:shopping_cart: BUY IT HERE: www.vames-store.com


:movie_camera: Watch the resource presentation here:

Possibility to add your own custom tattoos.

By default, we made 11 add-on face tattoos because there are few in GTA.

If you want to make new add-on tattoos, no problem it is very easy and in addition, we wrote a detailed step-by-step documentation on how to make such!

ADD-ON TATTOOS - docs.vames-store.com

  • Compatibility with ESX and QB-Core
  • Compatibility with esx_skin / qb-clothing / fivem-appearance / illenium-appearance
  • Pretty UI design.
  • Tattoo Artist job to be set in config, many players can have their own tattoo studio, but this does not exclude the possibility of setting another tattoo studio for NPCs.
  • Price separately for each tattoos.
  • Advanced tattoo includes the ability to configure how many tattooshops are be companies of the players and how many by NPCs at one time!
  • Script easy to configure.
  • Camera switching between tattoo.
  • Compatibility with Onesync & OneSync Infinity.
  • 0.00ms resmon outside the interiors.
  • 0.03ms resmon in the course of using the tattoo menu.
  • Ability to set custom tattoos names in config. (The default is made to detect the language of your game.)
  • Ability to use TextUI / Target
  • Full JS, Lua translation.
  • Full support.


Full view for each configs in our script documentation:

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your server!

:scroll: Other resources from the VMS* Store

Code is accessible Yes/No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +750 lua
Requirements ESX / QBCore
Support Yes

This looks amazing. Probably the best looking tattooing system I have seen, in a long while. Only suggestion… progress bars with animations/prop for putting the tattoos on, when you select them. Slow the experience down and creates more emersion for those interacting with it.

Hi, thank you :blush:.
I have it planned to add exactly what you wrote but in gta there is no tattoo pen machine prop and I couldn’t find the right animation for it but in the coming days I will try to do it. :saluting_face:

compatible with rcore_tattoos ? or can add custom addon tattoos ?

Hi, it is not compatible with rcore, yes you can add custom tattoos, tutorial on how to add custom tattoo is available on our documentation

local prop_name = “v_ilev_ta_tatgun”
Jointsupp = CreateObject(GetHashKey(prop_name), x, y, z, true, true, true)
AttachEntityToEntity(Jointsupp, ped, GetPedBoneIndex(ped, 28422), -0.0, 0.03, 0, 0, -270.0, -20.0, true, true, false, true, 1, true)
TaskPlayAnim(ped, “random@shop_tattoo”, “artist_artist_finishes_up_his_tattoo”, 8.00, -8.00, -1, (2 + 16 + 32), 0.00, 0, 0, 0) --player_artist_finishes_up_his_tattoo

1 Like

Oh men, great, thank for searching a prop and animation. I will definitely use this in a future update! :heart:

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.2

[+] Added new custom tattoos (on image)
[+] Added hair overlay around the head (Category: 12)
[+] A new tattoo parlor has been coordinated

anyone know how to set this up using gabz’s tattoo parlors?

unfortunately this is not possible because gabz only made seats for sitting and not for lying down

Hey Im having diffcult time with script error: @vms_tattooshop/client/client.lua:136: attempt to call a nil value (Field "ShowHelpNotification) can you please help with this im running this on Qbcore

Hi, set Config.Core = "QBCore" in the config

Hi mate 2 questions is this compatible with illenium-appearence and how come when i do /reloadskin it deletes my tattoos until i relog?

hi, remove ClearPedDecorations native from /reloadskin command, currently not compatible with illenium-appearance

Will it be compatible with illenium in the future? I really hope so

yes i think it will be compatible

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.3

[/] Fixed an issue with ESX skinchanger tattoos not loading
[+] Added Config.CoreExport to define core by custom export name
[+] Added Config.PlayerLogout to remove all tattoos from character

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.5

[/] Supporting for illenium-appearance
[/] Changed Config.SkinMenu to Config.SkinManager
[/] Changed name of Config.Core from “QBCore” to “QB-Core”
[/] Changed name of Config.SkinManager from “qb-clothes” to “qb-clothing”

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.6

[+] Added bossMenuPos and bossMenuGrades option to Config.Tattooshops
[+] Added function Config.BossMenu - by default for esx_society and qb-management
[+] Added Config.Markers
[+] Added Config.UseTattooMachineRequired & Config.TattooMachineItem - you can require employees to have a tattoo machine to do new tattoo
[+] Added Config.UseTattooLaserRemoverRequired & Config.TattooLaserRemoverItem - you can require employees to have a tattoo laser remover to remove tattoo
[+] Added Config.UseTattooInkRequired & Config.TattooInkItem & Config.RemoveTattooInk - you can require employees to have a tattoo ink and whether the ink is to be taken away after the tattoo is done
[/] Changed from busy to taken in each file and changed trigger "...:setBusyChair" to "...:takeChair"
[+] Added forFemaleAlso option to Config.TattooList - this detects the gender of the player and tells the UI not to load tattoos that are forFemaleAlso = false when the client is female, in gta female tattoos work on a man but on a woman not every male tattoo works

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.7

[/] Improved grade checking for employees
[/] Fixed a bug with the ability to sit on an occupied seat