[Dev] Empty Lot Building Base

Empty Lot Building Base
Please do not take credit for the release unless you have permission. Property of Alliance Development

The download below is a base for whatever a developer wants to put on it. The Rex’s Diner has been deleted and all collisions have been removed. You may use this area as an empty parking lot, or perhaps add a police station on top of the cleared out area. This area can be used to put custom models on top of as well if needed. The use of this release is more directed to developers than regular server owners.

Lot Picture:

Example of what you can do with the lot


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Brill! Thank you so much! Im’a use it for a car meetup area :grin:

I would like to use this area to make a go cart track for my players, is there any way you can remove this invis hitbox near the fence and the fence prop itself.

interesting, I will take a look at it when I can; unfortunately away for the weekend, but I will work on it when I can. In the meantime, you can try to mess around with code walker and see if there is anything you can do there; the fence prop should be easily removable via code walker though @FloridaManRP

Ill give it a shot, take your time. Thanks for the resource.

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nice release! be cool spot for a used car sell spot or something

Looking good, Makes life easy. Also recommend using the forums upload system or github.

I did contemplate although I do enjoy knowing the statistics behind how many people download the asset (if the forums would add a counter to how many times people downloaded a file from the forums then I would totally do it more often)

Well its not really possible for the forum to tell you how many people downloaded this because its hosted on mega however it does tell you how many people clicked the download link. image

Yes which is why I upload to mega. I was referring to how if someone uploads a file to the forums itself, you cannot see how many people download it

yeah, sadly i don’t think it shows if you upload it straight to the forums :frowning: @Lutton

if they ever did add that feature, then I would probably upload more to the forum, but for now its nice to see how many people click, which is why I use mega

yeah id just use github as it is very trusted

true, I just see github as code and script related/focused rather than a ymap edit

wasn’t able to figure it out, if you have the time to look into creating an update we would certainly appreciate it

ironically working on it right now and will be live shortly

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Alright replace this file and let me know if it fixes the hit boxes; all you need to do to get the fence post, is to drag it underground in codewalker
ch3_01_5.ybn (198.9 KB)

I didn’t even know I need this until now! great work