GUIDE system for RedM. [STANDALONE] [PAID]

Fully configurable

  • Add categories you want
  • Add subcategories you want
  • Add image you want
  • Peds, blips, sounds, drawtext and Offices configurable
  • RSD NUI compatible (trigger)
  • All translations
  • Fully optimized
Config file


--//USE THIS TO COMPRESS IMAGE, it will take less resources  >>

Config = {}

Config.rsdNUI = false --If you have our RSD_NUI

Config.Range = 1.2 -- Range for trigger
Config.RangeTxt = 4 -- Range for Drawtext

Config.Key = 0x760A9C6F -- Key to open Guide

Config.Ped = false --If you want Peds
Config.Distance = 30 -- Distance to delete peds

--sound & blip
Config.Sound = true --If you want all sounds
Config.ColorBlip = true -- If you want a color for blips
Config.Color = "BLIP_MODIFIER_DEBUG_BLUE" -- Color of blips

Config.Office = {  -- delete everything inside here if you dont want normal shops 
    Valentine = {	   
        coords = vector3(-210.38, 620.0, 113.4), -- location of the office
        coords2 = vector3(-210.38, 620.0, 113.4), -- location of the drawtext
        Name = 'Tourist office', -- blip name & name's trigger
        text = 'Guide', -- name menu
        showblip = true, -- if you want blip
        blipsprite = 675509286, -- blip sprite for office
        npcmodel = "CS_mradler", --Model of ped
        coords3 = vector4(-210.38, 620.0, 113.4, 48.64),
        notafraid = true, -- if you want ped is not afraid
        outfit = true, -- if you want random outfit for ped
        notescape = true, -- if you want ped not escape

Config.Language = {

    [1] = "G", --NUI
    [2] = "[~e~G~q~] ", --DRAWTEXT
    [3] = "Need Help ?",

Config.Cat = { -- categories
        title = "Cities", -- Title
        bg = 'images/categories/allcity-min.jpg', -- Link of the image
        target = "city" --target fo subcategory
        title = "NAME", -- Title
        bg = 'LINK', -- Link of the image
        target = "TARGET" --target fo subcategory
    }, ]]

Config.SubCat = { --subcategories
    city = { --target of categories
            title = "Valentine", --Title
            bg = 'images/subcat/cityval-min.jpg', --Link of the image
            target = "cityval" --target for paragraph
    --[[ TARGET = { --target of categories
            title = "NAME", --Title
            bg = 'LINK', --Link of the image
            target = "TARGET" --target for paragraph
    }, ]]

Config.TextCat = { --Paragraph

----target subcategorie = {"paragraph"}

    cityval = {"Valentine is a boisterous, bustling town nestled in the Heartlands. The cattle auctions that are held here attract merchants, ranchers, cowboys, gamblers, outlaws and other prostitutes from all over the country to make money, cause trouble and, above all, have a good time."},


Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +700
Requirements STANDALONE
Support Yes

Other FiveM & RedM Resources

:fire: - RSD MapColor [FREE]
:fire: - RSD Note
:fire: - RSD Teleport
:fire: - RSD FastTravel
:fire: - RSD SaltyBlock
:fire: - RSD Photography
:fire: - RSD Phonograph
:fire: - RSD NUI
:fire: - RSD Paycheck
:fire: - RSD Paycheck VIP
:fire: - RSD Weather
:fire: - RSD Ped
:fire: - RSD RailRobbery
:fire: - RSD Balloon
:fire: - RSD Guide

:fire: - RSD SkyDiving NUI
:fire: - RSD WindSurf
:fire: - RSD PauseMenu NUI
:fire: - RSD LoadingScreen
:fire: - RSD WashMachine NUI
:fire: - RSD PauseMenu NUI with REPORT
:fire: - RSD Interact
:fire: - RSD Advent Calendar NUI

:fire: - RSD[MLO] Luckywheels Motorcycle
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Paleto Bay Church
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Seoul Base
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Kortz Center Bunker
:fire: - RSD[MAP] Vinewood Rooftop
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Secret Base
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Little-Seoul Mafia/Yakuza/Triad
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Little-Seoul BigPack

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