RSD TRESOR DIVING (diving, boat rental, hunting) [ESX][QB] by RSDEV

A complete Scuba diving script on ESX and QBCORE
active on a 600-player server, fully optmized

3-in-1 script :
- Boat / submarine rental
- Diving suit rental with choice of duration and price
- Underwater treasure hunt script

  • multiple ped location
  • blip configuration
  • ped style configuration
  • language configuration
  • item and object configuration with percentage
  • minimum search depth setting
  • configuration of distance between 2 searches
  • you can add as many combinations as you like
  • you can add as many vehicles as you like
  • added noise during digging
  • trigger protection and webhook
  • images included

Everything is configurable, you can see the config.file

Config File

Config = {}

--------------------- PED PART ----------------------

Config.Peds = {
        model = "mp_m_freemode_01",
        coords = vec4(-1576.7941894531, -1174.6826171875, 2.1403863430023, 323.24044799805),
        coordsVehicle = vec4(-1606.93, -1209.54, -0.08935, 124.72),
        visibleDistance = 50.0
        model = "mp_m_freemode_01",
        coords = vec4(-1335.5245361328, -1669.7814941406, 2.5150918960571, 331.83349609375),
        coordsVehicle = vec4(-1380.4725341797, -1712.4938964844, -0.074600398540497, 133.70973205566),
        visibleDistance = 50.0
        model = "mp_m_freemode_01",
        coords = vec4(3843.404296875, 4462.2963867188, 2.6624553203583, 57.760459899902),
        coordsVehicle = vec4(3867.0229492188, 4449.40234375, -0.47492977976799, 276.44219970703),
        visibleDistance = 50.0
        model = "mp_m_freemode_01",
        coords = vec4(-628.06060791016, 6349.1069335938, 3.2427380084991, 243.63426208496),
        coordsVehicle = vec4(-655.62554931641, 6352.3325195313, 0.74792730808258, 102.58626556396),
        visibleDistance = 50.0
        model = "mp_m_freemode_01",
        coords = vec4(1558.3165283203, 3831.4143066406, 32.260284423828, 201.23875427246),
        coordsVehicle = vec4(1522.0534667969, 3867.3427734375, 29.440090179443, 52.478141784668),
        visibleDistance = 50.0
        model = "mp_m_freemode_01",
        coords = vec4(-1593.5029296875, 5206.083984375, 4.3486065864563, 350.25704956055),
        coordsVehicle = vec4(-1624.8233642578, 5234.3642578125, -0.050844673067331, 52.082401275635),
        visibleDistance = 50.0

-------------------- BLIP PART ----------------------

Config.blip = true -- false to avoid seeing the blips
Config.blipSprite = 751 --
Config.blipDisplay = 4
Config.blipScale = 0.7
Config.blipColor = 3 -- blue
Config.blipName = "Tresor Diving"

------------------ PED VARIATION --------------------

function PedVariation(ped)
    SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- FACE
    SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 1, 0, 0, 0) -- MASK
    SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 2, 12, 1, 0) -- HAIR
    SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 3, 96, 0, 0) -- ARMS
    SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 4, 94, 7, 0) -- LEG
    SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 6, 67, 7, 0) -- SHOES
    SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 7, 0, 0, 0) -- ACCESSORY
    SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 8, 123, 0, 0) -- UNDERSHIRT
    SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 10, 0, 0, 0) -- BADGE
    SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 11, 243, 7, 0) -- TORSO
    SetPedPropIndex(ped, 1, 26, 7, 2) -- GLASSES

-------------------- DIVING PART --------------------

Config.log = false -- true = log, false = no log
Config.webhook = "" -- Discord webhook

Config.depthMinimum = 1.0
Config.distanceBetween = 1.0
Config.depthFloorDetection = 1.0

Config.cancelSuits = "cancelSuits" -- /cancelSuits to take off your clothes and stop diving

Config.dig = "Press ~r~E~w~ to search!"
Config.pickup = "Press ~r~E~w~ to pick up!"
Config.nothing = "There's nothing here!"
Config.notEnoughMoney = "You don't have enough money!"
Config.find = "You have found "

Config.PickupSound = true
Config.PickupSoundName = "Collect_Pickup"
Config.PickupSoundSet = "DLC_IE_PL_Player_Sounds"

Config.Items = {
    { object="item", amount=1, name="beer", random=50 },
    { object="money", amount=500, name="money", random=100 },
    { object="dirtymoney", amount=500, name="dirtymoney", random=100 },

Config.Props = {
    { name = "prop_box_ammo04a", depth = 1.9 },
    { name = "prop_byard_rowboat1", depth = 2.0 },
    { name = "v_corp_boxpapr1fd", depth = 2.0 },
    { name = "v_res_jewelbox", depth = 1.8 },
    { name = "prop_skid_box_02", depth = 2.2 },
    { name = "prop_byard_rowboat3", depth = 2.0 },
    { name = "prop_poly_bag_money", depth = 1.9 },
    { name = "reh_prop_reh_skeleton_01a", depth = 1.5 },
    { name = "v_corp_lngestoolfd", depth = 1.5 },
    { name = "prop_skid_trolley_2", depth = 1.5 },
    { name = "v_ind_cs_oilbot04", depth = 1.3 },
    { name = "v_ilev_mr_rasberryclean", depth = 1.5 },
    { name = "prop_ice_box_01", depth = 1.5 },

------------------ DIVING LANGUAGE ------------------

Config.divingLanguage = {
    home = "HOME",
    buy = "BUY",

    diving = "DIVING",
    tresor = "TRESOR",
    rent = "RENT",
    yoursuit = "YOUR SUIT",
    descrent = "Set off on an adventure to<br>discover the oceans.",

    button1 = "SUITS",
    button1desc = "RENT",
    button1desc2 = "Choose your diving suit,<br> which varies depending on how long<br> you wish to stay underwater",

    button2 = "SUBMERSIBLE",
    button2desc = "RENT",
    button2desc2 = "Embark on a submersible to<br>explore the depths of the ocean."

-------------------- SUITS PART --------------------

Config.Suits = {
        itemName = "oxygen_mask1",
        notification = "You have 10 minute of oxygen.",
        timer = 1*60,
        img = 'images/suits_1.png',
        price = '800',
        suits = {
            ['male'] = {
                outfitData ={
                    ['t-shirt'] = {item = 15, texture = 0},
                    ['torso2'] = {item = 243, texture = 7},
                    ['decals'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['arms'] = {item = 96, texture = 0},
                    ['pants'] = {item = 94, texture = 7},
                    ['shoes'] = {item = 67, texture = 7},
                    ['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
                    ['bag'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['glass'] = {item = 26, texture = 7},
                    ['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
            ['female'] = {
                outfitData ={
                    ['t-shirt'] = {item = 14, texture = 0},
                    ['torso2'] = {item = 251, texture = 7},
                    ['decals'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['arms'] = {item = 7, texture = 0},
                    ['pants'] = {item = 97, texture = 7},
                    ['shoes'] = {item = 70, texture = 7},
                    ['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
                    ['bag'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['glass'] = {item = 28, texture = 7},
                    ['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
        itemName = "oxygen_mask2",
        notification = "You have 20 minute of oxygen.",
        timer = 20*60,
        img = 'images/suits_3.png',
        price = '1000',
        suits = {
            ['male'] = {
                outfitData ={
                    ['t-shirt'] = {item = 15, texture = 0},
                    ['torso2'] = {item = 243, texture = 8},
                    ['decals'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['arms'] = {item = 96, texture = 0},
                    ['pants'] = {item = 94, texture = 8},
                    ['shoes'] = {item = 67, texture = 8},
                    ['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
                    ['bag'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['glass'] = {item = 26, texture = 8},
                    ['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
            ['female'] = {
                outfitData ={
                    ['t-shirt'] = {item = 14, texture = 0},
                    ['torso2'] = {item = 251, texture = 8},
                    ['decals'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['arms'] = {item = 7, texture = 0},
                    ['pants'] = {item = 97, texture = 8},
                    ['shoes'] = {item = 70, texture = 8},
                    ['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
                    ['bag'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['glass'] = {item = 28, texture = 8},
                    ['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
        itemName = "oxygen_mask3",
        notification = "You have 30 minute of oxygen.",
        timer = 30*60,
        img = 'images/suits_3.png',
        price = '1200',
        suits = {
            ['male'] = {
                outfitData ={
                    ['t-shirt'] = {item = 15, texture = 0},
                    ['torso2'] = {item = 243, texture = 5},
                    ['decals'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['arms'] = {item = 96, texture = 0},
                    ['pants'] = {item = 94, texture = 5},
                    ['shoes'] = {item = 67, texture = 5},
                    ['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
                    ['bag'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['glass'] = {item = 26, texture = 5},
                    ['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
            ['female'] = {
                outfitData ={
                    ['t-shirt'] = {item = 14, texture = 0},
                    ['torso2'] = {item = 251, texture = 5},
                    ['decals'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['arms'] = {item = 7, texture = 0},
                    ['pants'] = {item = 97, texture = 5},
                    ['shoes'] = {item = 70, texture = 5},
                    ['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
                    ['bag'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['glass'] = {item = 28, texture = 5},
                    ['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
        itemName = "oxygen_mask4",
        notification = "You have 40 minute of oxygen.",
        timer = 40*60,
        img = 'images/suits_4.png',
        price = '1500',
        suits = {
            ['male'] = {
                outfitData ={
                    ['t-shirt'] = {item = 15, texture = 0},
                    ['torso2'] = {item = 243, texture = 0},
                    ['decals'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['arms'] = {item = 96, texture = 0},
                    ['pants'] = {item = 94, texture = 0},
                    ['shoes'] = {item = 67, texture = 0},
                    ['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
                    ['bag'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['glass'] = {item = 26, texture = 0},
                    ['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
            ['female'] = {
                outfitData ={
                    ['t-shirt'] = {item = 14, texture = 0},
                    ['torso2'] = {item = 251, texture = 0},
                    ['decals'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['arms'] = {item = 7, texture = 0},
                    ['pants'] = {item = 97, texture = 0},
                    ['shoes'] = {item = 70, texture = 0},
                    ['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
                    ['bag'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['glass'] = {item = 28, texture = 0},
                    ['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
        itemName = "oxygen_mask5",
        notification = "You have 50 minute of oxygen.",
        timer = 50*60,
        img = 'images/suits_5.png',
        price = '2200',
        suits = {
            ['male'] = {
                outfitData ={
                    ['t-shirt'] = {item = 15, texture = 0},
                    ['torso2'] = {item = 243, texture = 9},
                    ['decals'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['arms'] = {item = 96, texture = 0},
                    ['pants'] = {item = 94, texture = 9},
                    ['shoes'] = {item = 67, texture = 9},
                    ['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
                    ['bag'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['glass'] = {item = 26, texture = 9},
                    ['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
            ['female'] = {
                outfitData ={
                    ['t-shirt'] = {item = 14, texture = 0},
                    ['torso2'] = {item = 251, texture = 9},
                    ['decals'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['arms'] = {item = 7, texture = 0},
                    ['pants'] = {item = 97, texture = 9},
                    ['shoes'] = {item = 70, texture = 9},
                    ['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
                    ['bag'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['glass'] = {item = 28, texture = 9},
                    ['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
        itemName = "oxygen_mask6",
        notification = "You have 60 minute of oxygen.",
        timer = 60*60,
        img = 'images/suits_6.png',
        price = '2500',
        suits = {
            ['male'] = {
                outfitData ={
                    ['t-shirt'] = {item = 15, texture = 0},
                    ['torso2'] = {item = 243, texture = 4},
                    ['decals'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['arms'] = {item = 96, texture = 0},
                    ['pants'] = {item = 94, texture = 4},
                    ['shoes'] = {item = 67, texture = 4},
                    ['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
                    ['bag'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['glass'] = {item = 26, texture = 4},
                    ['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
            ['female'] = {
                outfitData ={
                    ['t-shirt'] = {item = 14, texture = 0},
                    ['torso2'] = {item = 251, texture = 4},
                    ['decals'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['arms'] = {item = 7, texture = 0},
                    ['pants'] = {item = 97, texture = 4},
                    ['shoes'] = {item = 70, texture = 4},
                    ['hat'] = {item = -1, texture = 0},
                    ['bag'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},
                    ['glass'] = {item = 28, texture = 4},
                    ['accessory'] = {item = 0, texture = 0},

-------------------- VEHICLES PART --------------------

Config.Submersible = {
        vehicleName = 'avisa',
        img = 'images/avisa.webp',
        price = '5200'
        vehicleName = 'submersible',
        img = 'images/submersible.webp',
        price = '5000'
        vehicleName = 'submersible2',
        img = 'images/kraken.webp',
        price = '5500'



Other FiveM & RedM Resources

:fire: - RSD PauseMenu NUI with REPORT
:fire: - RSD PauseMenu NUI
:fire: - RSD SkyDiving NUI
:fire: - RSD WindSurf
:fire: - RSD LoadingScreen
:fire: - RSD WashMachine NUI
:fire: - RSD Interact
:fire: - RSD Advent Calendar NUI

:fire: - RSD[MLO] Vespucci - Chicago Street [Hood] :fire:
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Little-Seoul Mafia/Yakuza/Triad V2
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Banham Montain Complex
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Kortz Center Bunker
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Luckywheels Motorcycle
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Seoul Base
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Secret Base
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Paleto Bay Church
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Rancho Aztecas

And more …

Code is accessible Yes/No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000
Requirements ESX or QB
Support Yes
1 Like

how can we get support ?

directly on our discord, you can get access to our discord via our tebex store.


Advertised as open source, but the asset is fully escrow, even including shared/config.lua

Looks like no customer is purchasing their script so they never had to update it.

Waiting for support team to send me the correct product.

sorry, simple error we have done the necessary.

moreover I’ve simply asked you to wait until I can get home to make the change, so there’s no need to report on fiveM.
People have become very violent and without patience today. Error is human

The model used in one of your script is stolen/used without permission from a github script. How do you want me to address it?

Hello, if you have a problem with one of our scripts, please tell us about it directly on the message board. We’ll be delighted to help you.

No content is stolen, we are very careful about that.

Fivem moderators removed your topic already. I think someone else might have reported your stolen assets.

Just ask for permission to original creator before encrypting them + selling them for profit.

I am talking about the metal detector prop. I don’t have issues with that personally, but I am pin pointing that before any customers purchase your products.

It took you 10 days to reply to topic. I didn’t make you wait 10 days to receive money. Make sure you have faster response system.
Thank you

“Fivem moderators removed your topic already.” nothing to see, you speak without knowledge.
you’re only on fivem to make a mess.
the asset was bought and made by us since you want to know everything.

Can you stop polluting the topics it’s really annoying, we are forced to call for moderation to clean the topic here.

10 days yes always more, it shows here your sincerity. In short, if you have a problem with the above script or Tresor Diving, we’ll be happy to help you.
As it is, you’re polluting this topic unnecessarily.