[PAID][ESX/QB] vms_cityhall | All in One - Job Center, Billings, Taxes, Insurances, Clerk Job

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:office: Why VMS City Hall?

Are you looking for a complete, advanced resource to bring a realistic, professional city hall office to your server? Imagine a place where officials can perform their duties, and players can handle all their administrative matters in one spot! VMS City Hall is a script that combines a rich set of features, including: fines and invoice systems, citizen and business taxes, documents and insurance, custom paychecks, job centers, and more!

:movie_camera: Watch the resource presentation here:

Compatible with ESX Legacy & QB-Core
Compatible with markers, 3D Text, Text UI, Target
Prepared ready translation of the script in many languages: :uk: English, :de: German, :fr: French, :es: Spanish, :portugal: Portuguese, :poland: Polish, :it: Italian, :czech_republic: Czech, :sweden: Swedish and the ability to make your own translations using the config.translation.lua and translation.json files

Detailed feature description:


We have built in a paycheck system that you can use to replace the default ESX or QB-Core paychecks, which are automatically added to the player’s bank account. With this system, you can deposit these funds into stored payouts in the city hall menu, allowing players to come and collect their paychecks whenever they need.

Job Center

The Job Center section allows you to join various jobs.

Using vms_tuning / vms_vehicleshopV2 / vms_stores / vms_gym / vms_barber / vms_tattooshop, you can also enable players to submit their resumes for job. Business owners can then review resumes from interested citizens via the Management Menu in the above resources and decide whether to hire them.

Currently, the resume feature is compatible only with the resources listed above, but we plan to expand compatibility soon as opportunities arise.


The city hall menu includes an Insurances section with two panels:

Health Insurances:

Players have the option to purchase health insurance. Specific jobs defined in your configuration have access to a special Check Health Insurance Menu, which allows personnel to verify a citizen’s insurance status using their SSN. This enables you to offer certain benefits for insured citizens on your server.

Vehicle Insurances:

Similarly, players can insure their vehicles. There is also a special VIN Check Menu, with restricted access for certain jobs, allowing personnel to check vehicle information, including insurance status. You can require vehicle insurance on your server, enabling law enforcement to issue fines for uninsured vehicles. Additionally, you can offer benefits like discounted repairs or tuning for insured vehicles.


In the Documents section, you can order or collect documents. Depending on your chosen configuration, you may require an application for document issuance, in which case the player must wait a specified time for processing. After the time has elapsed, the player can collect it at city hall. Alternatively, you can allow immediate document pickup without a waiting period, where the document is automatically issued to the player.

In addition to personal documents, the following are available: “Vehicle Sale Agreement,” “Vehicle Reregistration,” and “Registration Number Change.”

  • Vehicle Sale Agreement adds more depth to the city hall system, as all transaction information is saved. Officials investigating a citizen’s activities can review vehicle ownership, vehicle history, and assess whether a vehicle price was set low to reduce tax obligations. A vehicle purchase incurs a wealth tax, discussed further in the Taxes section below.
  • Reregistering Vehicle allows you to update the vehicle’s ownership information in the city hall database, including selecting current/random or custom license plate numbers (if you allow players to make these changes). Without registration, allowed jobs with access to the VIN Check Menu will not see the current owner’s information, potentially leading to legal consequences.
  • Change of registration numbers allows players to request a change in license plates, but you can disable this option if you prefer to restrict plate changes.

With VMS City Hall, you also receive the extra VMS Documents V2, our latest personal document and badge system, featuring realistic visuals and a photographer service. Each document has a unique serial number that specific jobs can use to verify its authenticity and existence. Since our document system fully supports item metadata, player can give documents, potentially using someone else’s document. If a document is stolen and reported by the owner, the person using it may face legal consequences.

* To use vms_documentsV2, you need an inventory that supports item metadata.
Read more about VMS Documents V2 and watch the presentation video.


We have two default fine modes:

  1. When issuing a fine or invoice, the player must either accept or decline it in every case.
  2. When issuing a fine or invoice with a specified payment time other than immediate, it will be issued automatically without requiring acceptance.

Additionally, if immediate payment is required, the player will have the option to view the fine details and choose a payment method.


Using invoices, authorized company employees must enter information about sold products or services, including quantities and prices. Taxes may also be applied to invoices, adding to the total amount.


For tickets, the police officer will need to enter required details, such as

  • FINE AMOUNT: In the configuration you can also set the minimum and maximum fine amount that a player can enter.
  • DUE DATE: You can require immediate payment, but you can also set the time of payment

Traffic Tickets:

  • FINE AMOUNT: In the configuration you can also set the minimum and maximum fine amount that a player can enter.
  • DUE DATE: You can require immediate payment, but you can also set the time of payment
  • LICENSE REVOCATION: You can revoke the driver’s license of a player who has committed too many traffic offenses
  • SUSPENSION TIME Along with revocation, you can suspend the player’s ability to retake the exam for a specified period. This feature is built-in by default with vms_driveschoolV2. If you use a different driving school script, exports for integration with your own scripts are available in the documentation.
  • PENALTY POINTS: Just like in real life, drivers can accumulate penalty points and if they exceed a certain amount they will lose their license, so you can configure this as well

Billings Menu:

Business owners with access to fines or invoices have a special menu with a billing history. This menu provides all relevant information and also includes the option to cancel a fine, which removes the payment obligation for the fined individual.


Business Taxes:

Business taxes are currently compatible only with our scripts that allow for company configuration: vms_tuning, vms_vehicleshopV2, vms_stores, vms_gym, vms_barber, and vms_tattooshop. These businesses are obligated to pay taxes for the services and products they offer.
In the configuration, you can detail how taxes operate for companies, such as:

Whether a company can submit declarations from previous months?

The player will have the opportunity to pay outstanding taxes, for example, when we are now September (09.2024), and you have not paid for, for example, June and July,
by setting true, you will still have the opportunity to make a declaration, by setting false, then the player can no longer pay the outstanding months.

Whether the company should automatically have the amount of unpaid tax deducted?

Automatically collects tax from the company account after a specified number of months of delay (X months).
If the company hasn’t paid taxes for X months, the function automatically deducts the overdue amount from the company account,
adding any late payment interest according to the specified rules.

Should a percentage for late payment be applied to the company?

For each month of delay, an additional payment is required, for example, setting it at 15%.
If it is now September (09.2024), and your company earned $5,000 in August (08.2024), you have $5,000 to pay because you’re paying for the previous tax month.
However, if you didn’t pay for July (07.2024), and your company earned $5,000 then, you owe $5,000 + 15%, which equals $5,750 for one month of delayed payment.
If it’s already two months of delay, for example, for June (06.2024), and your company also earned $5,000, then it’s $5,000 + 30%, meaning you now owe $6,500.

Depending on your configuration, you can customize this in various ways according to your preferences.

Personal Taxes:

Earlier, we mentioned the vehicle purchase tax, which is a form of wealth tax. This is one tax, but our documentation includes many exports that enable you to implement new taxes and assign them to players for payment.

Clerk Job

Checking the tax periods of companies

Search for citizen information by SSN number

If the SSN you entered exists, you will see information like this:

Search for vehicle information by VIN number

If the VIN you entered exists, you will see information like this:


Full view for each configs in our script documentation:

Rendering markers:

No marker rendering or use of target system:

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your server!
Get ready for the most extensive City Hall system!

:scroll: Other resources from the VMS* Store

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) lua +6600
Requirements ESX Legacy or QB-Core, MugShotBase64
Support Yes

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Does this export data such as records create into sql database?

Hello, I don’t know what exactly you mean, but yes, our script works with a database and the information is stored in the database.

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Oh my bad, my qb server uses SONORANCAD and it needs exports from a table. All license scripts out there such as Pickle and CS Documents either don’t go to sql database or write data in json which then has weird delimiter issues. So i’m just wondering how will tables are for SONORANCAD as one I recently got has issues. So I’m just wondering how detailed the exports into sql table are and what I can create in the script as it needs tie into CAD.

This is fire.

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Aswm love it want soon…

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WOW I am enchanted with your cityhall and the new documents, with each new resource you are more and more powerful in the market, still watching your movements and you are moving towards #1, keep it up! :ok_hand: :heart:

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hi guys!, it’s compatible with qbox? and ox inv?

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Once again, a script that looks hot af.

Is this compatible with qbox and okokbanking?

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Looking to know this aswell :slight_smile:

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:notebook_with_decorative_cover: UPDATE 1.0.1

[+] Added compatibility with qs-inventory and ox_inventory on qb-core in SV.registerUsableItem
[+] Introduced default fetching of vehicle prices via SV.fetchVehiclesPrices function for vms_vehicleshopv2 and default qb-core and qbox_core
[/] Fixed error nil value field debug
[/] Fixed error balanceAlreadyRemoved is not defined

* If you are using qbx_core and having trouble getting Clerk Menu to work, remember that you need to enter a custom callback into your qbx_management - Common Errors | vms* store - Docs

Hi @Knox-S, @NoAimGirlKane, @VoltzMedia, yes! :smiley:

VMS City Hall is compatible with qbox-core and ox_inventory. However, when it comes to okokBanking, it depends on what exactly you want to integrate, but if you plan to use okokBanking instead of City Hall’s built-in balance, you can do so using three functions in the config.server.lua file.

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: UPDATE 1.0.2

[+] Added origen_inventory compatibility for SV.registerUsableItem
[/] Fixed a bug that occurred when using /checkvin or /hidevin a second time

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: UPDATE 1.0.3

[+] Compatibility with vms_bossmenu in SV.addSocietyMoney, SV.removeSocietyMoney, SV.getBusinessTaxAccount, SV.removeBusinessTaxAccount, SV.sendBusinessMessage
[+] Added a new export giveBill: this allows you to add tickets/invoices via server-side to a player, e.g. for speed cameras.
[+] Added useOnTarget option to Config.InfoVIN and Config.CheckVIN - this allows you to interact with a vehicle using a target
[+] Added Config.SendPhoneMessageAboutResume option means that after accepting/rejecting an application you can send an email to the player’s phone informing them of the status of their resume, support for qb-phone, qs-smartphone-pro, yseries, lb-phone, okokPhone
[+] Added SV.getPlayerJobLabel function to config.server.lua
[+] Added Config.UsePaychecks: if you don’t want to use paychecks, you can opt out by disabling this option in the configuration
[+] Added Penalty Point, Penalty Point List to Find Citizens by SSN section of clerk menu
[+] Added a new item ‘signed_vehicle_sale_agreement’ and new options to Config.VehicleSaleAgreement - GiveSignedItemToSeller, GiveSignedItemToBuyer, SignedItemName, this now allows you to add an official completed sales document for the seller and the buyer
[+] Added Config.UseVehicleType, if you do not have a type column in your owned_vehicles/player_vehicles, you need to set this to false, the lack of a column caused a problem for qb-core/qbx-core users when trying to sell a vehicle
[+] Added Config.HealthInsurancerSociety & Config.HealthInsuranceMoneyToSocietyPercent it allows you to create health insurance company, which will receive the indicated percentage of the amount paid
[+] Added Config.VehiclesInsurancerSociety & Config.VehiclesInsurancesMoneyToSocietyPercent it allows you to create vehicle insurance company, which will receive the indicated percentage of the amount paid
[+] Added image parameter to Config.JobsList, this allows you to add an image to jobs as a link or by adding the file to ./html/images/
[/] Improved the width of the space between letters has been reduced on the banner in the tax menu and added a missing color for “Lack of income”
[/] Improved item compatibility with origen_inventory
[/] Improved rendering of VIN positions in cars and motorcycles
[/] Fixed export isLicenseSuspended
[/] Fixed a bug causing a sale agreement item to be removed from the seller’s inventory when the buyer did not have enough money
[/] Fixed bug causing no select menu on agreement for German language - paragraph_1_text
[/] Fixed bug related to incorrect calculation of values from percentageForSociety and percentageForIssuer
[/] Fixed a bug related to an error caused by a webhook when ordering a document
[/] Fixed player money update for QB-Core in SV.addMoneyOffline function
[/] Fixed an error An error occurred while calling export 'updatePaychecks' in resource vms_cityhall, which could occur on qb-core/qbox-core
[/] Fixed warning Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'close')

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So cool I have to buy it ! And question are you planning to maybe add DOJ to this resource ?

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Another good resource tomorrow must buy!