[PAID][QBCORE][ESX] Crafting Stations


  • Recipes as Items so you can scatter them around your city for players to find and collect
  • Players can store recipes inside a recipe book for future reference
  • Crafting Points can be setup around the map these can be locked to job/gang or keycode if you wish. They can be an already existing point or object in game or you can choose to spawn a prop of your choice to use as the crafting bench*
  • Setup new recipes very easily and assign them a “type”
  • Crafting points can be setup to allow certain “types” of recipe e.g Mechanic type recipes can only be done at mechanic benches
  • All recipe types can have a minigame or anim of your choice attached to them


My Other Scripts:
BOUNTY HUNTER :goal_net:
DRUG LABS :test_tube:
FISHING SIM :fishing_pole_and_fish:



Recipe Snippet

  Recipes = {
    ['Repair Kit'] = {
      Time        = 7500, 
      RewardItem  = "repairkit",
      RewardCount = 1, 
      Default     = false, --## true means the recipe page doesn't need to be found to display in the crafting book.
      Type = "Mechanic",

      Required    = {
        steel          = 1,  
        metalscrap     = 1,    

Type Snippet

  Types = {
    ['Mechanic'] = {
      Anim     = {Dict = "missmechanic", Anim = "work_base"}, --## Can be like this for an anim : {Dict  = "", Anim = ""}, --## Can be false
      MiniGame = false, --## Is there a minigame required to do this?

Crafting Point Snippet

  CraftingPoints = { 
    ['Mechanic Benches'] = {
      Icon  = "fa-solid fa-wrench",
      Label = "Mechanic Bench", 
      Types = {
        ['Mechanic'] = true, 

      Public        = false,
      Jobs          = {
        police = true,
      }, --## Can be a job of tables who can access this
      Gangs         = false,
      KeyCode       = false, 

      SpawnObject   = 'imp_prop_impexp_mechbench', --## Do you want to spawn a physical object at these spots? if not set to false  -- https://gta-objects.xyz/objects

      Positions = {
        ['Sotuth Street']  = vector4(742.44738769531,1293.4984130859,360.29650878906,1.1635576486588),





Code is accessible Partially
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500+
Requirements dirk-core
Support Yes

Instant buy, unique system.
Cant wait to see what else comes from this? maybe some kinda business creator?
+support for MF inventory, out the box.

:golfing_man: :clap:


Nothing Special !

I must say, I find the cost of your script to be quite high in comparison to other options available in the market. Furthermore, when compared to its competitors, the UI and features of your script do not seem to appealing.

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Amazing Script, we have many DirkDiggler scripts and there all amazing, staff team help and support with anything and if there are issues resolved very quickly, highly recommend scripts

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If you have any ideas for features to add then feel free to suggest them :slight_smile: Thanks for the feedback

I feel that the price is quite steep in comparison to other options on the market. I also noticed that the user interface and design isn’t as polished or user-friendly as others in the market. Furthermore, I noticed that you do not have an XP system in place, which I believe is an important feature for any script to have. I would like to suggest that the price should be lowered, maybe even halved, and maybe consider investing more in improving the UI, adding an XP system and overall user experience. I understand that the final decision is yours and it’s just a suggestion from my side.

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True there are in the market so cheap scripts… problem is after you buy you watch is performance and cry…and at least this one i can say you won’t… because creator have earn is respect on the community… sometimes is better pay a little more but don’t get stress…but like you said is only my opinion to…and just my feedback for have use all dirk scripts

Price is just on point price for any other script in the market it will recieve further updates in the future just like dirk has mentioned above.

I just started using it and it amazing plus it goes really well with other resources he has.

absolute fire. Dirk did it again with a great release!

Ok, it’s your personal opinion and I don’t know when the last time you searched for crafting scripts on forums. Just do a crafting script search, the very first script you see on the forum has more features than this. I think for me, the content of the script, the price-content ratio, is more important, not depending on upcoming features. If I can get something better and more advanced than this at present, I will go for that. You guys should comment with facts. It looks like you’re getting paid for comments, lmao. @The_Mist @Tristan_Sanchez1

Not gonna waste my time on you anymore! Cheers

True…same feeling

And just for finish i gave facts…did you know performance from a post? Because i do buy many scripts and know what I’m talking…but at end decision is easy…if it’s expensive just don’t buy…but i don’t want argue with you…just my opinion plain and simple

“For your knowledge, they do provide videos with the Resource Monitor showing, but to wrap up our conversation on a good note, it’s not worth it. Peace.”

@Tristan_Sanchez1 @The_Mist
For your knowledge, you guys poked your nose into my comment, not the other way around. So, go and enjoy this script. Lmao. Please read my above message again. My comment was just a suggestion. Why are you guys so provoked by this, if the person who made the script doesn’t have a problem with it?

Just try to spread postive thoughts nobody cares about your negative ones

No one is being negative here. My message was a suggestion, not an order.
Secondly, don’t be a judge, accept the drawbacks of scripts and move on.

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good script

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do nobody know how to fix this

Seems you have not set up dirk-core correctly or you use a different event/export to get your framework object