[PAID][Standalone/QBCore/ESX] Live Bodycams - View Live Bodycams all from MRPD


Power Bodycams

This is a standalone script that will allow you to view the live bodycam feed from any player with an active bodycam.

The live bodycam feed can be accessed from inside MRPD allowing dispatch and other officers to monitor live bodycams.

The bodycam can be activated by /bodycam however the command can be changed and also disabled, the script also has 2 events that can be used if for example you want only police/ems to have bodycams then you can trigger the event when the player clocks on/off duty.

(Default location is using Gabz MRPD Interior’s Dispatch Centre)

This resource is standalone however does have QBCore support and also an export system to whitelist people to view the live feed, along with events to auto-enable/disable the players bodycam when clocking off/on duty, This information can be found in the config.lua file.

Prompt and control text can be edited via the config file for non-English servers.



  • Added Support for QB/Q-Target to access terminals
  • Updated Original Post with Resource Guidelines Template.

23/03/2022 - Added Support for female bodycam eup configuration.

14/03/2022 - Added support for ESX (Tested & Based on the ESX supplied with txAdmin)

06/03/2022 - Added config to enable a timestamp on the bodycam feed, this can be configured with either the ingame time or an irl timezone.

06/03/2022 - Added configurable keybind to enable/disable the bodycam, editable within config.

01/03/2022 - Added QBCore Support

28/02/2022 - I have added an EUP check to the bodycams, this will check if the player is wearing a specific clothing item for example a bodycam clothing item, example below of the added configuration option.

eupCheck = true  -- Enabling the EUP Check.

componentId = 9 -- Component ID of the bodycam clothing id (example: 9 = vest)  
textureId = 39 -- Texture ID of the bodycam clothing id 

Escrow Protected
Price: £6.00 (£7.20 with tax)
Purchase Link
(this script uses fivem’s asset escrow system, config and html files are editable)

Unescrowed Version
Price: £25.00 (£30.00 with tax)
Purchase Link

Code is accessible No (config.lua and editable notifications)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600 LUA - 100+ HTML/CSS/JS
Requirements Standalone however works with QBCore and ESX
Support Yes

My Other Scripts


would it be possible that you can only access the body cam of a player if they are wearing set EUP items?

its not possible in the resource at the moment however its possible by checking the peds components against the component id of the bodycam eup item then triggering the event to enable the body cam and then disabling it if they remove the clothing item.

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This might interest you @synysterfence

Update: I have added an EUP check to the bodycams, this will check if the player is wearing a specific clothing item for example a bodycam clothing item, example below of the added configuration option.

eupCheck = true  -- Enabling the EUP Check.

componentId = 9 -- Component ID of the bodycam clothing id (example: 9 = vest)  
textureId = 39 -- Texture ID of the bodycam clothing id 
1 Like

Update - QBUS Support has been added. This can be enabled within the config file.

-- Enabling QBUS support
enableQBus = false 
whitelistedJobs = { -- The Jobs that are Whitelisted for Bodycams

Update - Added configurable keybind to enable/disable the bodycam, configurable within config.

Hey! Our server just bought this resource and its great!
Could we see the addition of a timestamp to the overlay, specfically the server time or a configurable timezone that is consistent for all users?

Otherwise this is amazing.

I will see what I can do now :smiley:

Update: Added config to enable a timestamp on the bodycam feed, this can be configured with either the ingame time or an irl timezone.

@NeonGeek :slight_smile:

DUDE! This was insanely fast! Thank you so much!!! <3

1 Like

No Problem, thanks for your suggestion :smiley:

I have also pushed out another update.

Update: Added notification.lua which can be edited to add your own notification event, I have also added an event that can be used to view the bodycams feed from another script, also fixed a bug with not being able to use terminals after a while.

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Any plans for an ESX version?

I will have a look now at adding an ESX version.

Update: I have added support for ESX (This was tested and based on the ESX supplied with txAdmin)

ESX Support will provide support for job whitelisting as well as displaying the characters name in bodycam, ESX will also work with command whitelist and EUP clothing check for jobs set in the config file.

@Badlands_Scripting is this the ESX support you were looking for?

Perfect! Thankyou!

Update: Added Support for female bodycam eup configuration.

maleModel = { -- Male Model
 componentId = 9, -- Component ID of the bodycam clothing id (example: 9 = vest)  
 textureId = 39 -- Texture ID of the bodycam clothing id 

femaleModel = { -- Female Model
 componentId = 9, -- Component ID of the bodycam clothing id (example: 9 = vest)  
 textureId = 30 -- Texture ID of the bodycam clothing id 


  • Added Support for QB/Q-Target to access terminals
  • Updated Original Post with Resource Guidelines Template.

does the recording save to be rewatched

no, this script only shows the players watching the camera the live preview.

Would be possible to add sound support so i can hear police aswell thru it ?