[Release] Updated Sandy Gas Station Textures

Please do not take credit for the release, as they are work of my development team unless you have permission

After working on this for a while, here is an updated look on the Sandy Gas Station. This was my first time doing this sort of retexturing on this big of a ymap, so there may be some slight errors. If this does well and the feedback backs it up, I will consider making and releasing a bigger pack that includes the whole of Sandy Shores area and onwards. I tried to retain the feeling that you still are in sandy shores, which is why I have left some details as is, to make it fit in.

For Moderators

This listing was my own work, and nobody else’s. The download is currently on mediafire as the file was not loading onto the forums. The forums kept telling me to do a human verification, however looped me into that process multiple times without being able to get out of it.

Gas Station Texture

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Very cool dude, but I recommend you changing your __resource.lua to fxmanifest.lua and add the version, description and author fields to it to look good in webadmin/txAdmin resources page.


author 'Tabarra'
description 'Remotely Manage & Monitor your GTA5 FiveM Server'
repository 'https://github.com/tabarra/txAdmin'
version '2.0.0'

Alright, thanks for the feedback and we will keep that in mind for next time.

Very Nice!

Oh hell yeah, this looks amazing. Good job.

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