[REDESIGN][ESX] KASHacters Multi Character

Hello everybody.
I’ve decided to release my design from esx_kashacters, because we have no further use for that.
Have fun with it.


  • Download the resource from GitHub (and of course read the README file)
  • Upload the SQL file that is included in the resource esx_kashacters.sql to your database (this is needed to know the last character a player was on.
  • Comment out the NetworkIsSessionStarted loop in essentialmode\client\main.lua (you can comment out the whole Citizen.Createthread() )
  • Put the esx_kashacters resource in your FiveM resource folder and edit in the esx_kashacters\server\main.lua file the first table at the top of your file to all the identifier columns and tables that are used for characters. Except user_lastcharacter
local IdentifierTables = {
    {table = "users", column = "identifier"},
    {table = "owned_vehicles", column = "owner"},
    {table = "user_accounts", column = "identifier"},

Download: Here

Credits to @KASH and to @onno204 for creating the script

Link of the original:Here

Check out my other Scripts on my Tebex store


Other Scripts:


Very nice script.

Would you mind on sharing your needs (water, food, etc) and others ui?



Maybe in the future but so far we dont indend to release it


Go to essentialmode\client\main.lua line 6-16 and edit the code to this:

	while true do

		if NetworkIsSessionStarted() then

Why didn’t you do i your self

Because i dont have access to your essentialmode

Not to be mean

Ok now that makes scence

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Only replace the code i sended to you with your code

Is that all i have to replace?

Do i have to worry about the stuff on the top?

Looks cool bro

Thx but the real credits are going to you, for the nice release :slight_smile:

What do you use to could just asking?

I don’t understand your question?

It doesn’t pop up with the multi character selection it just has the top bar and the background and that’s it

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You need edit in esx_kashacters\server\main.lua the local IdentifierTables.
There you must fill in all you SQL Tables where the columns “identifier” or “owners” are.
For example

local IdentifierTables = {
    {table = "users", column = "identifier"},
    {table = "owned_vehicles", column = "owner"},
    {table = "user_accounts", column = "identifier"},
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Can i just copy yours?

You must add your own. Because you have others/more script than in the example

this person posted it 5 hours before your post.