[STANDALONE/QB/ESX] Zipline | Electus Scripts

Tebex link (9.99€)

Electus Zipline
:zap: Synced between players
:zap: Nice and smooth feeling when using zipline
:zap: The length between the zipline poles represent the required amount of rope (item for qb & esx)
:zap: Gravity (faster downwards than upwards and the speed is dependant on the angle between the poles)
:zap: Perfect to enchance your roleplaying in different scenarios such as robberies!

:zap: If using qb-core or esx add items zipline_poles and rope


Config = {
    Lang = "en",
    Framework = "esx", -- "none", "esx" or "qb"
    ESXEventString = "esx:getSharedObject",
    Inventory = "default", -- "default"(qb/esx), "mf-inventory"
    RequireRope = false,
    MaxLength = 25, -- max length of distance between poles
    Keys = {
        ["G"] = {key = 47, label = "~INPUT_DETONATE~"},
        ["K"] = {key = 311, label = "~INPUT_REPLAY_SHOWHOTKEY~"},
        ["E"] = {key = 38, label = "~INPUT_CONTEXT~"},
        ["Z"] = {key = 20, label = "~INPUT_MULTIPLAYER_INFO~"},
        ["BACKSPACE"] = {key = 194, label = "~INPUT_FRONTEND_RRIGHT~"}
    KeyActions = {
        SetUpPole = "E",
        RideZipline = "E",
        RemoveZiplinePole = "G",
        Cancel = "BACKSPACE",

Zipline pole image

Video showcase of the script (click here if the video won’t load)

Other resources:
Advanced pet system
Mobile housing

Code is accessible Yes (Only some math and server files are unaccessible)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~550
Requirements None
Support Yes

I love it perfect for a roleplay server. :heart_eyes:

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whaaaa!?!?! cant wait to try this out!

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This is :fire:

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Holy shit is this nice

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can you put a config preview?