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Dirk throwing another gem at us. :man_dancing:


Quasar inventory uses metadata and is the best esx inventory bro. Please do esx with Quasar

To show my appreciation for the support everyone has shown for my scripts I have made a code for 25% off for the weekend.

Spend ÂŁ50 or more and receive 25% off your basket total with code: WEEKEND25

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damn g!

This is so nice, can i know it’s animations or cutscenses on client, bro ?

This is so good, buyer must know about the hard of research animation, attach props coords for this scense. respect, bro. One of recommend from me.

now we need “weed” storage player buyable and cocain labs for buyable etc for QB core framework to keep there stash in.

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how do u change the lab shells to something other than km4b shells and also how do you get a different animation set for instance if you wanted to do weed

also i didnt get a read me

You guys should add so we can change languages in the script itself.

Currently having issues with getting this working on latest qb core , will update once support is provided. Been waiting a few days for a response in discord

day 13 still waiting…

possible to make it available on ESXI with Ocs Inventory?