OLD THREAD, NEW LINK (V3) [PAID] [QB/ESX] kr_pets | Advanced pet system | Skill system |
NEW VIDEO: click here
Pricing (€20 not included VAT) : click here
-Follow (automatically enters vehicle if door is open)
-Attack and sniff (Only some pets e.g. most of the dogs, meant to be used as K9)
-Put on tracker (Track your pet’s every move!)
-Feed (Your pets loose hunger even though you are not online, so you have to feed them! Time is configurable)
-Thirst (Your pets loose thirst even though you are not online, so you have to give them water! Time is configurable)
-Make your pet lay down/sit down
-Pet daycare (Only one pet can be used but you can store your pets in the pet daycare)
-Animal smuggler’s shop (Shop where you can buy more exclusive pets e.g. lion and coyote. Can be removed)
-Pet get better at sniffing items the more you let them sniff. Although the feature learn to sniff has an delay.
-Pet gets better on attacking and sniffing the more it does it. In the beginning you’ll have to go to Pet training on the map otherwise your pet will never get better at attacking and always flee.
-Pet flees when asked to attack if not trained properly. Pet also has an extra chance of fleeing if it hears a gunshot.
-If you have esx_krille_pits you can search for sniffed items underground
-In config you can change the position of the UI (top right, top left, bottom left or bottom right)
An already setup ESX server
-Pet pricing
-Control keys e.g. K to open pet menu etc
-Sit anims
-Delays (how long it takes for your pet to starve and the required time to sniff new items or/and get better at sniffing already sniffed items)
Update V2.1 (2021-08-05)
Fixed login health bug resulting in pet being deleted from database.
Added configurable for only police being able to attack and sniff with their pet (K9)
Added configurable pet attribute successfull attack reward (in %)
Update V2.0 (2021-07-03)
Attack level (low level = flee etc), UI and more!
Update V1.1 (2021-06-25)
The update consist of mainly optimization