can make your own spawn, direction and drop
- Blip, name, size, color are customizable
- Plane, pilote and vendor customizable too…
Config file
SkyDiving = {}
SkyDiving.DisplayText = "Press ~r~E~w~ to Fly."
SkyDiving.TimeBeforeDeparture = 20000
SkyDiving.ParachutePrice = 550
SkyDiving.FlightPrice = 1500
SkyDiving.Translate = {
Buy_Parachute = "BUY A PARACHUTE",
Buy_Button = "BUY",
Take_Flight = "TAKE A FLIGHT",
Take_Button = "BUY",
Close = "CLOSE",
Success_Name_Para = "Parachute(s)",
Wrong_Para_Message = "You have to buy a parachute first",
Wrong_Fly = "TO FLY"
SkyDiving.PilotMessage = { -- w, o and g it's the fivem color for white, orange and green
TakeOffSoon = '~o~Pilot ~w~"Welcome, We are about to take off, take your seats!"',
GetOut = '~o~Pilot ~w~"I have other customers waiting for me, I\'m kicking you out!"',
AllClear = '~o~Pilot ~w~"All is clear now, you can jump!"',
NoPlace = '~g~Air traffic controller ~w~"Sorry, there is no more seat on the plane, wait for the next flight!"',
NoFlight = '~g~Air traffic controller ~w~"Sorry, the flight is in progress, the pilot will be back soon!"'
SkyDiving.Airport = {
["SandyShores"] = {
name = "SandyShores",
vendorModel = "s_m_m_pilot_01",
pilotModel = "a_m_m_skidrow_01",
planeModel = "velum2",
blip = {blipname="SkyDiving", size=0.85, color=27, id=94},
Spawn = vector4(1738.47, 3283.78, 41.12, 195.43),
Direction1 = vector4(1742.55, 3267.04, 41.23, 191.56),
Direction2 = vector4(1718.10, 3259.33, 41.12, 103.56),
Direction3 = vector4(1237.21, 3125.14, 41.01, 100.35),
DirectionFinal = vector4(-106.26, 2765.66, 351.96, 103.79),
PreDrop = vector4(-113.39, 3962.64, 598.13, 269.63),
FirstDrop = vector4(849.15, 4023.29, 889.46, 273.64),
LastDrop = vector4(3168.44, 4510.60, 889.89, 283.01),
Exit = vector4(4739.63, 4853.72, 889.96, 282.36),
VendorCoords = vector4(1747.28, 3295.76, 41.12, 194.29),
["Grapeseed"] = {
name = "Grapeseed",
vendorModel = "s_m_m_pilot_01",
pilotModel = "a_m_m_skidrow_01",
planeModel = "velum2",
blip = {blipname="SkyDiving", size=0.85, color=27, id=94},
Spawn = vector4(2136.44, 4780.27, 40.97, 23.03),
Direction1 = vector4(2122.62, 4805.19, 41.19, 115.53),
Direction2 = vector4(2110.74, 4799.28, 41.12, 111.39),
Direction3 = vector4(2015.16, 4754.30, 41.06, 113.28),
DirectionFinal = vector4(1327.39, 4438.67, 346.45, 290.98),
PreDrop = vector4(610.89, 4413.99, 590.01, 92.85),
FirstDrop = vector4(-59.96, 4426.15, 700.16, 86.87),
LastDrop = vector4(-562.90, 4462.53, 700.29, 87.10),
Exit = vector4(-1227.51, 4496.31, 700.40, 87.04),
VendorCoords = vector4(2138.08, 4796.70, 41.13, 22.36),
["CayoPerico"] = {
name = "CayoPerico",
vendorModel = "s_m_m_pilot_01",
pilotModel = "a_m_m_skidrow_01",
planeModel = "velum2",
blip = {blipname="SkyDiving", size=0.85, color=27, id=94},
Spawn = vector4(4479.54296875, -4464.9614257813, 4.2392530441284, 197.87094116211),
Direction1 = vector4(4478.9814453125, -4495.2836914063, 4.1938557624817, 107.84622192383),
Direction2 = vector4(4420.9951171875, -4516.939453125, 4.1843013763428, 110.75164794922),
Direction3 = vector4(4144.8623046875, -4619.5615234375, 4.17760181427, 110.75164794922),
DirectionFinal = vector4(3762.3815917969, -4762.912109375, 115.88929748535, 107.37335205078),
PreDrop = vector4(4581.8125, -5617.8759765625, 384.49844360352, 263.65795898438),
FirstDrop = vector4(4833.9614257813, -5631.275390625, 434.39819335938, 274.54730224609),
LastDrop = vector4(5426.267578125, -5452.4965820313, 547.14721679688, 305.81109619141),
Exit = vector4(5621.955078125, -5131.8588867188, 565.58673095703, 352.34683227539),
VendorCoords = vector4(4437.6987304688, -4483.4086914063, 4.2975902557373, 200.99502563477),
Code is accessible | No |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 1500+ |
Requirements | ESX |
Support | Yes |
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