[PAID][ESX/QB] MultiCharacters + Identity | NEW DESIGN

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[OPEN SOURCE | vms_multichars + vms_identity] 20€ + TAX
[OPEN SOURCE | vms_identity] 7€ + TAX

[SHOWCASE] vms_multichars + vms_identity

:person_standing: vms_multichars :person_standing:

Pretty UI design.
Tested on a large server at Onesync Infinity, works fine!
Point defaults to airport for character change (can be turned off)
Ability to disable character self removal by players
Ability to change the default weather when selecting a character
Ability to plug in your own identity register (vms_identity is not required)
Ability to plug in your own character creator
Admin commands: /deletecharacter, /setslots, /removeslots, /enablechar, /disablechar
Players while in character selection do not see each other
In the config, you can set the maximum number of characters but the administrator can give next by command
It’s all open source
Compatible with other resolutions
Full JS, Lua translation.
Full support.

:card_file_box: vms_identity :card_file_box:

Pretty UI design.
Ability to set the maximum number of characters in the first and last name
Ability to set maximum and minimum height
Ability to set maximum and minimum age
It’s all open source
Compatible with other resolutions
Full JS, Lua translation.
Full support.

SOON: vms_multichars, vms_identity for QB-Core and vms_charcreator

Resmon while not using:


:anger: You can check my others scripts :anger:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +850 lua
Requirements esx_skin, skinchanger
Support Yes

ESX Version?

Do you read bro? On the title is set to ESX.

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.6

[+] Compatible with QB-Core

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.7

  • QB-Core
    [/] Fixed problem with not being able to move after creating first character
    [/] Fixed problem with loading female ped model during character selection
    [/] Fixed the reload ui when deleting of characters
    [/] Changed in sql file from users to players

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.8

  • ESX
    [/] Changed UI loading when joining the server (Only after pressing a particular slot does the character come in)

  • QB-Core
    [/] Corrected commands for QB-Core
    [/] Fixed UI loading error after character deletion
    [/] Changed UI loading when joining the server (Only after pressing a particular slot does the character come in)

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.9

  • ESX
    [/] Fixed the reload UI when selecting a character

  • QB-Core
    [/] Fixed the reload UI when selecting a character
    [+] Added Config.SkinManager which fixes black screen and character not loading issue - for fivem-appearance & illenium-appearance

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.0

  • ESX:
    [/] Fixed an issue with disabling Config.ChangeCharacterPoint
    [+] Added automatic loading of the correct gender of the one selected in identity into Config.UseCustomSkinCreator (vms_charcreator) (For ESX Legacy +1.8.5 - because it was only from this version that the value sex was added to the trigger esx:playerLoaded)
    [/] Fixed problem with error display from es_extended when creating a new character (bad argument #1 to ‘for iterator’)

  • QB-Core:
    [+] Improved character creation in the default qb-clothing character creator
    [/] Fixed an issue with disabling Config.ChangeCharacterPoint and added qb-core DrawText to point of Config.ChangeCharacterPoint
    [+] Added automatic loading of the correct gender of the one selected in identity into Config.UseCustomSkinCreator (vms_charcreator)

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.1

[-] Removed notification “Wait for your character to load”, now you don’t have to wait for the character to go in front of the camera, you can select the character earlier
[-] Config.SkyCoords removed (this is taken from Config.Spawn)

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.2


[+] Added Config.UseCustomSpawnSelector
[+] Added function openSpawnSelector() to config_client.lua


[+] Added Config.UseCustomSpawnSelector
[+] Added function openSpawnSelector() to config_server.lua

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.3


[+] Added secured Config.StarterItems & Config.StarterMoney to config_server.lua file
[+] Added some hints to Config.UsersDatabase on how to add options there
[+] Added the /addslots command for use only in the server console or through the tebex api, so you can sell slots on your server using the tebex
[/] Fixed the command /setslots


[/] Improved the function openSpawnSelector on config_server.lua for QB-Core
[+] Added secured Config.StarterItems & Config.StarterMoney to config_server.lua file
[+] Added the /addslots command for use only in the server console or through the tebex api, so you can sell slots on your server using the tebex
[/] Fixed the command /setslots

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.4


[+] Added Config.SelectFirstChar - it will select first possible player character by first connection on the server - recommended use


[+] Added Config.SkipSpawnSelector to be able to use the spawn on the previous location without the spawn selector
[+] Added Config.SelectFirstChar - it will select first possible player character by first connection on the server - recommended use

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.5

[/] Fixed Config.SelectFirstChar

any gamebuild needed or something?

:computer: VMS_Multichars 1.1.7

[+] Compatible with QBOX
[+] Added Config.CameraHeight & Config.CameraForward
[+] Added Config.Hud for the ability to hide the hud in the menu
[+] Added Config.UseRoutingBuckets - this allows you to completely fix the problem with visibility or collisions between players in the menu, with the help of moving the player to a virtual world
[/] Changed from Config.CameraZHeight to Config.CameraHeightPoint
[/] Changed position from Diamond Casino to next to the field at Lost MC
[/] Fixed removal of the only character

QB-Core only:
[+] Added Config.UseQBHouses - to loading owned qb-houses with qb-garages houses
[/] Fixed console command addslots

:computer: VMS_Identity 1.0.7

[+] Compatible with QBOX
[+] Added Config.Hud for the ability to hide the hud in the menu
[+] Added Config.DateFormat - the ability to change the format of the entered date.
[+] Added Config.UseLatinAlphabetChecker, for users who use an alphabet other than Latin, like Arabic, Japanese, Cyrillic.
[+] Added Config.UseNationalityOption, if you want to use nationality option with register