myVehicleShop - Cars, Boats, Planes, Society shops and more [PAID]

Hey and welcome to myVehicleShop!


  • Different vehicle shops (create as many as you want). By default there are the following ones:
    → Premium Deluxe Motorsport (general cardealer with all main categories)
    Boat Dealership (Boats and Jetskis)
    Aircraft Dealership (Planes and Helicopters)
    → Vehicle Black market (You can only pay with black money here)
    LSPD and LSMC vehicle dealerships (job restricted → certain ranks can buy new society vehicles using society money)
  • You can individually select which payment methods can be used in each dealership
  • You can set up the vehicle classes per dealership
  • Vehicles are always sorted:
    → Vehicle brands
    → Vehicle categories
    Favourite vehicles
  • You can mark vehicles as favourite (f.e. to compare them or to find them easier the next time)
  • Vehicle seats, speed, accleration, handling and breaking are automatically analysed and displayed in the interface
  • You can always choose to do a test drive
    → You’ll have to bring the vehicle back in a certain time (Config). If not the vehicle is despawned and a caution will be removed.
  • You can sell your vehicles at the dealerships
  • Full support for society vehicle shops: When you buy a vehicle using society money a society_jobname owner can be set.
  • Full customization possible and all messages are configurable in a translation file (as always english and german translations are pre-installled)
    → Also added special support for esx_advancedgarage and myGarage. Should also work with any other garage.
  • Full Livery support

Showcase Video:

Different vehicle shops:
Completely configurable - create as many as you want




Society based vehicle dealerships
Job restricted, buy vehicles with society money

Automatically sorted with vehicle categories and brands

Restrict or allow different payment methods per shop:

Test drives:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~2000
Requirements ESX or QBCore, NativeUILua_Reloaded (download in readme file)
Support Yes
Config file
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.ESXEvent = 'esx:getSharedObject'

Config.AccessKey = 38

-- You can select "kmh" or "mph"
Config.MileageUnit = 'kmh'

Config.useMyGarage = false
Config.useAdvancedGarage = false
Config.advancedGarageDefaultCategory = 'modded' -- category which is set when you use esx_advancedgarage

Config.useLegacyFuel = true

-- If this is enabled the vehicle will be spawned after purchase. Otherwise it goes straight to the garage
Config.spawnVehicleAfterPurchase = true 

-- if this option is enabled, the vehicle owner will be set to society_jobname, when it's paid with society money
--                   disabled, the vehicle owner will be the player who purchases it.
Config.setSocietyIdentifier = true

-- those grades can buy and sell vehicles with society money 
Config.gradesAllowedForSocietyMoney = {

Config.defaultBanner = {dict = 'cardealerbanner', bannername = 'default'}
Config.SellMultiplier = 0.70

Config.vehicleShops = {
     name = 'PDM',
     requiredJob = nil,
     location = {x = -57.88, y = -1096.43, z = 26.42},
     notificationPicture = 'CHAR_CARSITE',
     banner = {dict = 'cardealerbanner', bannername = 'motorsportbanner'}, -- nil means default
     useMarker = true,

     useNPC = true,
     npc = {x = -56.69, y = -1098.84, z = 26.42, rot = 16.11}, -- only when useNPC = true
     pedModel = 'cs_carbuyer', -- only when useNPC = true

     showroom = {x = -44.17, y = -1097.14, z = 26.42, rot = 148.65},
     showroomCam = {x = -48.73, y = -1100.69, z = 27.42},
     vehicleSpawn = {x = -27.88, y = -1082.12, z = 26.64, rot = 67.2},
     sellZone = {x = -46.02, y = -1081.99, z = 26.71},

     classes = {

     paymentMethods = {
         cash = true,
         bank = true,
         society = true,
         black_money = false,

     defaultGarageID = 1, -- to which garage should vehicles go

     blip = {
        hide = false,
        Sprite = 523,
        Color = 0,
        Display = 2,
        Scale = 1.0,



Config.testDriveCaution = 200 -- $ caution for the test drive
Config.TestDriveTime = 120 -- in seconds

Config.PlateLetters  = 3
Config.PlateNumbers  = 4
Config.PlateUseSpace = true
Regarding Escrow

This script is managed through the FiveM Keymaster.
Regarding this we paid the highest attention to the opportunity that everybody can simply modify everything without any encryption.
For this matter we only included about some unimportant lines of code, which never have to be modified and can’t cause any problems into the escrow file. So I can promise 100% that you will never even notice this protection, when you aren’t willed to leak the script.

Price: 16.49€ + tax
You can get this script in my store:

or in a Bundle with mySpeedcam with a discount:

Feel free to check out our last script as well:

  • myGarage: Allrounder garage system with property / job garages, saved deformation, AdvancedParking support and much more
  • mySpeedcam: Place own speedcams, with advanced speedcam stats and police menu integrations

:heart: :heart: :heart:

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nice work

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Thank you!

Very nice script. Especially the detail with Docktease / PDM / flyUS Banners! :heart: :+1:

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only NPC controlled ? no way to make pl,ayermanagement on ?

At the moment only NPC controlled…but as it was requested we’ll add a small job function to the script within the next days :slight_smile:

Thank you so much <3

myVehicleShop - Update - 25.04.2022

  • Fixed minor issues which were reported (everything should be resolved now)
  • Added the Config option: Config.loadVehicleOnClick = false for servers with a lot of modded vehicles
  • Added the Config option: Config.AdvancedParkingSaveMode = true to avoid console spam using AdvancedParking

Nice work!

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Update - 30.04.2022

  • Minor fixes
  • Added the config option: platePrefix = 'LSPD'
    → Example given at the police vehicleshop to set custom plates on purchase

myVehicleShop - Update - 18.09.2022

  • New Config option: Config.DrivingLicenseRequired to allow players to access the shop only when they got a drivers license (esx_license required)
  • Added an option to the database to set up certain grades for the job vehicle shops.

Make sure to perform this in your database:

ALTER TABLE `mycardealer` ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS `grade` int(11) NULL DEFAULT '0';

Does this use the vehicles sql table that the default esx_vehicleshop uses? (As I already have all my vehicles stored in there)


basically I’ve written an import command to import all vehicles from the vehicles table.
So this can of course be used.

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myVehicleShop - Update - 12.11.2022

  • Added a new option to set liveries for vehicles in the database

Make sure to perform this in your database:


Update - 15.06.2023

  • the blip hide option now overrides everything (even if you have a job it’s hidden when you enable the option)
  • fixed that NPC weren’t spawned when they were to near each other

Update - 22.08.2023

  • Script is now also available for QBCore!

If you bought this script already for ESX? No problem, as always the QBCore version is fully included!