- The script can be found at TEBEX (19,99€)
- Fast interact with all nearby owned pets (one key only)
- Level based system, gain pet XP by interacting with your pet, extra point on succesful attacks and searches
- Some quick interactions with pet are, attacking, go to, sniffing and follow
- Huge config to make it fit your server perfect
- Carry all of your pets (except for the boar since he’s a bit too heavy
- Configure so only police can command attacks or/and searches
- You can have pet houses where every single pet house is unique to store your pet or the option to have a command to spawn and store your pets. The command is
. - In config you can set buyable to false for different pets if you intent to sell pets via your server tebex. Event to insert pet is
TriggerEvent("kr_pets:insertPetWithoutPrice", model --[[e.g. "a_c_rottweiler"]])
Skill System
- Bravery - level up this skill for a decreased risk of fleeing when attacking. Last level (11) allows for guard which makes your pet automatically attack your attacker!
- Speed - level up to gain higher top speeds for your pet
- Search - level up to increase chance of pet finding a sniffed item. Last level (11) allows for the pet to sniff vehicles as well.
- Health - level up to gain more health.
- Hunger - level up to feed your pet less. Last level (11) allows for the pet to gain health when being fed
Showcase of pet menu with the skill tree maxed out (watch video for more in-depth):
- qtarget or qb-target
Config (Not the entire config but most of the essential features)
Framework = "esx",
CurrentTranslation = "en",
PetMenuPos = "top-left", -- options between "top-right", "top-left", "bottom-right", "bottom-left"
TargetSystem = "none", -- "none", "qtarget" or "qb-target"
AutomaticDoors = true, --If the vehicle doors should be auto opened
VehicleInventory = "ox_inventory", -- options between "mf-inventory", "ox_inventory", "qb", "esx_inventoryhud_trunk" [https://github.com/Trsak/esx_inventoryhud_trunk], "esx_trunk" [https://github.com/schwim0341/esx_trunk]
--Make ticket in discord for more vehicle inventory/trunk scripts support
PetHouseModel = "prop_doghouse_01",
VetPrice = 100,
PaymentMethod = "bank",
MaxAmountPetOutside = 6,
MaxAmountPetInsideOfAPetHouse = 4,
EnableBlips = true,
EnableNetworkedHouses = false, -- set to true if you want everyone too see everyone's pet house (not recommended)
EnablePetHouse = true,
EnablePetCommand = false,
Keys = {
["G"] = {key = 47, label = "~INPUT_DETONATE~"},
["K"] = {key = 311, label = "~INPUT_REPLAY_SHOWHOTKEY~"},
["E"] = {key = 38, label = "~INPUT_CONTEXT~"},
["Z"] = {key = 20, label = "~INPUT_MULTIPLAYER_INFO~"}
Blips = {
Pet = {sprite = 442, color = 31},
KeyActions = {
DropPet = "G",
FastInteraction = "Z",
InteractWithPet = "K", -- only for non targetsystem users
AllowedSniffedItems = { -- under here you can add items which are allowed for your pet to sniff e.g. weed, meth or other drugs used on your server!
RewardsXP = {
uniqueActions = 1, --the xp given from unique interactions with pet
successfulAttack = 15,
successfulSearch = 5,
breeding = 25,
PoliceOnly = {
onlyPoliceCanSniff = false,
onlyPoliceCanAttack = false,
Delays = {
statusRemoval = 450, -- (seconds) the time it takes for your pet's hunger to be removed by one (default 450s => (450*100)/3600 = 12.5 hours for the pet to go from 100 to 0 in hunger)
newItemToSniffDelay = 100000 -- (milisec) total of 100 sec before the pet can get better at sniffing an item or sniff a new item
Video showcase of the script (click here if the video won’t load)
Other resources:
[ESX/QB] kr_mobilehousing | Motorhome/RV/Mobile housing
[ESX] [PAID] kr_farms | 2250+ planting spots | Ownable farms
[ESX] [PAID] kr_shops | Manage your shop
[ESX] [PAID] kr_companies | Next gen SOCIETY script
Code is accessible | Yes (server files are inaccessible) |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | ~2700 lua and ~1500 UI |
Requirements | ESX/QB |
Support | Yes |