[QBCore][FREE] QB-Jobmenu

A simple job menu that’s easy configurable for any job.

Default key to open the menu is F6.

The config is easy as adding your jobname to the config with the menu headers, text, event trigger, submenu name and subheader name. Explanation:

icon = The icon that’s used inside the menu
header = The header of menu
txt = Text used as explanation of the header
event = The event that will be triggered when clicked on menu item
submenu = The submenu name if it is a submenu, script will group items based on this name
subheader = If you will use a submenu, this will be used in the first menu. Script will group submenu items based on this name.

Jobs = {
        ["police"] = {
            menuoptions = {
                {icon = "fas fa-bell",header = "menu.h_emergency", txt = "menu.t_emergency", event = "police:client:SendPoliceEmergencyAlert",submenu = "", subheader = ""},
        ["ambulance"] = {
            menuoptions = {
                {icon = "fas fa-heart-pulse",header = "menu.h_statuscheck", txt = "menu.t_statuscheck", event = "hospital:client:CheckStatus",submenu = "", subheader = ""},
        ["mechanic"] = {
            menuoptions = {
                {icon = "fas fa-truck-pickup",header = "menu.h_towvehicle", txt = "menu.t_towvehicle", event = "qb-tow:client:TowVehicle",submenu = "", subheader = ""},


In the header and txt you type the place where your phrase is. For example:

local Translations = {
    menu = {
        h_emergency = "Emergency button",
        t_emergency = "Send an emergency alert",
        h_checkvehstatus = "Check Tune Status",
        t_checkvehstatus = "Control the tune status of the car",


:construction_worker_man: qb-jobmenu

Other Resources:

:razor: ik-coke

:small_airplane: ik-drugrunner

:blue_car: ik-carplate

:fishing_pole_and_fish: ik-fishing

:gun: ik-illegalweapon

:police_car: ik-jobgarage

:man_detective: ik-blackmarket

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 250
Requirements qb-menu
Support Yes

Well done! Saw this on Github a couple of days ago. Haven’t tested it out yet but seems like it will help a lot of players that has more knowledge of how ESX servers work, more than QBCore. Nice script, will be adding this to my own server in the near future :slight_smile:

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