Electus Motorhome V2
Tebex Link (16.99€)
Models Link
The second version of this beautiful motorhome script is packed with new features and upgrades to make the experience smoother for both players and server owners. This version also includes yachts and job based shops.
- There is 7 different motorhome models and the models are downloaded separately because I am not the original creator of the models. They can be downloaded here.
- Everything is optimized including the models to make it work better with FiveM streaming assets.
- As of now there is no support for a targeting system because most the models interferes with the targeting system, which makes it impossible to make it work properly. Therefore this vesion has major performance improvement compared to last version!
- On the map there is two different shops, one for yachts and one for regular motorhomes. There the vehicles can be purchased either through a job or directly through the player (configurable)
- You can set up the camp with button G (default) and also sit in the seats on G (default)
- There is tons of configruations which makes it possible to make it job dependant. If there is a job involved there will also be a configurable cut for each vehicle sold.
If the script does not work after getting support to fix the potential issue a refund will be made, but proof of the script not working must be provided.
- QB-Core/ESX.
- lockpick/qb-lockpick
- esx_progressbar/qb-progressbar/progressbar
Idle 0.00ms.
Max 0.05-0.08ms.
Fully optimized.
Screenshots of UI
Config = {
locale = "en",
framework = "esx", -- "none", "esx" or "qb"
inventory = "default", -- "default" (esx/qb), "ox", "chezza", "modfreakz", "core"
vehicleKeySystem = "none", -- "none", "qb-vehiclekeys", "MojiaVehicleKeys", "jaksam_vehicle_keys"
enable3DText = true, -- other wise uses notfication system (better performance)
appearanceSystem = "skinchanger", -- "fivem-appearance" or "skinchanger"
useESXWeightSystem = true, -- false if you use ESX 1.1 or below it.
esxEventString = "esx:getSharedObject",
maxAmountOfOutfits = 10,
currency = "€",
debug = false,
progressbar = "esx", -- "esx", "qb", "ox" or "none"
dealershipProfitPercentage = 0.1, -- default 0.1 = 10% of the total price
acceptedModels = {
2025663725, -- galaxyroamer
-150997231, -- sandkingrv
2140716337, -- cararv
130908034, -- guardianrv
-508917849, -- sandroamer
-688022864, -- sr650fly
-1670590722, -- frauscher16
blipIds = {
[1] = { id = 477, color = 10, scale = 0.8, label = "Motorhome Dealer", requrireJob = false},
[2] = { id = 457, color = 5, scale = 0.7, label = "Motorhome Boss", requrireJob = true},
[3] = { id = 455, color = 10, scale = 0.8, label = "Yacht Dealer", requrireJob = false},
[4] = { id = 457, color = 5, scale = 0.7, label = "Yacht Boss", requrireJob = true},
jobMarkers = {
motorhomedealer = {
requiredJob = "none", -- "none" or "motorhomedealer"
type = "rvs",
markers = {
{ type = "dealer", coords = vector4(473.5, -594.65, 27.5, 180.0), scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD", model = "ig_drfriedlander", grade = 1, enableBlip = true, blipId = 1 },
{ type = "boss", coords = vector4(-2950.5, -15.5, 6.5, 0.0), scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD", model = "a_m_y_business_01", grade = 2, enableBlip = false, blipId = 2 },
boatdealer = {
requiredJob = "none", -- "none" or "motorhomedealer"
type = "boats",
markers = {
{ type = "dealer", coords = vector4(-830.19, -1358.94, 4.0, 300.0), scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD", model = "ig_drfriedlander", grade = 1, enableBlip = true, blipId = 3 },
{ type = "boss", coords = vector4(-2959.5, -15.5, 6.5, 0.0), scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD", model = "a_m_y_business_01", grade = 2, enableBlip = false, blipId = 4 },
spawnedVehicleDeletionTime = 1, -- in minutes
spawnPoints = {
motorhomedealerVehicleSpawnPoint = vector4(458.55, -581.4, 28.5, 82.0),
boatdealerVehicleSpawnPoint = vector4(-845.81, -1362.02, 1.0, 109.11),
plateFormat = "cccsnnn", -- c = character, n = number, s = space
shop = {
rvs = {
galaxyroamer = {
label = "Galaxy Roamer",
model = "galaxyroamer",
weight = 2500,
price = 20000,
description = "Nice rv with eight seats, wardrobe and extra storage. Camping kit is included for all wildlife lovers. Storage weight 2500kg plus trunk and glovebox space.",
slots = 50,
sandkingrv = {
label = "Sandking RV",
model = "sandkingrv",
weight = 1000,
price = 10000,
description = "Nice rv with six seats, wardrobe and extra storage. Camping kit is included for all wildlife lovers. Storage weight 1000kg plus trunk and glovebox space.",
slots = 50,
cararv = {
label = "Cara RV",
model = "cararv",
weight = 1000,
price = 10000,
description = "Nice rv with six seats, wardrobe and extra storage. Camping kit is included for all wildlife lovers. Storage weight 1000kg plus trunk and glovebox space.",
slots = 50,
guardianrv = {
label = "Guardian RV",
model = "guardianrv",
weight = 1000,
price = 10000,
description = "Nice rv with four seats, wardrobe and extra storage. Camping kit is included for all wildlife lovers. Storage weight 1000kg plus trunk and glovebox space.",
slots = 50,
sandroamer = {
label = "Sand Roamer",
model = "sandroamer",
weight = 1000,
price = 10000,
description = "Nice rv with six seats, wardrobe and extra storage. Camping kit is included for all wildlife lovers. Storage weight 1000kg plus trunk and glovebox space.",
slots = 50,
boats = {
sr650fly = {
label = "Sea Ray 650 Fly",
model = "sr650fly",
weight = 8000,
price = 100000,
description = "Nice yacht with thirteen seats, wardrobe and extra storage. This yacht is the most luxurious on the market. Storage weight 8000kg plus trunk and glovebox space.",
slots = 50,
frauscher16 = {
label = "Frauscher 2016",
model = "frauscher16",
weight = 5000,
price = 60000,
description = "Nice yacht with four seats, wardrobe and extra storage. Storage weight 5000kg plus trunk and glovebox space.",
slots = 50,
breakInRequirements = {
enableBreakIn = true,
lockpickSystem = "none", -- "none", "qb-lockpick" or "lockpick"
requireBreakInDoorToOpenStash = false, -- if true, you first need to break in to the door and then the stash to access the stash
requireItem = "none", -- item name "none" or item example "lockpick"
requireJob = "none", -- job name "none" or job example "police"
keyActions = {
open = "E",
openShop = "E",
openCamp = "G",
openAndCloseDoor = "E",
openStorage = "E",
openWardrobe = "E",
breakIn = "E",
resetLocks = "G",
getUp = "G",
sitDown = "G",
resetLock = "G",
ui = {
style = {
buttonPrimaryColor = "#405f7a",
buttonSecondaryColor = "#5a85ab",
buttonTextColor= "#ffffff",
Other Resources
and more.
Code is accessible | Necessary lua code is available |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | ~3200 |
Requirements | QB/ESX |
Support | Yes |