[ESX/QB] VMS Garages V2 | Most Advanced Garages & Parking System

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:house: Why VMS Garages V2?

Discover the ultimate solution for vehicle management in FiveM with VMS Garages V2. Our advanced system offers a variety of realistic parking options, from free public spots to rent-based spaces and private garages. With unique features like job-only parking, underground garages, and comprehensive towing services, VMS Garages V2 enhances gameplay and adds depth to your role-playing experience. Explore seamless vehicle management, enhance your role-play, and take control of your parking needs. Dive into the details and see how VMS Garages V2 can transform your in-game experience!

:movie_camera: Watch the resource presentation here:

Compatible with ESX Legacy & QB-Core
Compatible with markers, 3D Text, Text UI
Prepared ready translation of the script in many languages thanks to the VMS Translator team: :uk: English, :portugal: Portuguese, :poland: Polish, :es: Spanish and the ability to make your own translations using the config.translation.lua and translation.json files

By default registered, ready to use are:

  • Garages: 2 registered for cars/motorcycles/bikes, 1 registered for planes, 1 registered for helicopters,
  • Garage in the interior: 1 registered for cars/motorcycles/bikes,
  • Free Realistic Parkings: 6 registered parkings for cars/motorcycles/bikes, 1 registered boat station,
  • Realistic Parking with Parking Meter: 1 registered parking for cars/motorcycles/bikes,
  • Realistic Parking with Rent Spaces: 1 registered parking for cars/motorcycles/bikes,
  • Job-Only Parking: 1 registered for cars/motorcycles/bikes for police,
  • Job Garages: 2 registered for cars/motorcycles/bikes for police and ambulance,
  • Job Garages with Predefined Vehicles: 1 registered for cars/motorcycles/bikes for police,
  • Housing Garages: 31 registered for cars/motorcycles/bikes,
  • Impounds: 4 registered public impounds for cars/motorcycles/bikes, boats, planes, helicopters and 1 registered job impound for police.

Detailed feature description:

Free Realistic Parkings

Enjoy numerous parking spots where each player can park their vehicle without incurring any fees. This feature ensures a seamless and cost-free parking experience for all.

Realistic Parking with Parking Meter

In certain public parking lots, players must pay an hourly fee, which is configurable. This adds a layer of realism and management to the parking experience.

Realistic Parking with Rent Spaces

This option requires players to rent a parking space. Through an intuitive menu, players can browse available spots and select their preferred location. Additionally, single-owner businesses can operate rental parking lots, managing fees and overseeing vehicle safety. Owners are responsible for handling illegally parked vehicles once rental periods expire, often requiring a mechanic’s intervention.

Underground Interior Parking

Create underground garages, providing a secure and organized space for players to park their vehicles away from public view.


Players can manage their vehicles through a user-friendly menu, offering the ability to transfer vehicles between different garages for better organization and convenience.

Job-Only Parking

Configure specific parking lots for vehicles owned by players with certain jobs. This ensures that only designated vehicle models and job-related cars can park in these areas, enhancing role-play and job management.

Job Garages

These garages cater to company vehicles, with bosses purchasing and assigning vehicles to specific players, ranks, or all employees. Employees are tasked with maintaining these vehicles, given their limited availability.

Job Garages with Predefined Vehicles

Here, the vehicles available are listed in the configuration and are unlimited in number, allowing for a broader range of job-related vehicles.

Housing Garages

Link garages to player-owned houses. Owning a house grants the ability to park vehicles in a private garage, integrating home ownership with vehicle management.


Retrieving a Vehicle from public Impound

The script has two options for configuring the impound, one of which is public in which the player himself can come, pay for the towed vehicle and retrieve it.

Retrieving a Vehicle from job Impound

The second mode of configuration of Impound works on the principle of job - for example, the Police, there is a police parking lot to which vehicles are towed, then if your vehicle is towed right there, you must report to one of the employees to request the release of the vehicle, then if a financial penalty was imposed on him, you will have to pay it with a bill issued by the employee, when the bill is paid, then he can release your vehicle to you.

Sale Agreement

Our script also facilitates vehicle sales through a buy-and-sell agreement, allowing players to engage in vehicle transactions effortlessly.


Full view for each configs in our script documentation:

Outside the parking zones:

In a parking zone with a large number of vehicles:

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your server!
Get ready for the most extensive garages & parkings system!

:scroll: Other resources from the VMS* Store

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) lua +5100
Requirements ESX Legacy or QB-Core, PolyZone
Support Yes

very realistic


very good m8 gj


Hello, very good work I just have a quick question, is the script compatible with qbox or will it be?


Looks good!


wow this look so cool


Really like realistic parking feature.
Gj bud.


Look good asf :fire:

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Hello, thank you very much!
I have not tested the resource on qbox core, but in the near future I will try to test it and mark whether it is compatible.

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Thx you :grin:

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when i bought Vms_garage, its an update or new script ?

yes… unfortunately youtube blocked video for two countries, if you have access and you can, use a free VPN :frowning_with_open_mouth:

no, vms_garagesV2 is a completely different resource, it is not an update

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: UPDATE 1.0.1

[+] The database customization option in SV.Database has been expanded - you can now customize the names of columns such as owner, company, plate, vehicle, type to your current table
[+] Added command /givecar PLAYERID/COMPANY VEH_TYPE VEH_MODEL LICENSE_PLATE - This allows administrators to add vehicles using the command.
[+] Added new server-side export giveVehicle - see documentation for more information
[+] Added Config.AddKeysForEmployee & Config.RemoveKeysFromEmployee option to add and remove keys in Job Garages with Owned Vehicles.
[+] Added new language translation: :czech_republic: Czech, :it: Italian
[/] Changed the method of license plate identification, now you can use license plates with less than 8 characters, but remember that if you want to use shorter plates, for example, 4 character plate, you can not set the plate like this " TEST ", there must not be any space before and after the text, you can set "TEST" like this
[/] Fixed visual bug in Job Garages with Owned Vehicles for employee list and job grades list
[/] Fixed a bug with taking a vehicle from the parking lot after reselling a vehicle using /sellvehicle
[/] Fixed bug with routing bucket when you don’t have any vehicles in the garage
[/] Fixed a bug for qb-core regarding loading a list of employees in the vehicle management menu in Job Garages with Owned Vehicles
[/] Adjusted Housing Garages for the latest version of qs-housing
* In order for them to work properly, you must go through the process of creating compatibility again from our documentation, as the code in the files has been changed.

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Great Job :ok_hand:

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I bought this VMS garage, but after installing it, I get a message saying “Not the correct vehicle type” when I try to park in a public garage. How can I resolve this? Did I miss something in the setup? Can someone help me? Or could you provide me with a comprehensive database file?

Hey, this means that the type is wrong, we use the types vehicle, boat, helicopter, plane, if you use others, in config.lua you can adjust this in the option Config.VehicleTypes. If you continue to have problems I recommend contacting me on a dedicated messenger.

Hello, how can I contact you? Can you remotely check what the problem is with my server?
