Welcome to the release of mySpeedcam!
Place speedcams everywhere (physical objects)
→ Temporary and permanent speedcams are possible. Also temporary radars are saved in the database, so they’ll stay after a server restart and you don’t have to place them agin and again.→ Also there is a command or menu integration, so your police officers could place temporary speedcams everywhere
Set up and edit max speed, flash range, label, society and more
Overview menu to see all current speedcams on the map
Speedcam Income menu to check how much profit every speedcame generates
→ Also you can see who was the last player which was caught speeding
All objects are synced between all players
Different societies for different speedcams are possible.
→ For example the LSPD could get the fines in the city and the Sheriff Department could get the fines in Sandy Shores and Paleto
Configurable jobs, which shouldn‘t get fines. They‘ll still be flashed to keep It realistic.
→ You can set up that the job is only allowed to speed, when the emergency light is on.
- EZELS support
Create menu:
Can for example be opened by police officers (configurable)
Speedcam overview:
Speedcam earnings:
Event triggers
You can trigger two simple client events to open the following menus
Create a speedcam menu:
Speedcam-Stats menu:
Example integration for esx_policejob:
I’ve added those two events to the F6 menu of the esx_policejob for example.
To do this, you can go to the client/main.lua and add a new category below the existing ones:
Part 1
ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'police_actions', {
title = 'Police',
align = 'top-left',
elements = {
{label = _U('citizen_interaction'), value = 'citizen_interaction'},
{label = _U('vehicle_interaction'), value = 'vehicle_interaction'},
{label = _U('object_spawner'), value = 'object_spawner'},
{label = 'Speedcams', value = 'speedcams'}
}}, function(data, menu)
And afterward I’ve aded a new submenu with those two events:
Part 2
elseif data.current.value == 'object_spawner' then
ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'citizen_interaction', {
title = _U('traffic_interaction'),
align = 'top-left',
elements = {
{label = _U('cone'), model = 'prop_roadcone02a'},
{label = _U('barrier'), model = 'prop_barrier_work05'},
{label = _U('spikestrips'), model = 'p_ld_stinger_s'},
{label = _U('box'), model = 'prop_boxpile_07d'},
{label = _U('cash'), model = 'hei_prop_cash_crate_half_full'}
}}, function(data2, menu2)
local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
local coords, forward = GetEntityCoords(playerPed), GetEntityForwardVector(playerPed)
local objectCoords = (coords + forward * 1.0)
ESX.Game.SpawnObject(data2.current.model, objectCoords, function(obj)
SetEntityHeading(obj, GetEntityHeading(playerPed))
end, function(data2, menu2)
elseif data.current.value == 'speedcams' then
ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'citizen_interaction', {
title = 'Speedcams',
align = 'top-left',
elements = {
{label = 'Place a speedcam', action = 'place'},
{label = 'Speedcam statistics', action = 'stats'},
}}, function(data2, menu2)
if data2.current.action == 'place' then
end, function(data2, menu2)
If you have trouble regarding his change, simply contact me, so I can send you a main.lua, which already contains those changes.
Regarding Escrow
This script is managed through the FiveM Keymaster.
Regarding this we paid the highest attention to the opportunity that everybody can simply modify everything without any encryption.
For this matter we only included about some unimportant lines of code, which never have to be modified and can’t cause any problems into the escrow file. So I can promise 100% that you will never even notice this protection, when you aren’t willed to leak the script.
ESX (All versions) or QBCore
Price: 8.99€ + tax
You can get this script in my store: https://luis-scripts.tebex.io/package/4986070
Feel free to check out our last script as well:
- myGarage: Allrounder garage system with property / job garages, saved deformation, AdvancedParking support and much more