[QBCore][FREE] IK-BlackMarket, Simple but Advanced



Easy customizable black market script
It’s an edited version of jim-shops


Dependencies :

  • qb-input - For checkout system
  • qb-menu - For the menu
  • qb-target - Targetting peds and opening menu


  • Easy to setup items
  • Multiple blackmarkets supported
  • Random or fixed locations (when random, location changes after each script restart)
  • Multiple checks for inventory size and slot limits
  • Localisation : Translated to languages ; English, Dutch and Turkish
  • Ability to open the shop with a configured item
  • Enable / Disable to remove the item after purchased items
  • Ability to use black money (markedbills or other itemname) as payment method
  • When using the blackmoney option, you can add a multiplier to the price if you want to sell items for more when paid by blackmoney.
  • Random item option, if you set this on true your blackmarket will get a random item from your list. If you have disabled random location then all your markets will get different random items.
  • Option to use a timer for changing the location of the black market after X amount of minutes
  • Option to use q-Bit crypto as payment option
  • Optional minigames to wiretap and get the blackmarket location

V2 minigame preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE6KSBT2DzI


:man_detective: ik-blackmarket

Other Resources:

:police_car: ik-jobgarage v2

:pizza: ik-fooddelivery

:leaves: ik-weed

:muscle: ik-gym

:atm: ik-atmrobbery

:small_airplane: ik-drugrunner

:razor: ik-coke

:blue_car: ik-carplate

:fishing_pole_and_fish: ik-fishing

:gun: ik-illegalweapon

:police_car: ik-jobgarage

:construction_worker_man: qb-jobmenu

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 350
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

There are new functions added:

  • Random item option, if you set this on true your blackmarket will get a random item from your list. If you have disabled random location then all your markets will get different random items.
  • Option to use a timer for changing the location of the black market after X amount of minutes
  • Option to use q-Bit crypto as payment option

it will be cool if you can do it for esx

delete item not working

What do you mean by deleteitem not working ?

is this setting to remove items that are on the black market?

when I set the number of items on the black market in small quantities but I can buy as many as I want. is there something wrong with my config?

hello i keep getting this error im hoping u can help me all i did was copy and paste the first 3 items in the store and changed them to items i wanted like assault rifles and drugs… do u possibly know what i can do to fix this? also when buying a item, if u buy multiples of the same item the price will be double what it should be, like a 50$ item when buying 4 should cost 200 it charges 400… i have the multiplier for black money set to 1 but i have blackmoney disabled so i can use regular cash… thanks in advance

edit this is error im getting:
ik-blackmarket/client.lau:110 attempt to get length of a nil value (local product)


  • Added function so you can decide the random item amount instead of 1 random item
  • Fixed the issue when your blackmoney name was different then markedbills

I am having this error when i attempt to open the shop

You are missing an item in your items.lua file that you have setup in your BM.

Update V2

  • Optional minigames to wiretap and get the blackmarket location

V2 video : ik-blackmarket update - YouTube

Im not understanding this new update if I could have some help this would be awesome ! I have put the item into the server and the image as well and went over to the phones nothing is coming up with target menu

Give yourself “crocodile_clips” and go to the given phone props from the config.
When you target them you can wiretap connections.
If you don’t have the item on you, you can’t target the phones.

This is awesome, great work!

1 Like

how can i do a limited stock on some items?

It’s released in the latest update:

Update 2.0.1 pushed for ik-blackmarket🕵 :

  • Added option for keeping stock of items on the server side. Stocks will reset after script / server restart.

Im having issues with the wire connections minigame remaining on screen after completion. Where can I resolve this?

where is the default location of the crocodile clips? cant seem to find where to configure it now can I find them in game without spawning them

There is no default place for clips. You can place it anywhere you want to like warehouse, pawnshop, black market etc.

is there any way to change it to use a different item instead of marked bills?