[QB][ESX] 🏦 east - Banking (Ultimate ATM experience)


🏦 Banking - east

About the system | This system is designed to simulate a real-world banking experience, with players able to deposit, withdraw, transfer money and inspect transaction history using in-game ATMs.

This system does not require any additional dependencies other than the ESX or QBCore framework, and also this system is perfectly optimized, so everything works smoothly and reliably.

Resource usage:



Uses in-game ATM props - ATMs screens are used to display banking UI, bringing the whole new feel to FiveM banking experience.
Deposits, withdraws and transactions - All necessary functions of banking are implemented into the ATM's functionality.
Functional ATM numpad - All inputs are being managed by the buttons that are on the ATM prop.
Transaction History - All deposits, withdraws and transactions are being saved and each player can inspect their personal history through the ATM.
Easily configurable - All system translations, prop settings, notification events are easily configurable through a configuration file. You can preview it here!

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Code is accessible Both Options Available
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~600
Requirements ESX or QBCore
Support Yes

Hey, I may be implementing that in future but at the moment there isn’t.

[TRANSLATE/UPDATE][vRP] Jsfour-ATM looks similar

My system uses prop, and UI is being presented in prop’s screen, while this has nothing to do with the prop, it is just an UI.

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Hi, I see the config file has 3 atm props, but is it easy to add the other atm props so they all have the ability to use your UI?

In config there are all GTA V default atm props except fleeca atm as it is not working correctly, if you have any other props, you can configure which texture DUI should replace in a config file and it should work perfectly.

work with all bank system?

Hey, yes!