myFuel - Own your gas station! [ESX/QB]

Welcome to myFuel - with this script you can own and manage your own gas stations - features all highlights you dreamt of for your Roleplay!


  • Full management of fuel for all vehicles
    → Can be set up for classes and individual vehicles (different max. fuel, fuel usage…)

- Different Fuel types:

  • Own your gas stations
    → Set up your prices
    Upgrade your storage
    → Buy different fuel types or do missions to avoid that your gas station is empty.

  • UI based interface for fueling

Showcase Video:

Fueling interface:

Management Interface:

Update 31.01.2023
- Added realistic objects for the fueling process


exports['myFuel']:SetFuel(vehicle, amount)

If you use LegacyFuel currently, you can simply disable this, but you don’t have to change any exports in other scripts. myFuel provides the LegacyFuel exports as well. Less work for you :wink:

Regarding Escrow

We paid the highest attention to the opportunity that everybody can simply modify everything without any encryption.
For this matter we only escrowed one pretty small functions, which never have to be modified and can’t cause any problems into the escrow file. So I can promise 100% that you will not even notice this protection, when you aren’t willed to leak the script. If you encounter any problems through this, we’ll directly remove those functions from the escrow file or simply remove it entirely.

Code is accessible 98% (See above)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2500+
Requirements ESX or QB
Support Yes

Price: 24.99 + tax
Get the script at:

Bundle offer for myFuel + mySpeedcam with more than 10% off:

:heart: Feel free to check out some of our other scripts


Super script und sehr schönes UI! Fehlt nurnoch das man den Tankschlauch nehmen muss um zu tanken (realistischer).

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do you have support for ox_inventory which can be used jerrican ?

That’s a very nice script and for this price :relaxed::relaxed: I would buy it. Thanks for your work and your awesome scripts.
Bin gespannt, wann du was neues raushaust :slight_smile:

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Wir sind gerade dabei zu schauen, ob man ein Objekt in die Hand setzen kann…schauen wir mal ^^

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Thank you so much <3

Is there anything special which have to be done?
Would guess it works, but if not I can add it of course - should be no big deal

Der tankkanister beim ox-inventory ist als waffe und als Item gespeichert. Man müsste es so einbauen das man beim kauf eines kanisters die waffe als Item bekommt.

Das ist so…also man bekommt technisch gesehen die Waffe


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Nur das die Waffe also der Kanister in ox auch eine Haltbarkeit hat und Munition die sich verringert wenn man zb. Mit Ox_fuel tankt

Great job, unfortunately that doesn’t work for me :smiley:

I would have preferred the following system:

  • Purchasable fuel pump
  • The owners must dialogue with the bosses of the refinery to negotiate the prices
  • The boss of the refinery, collects the oil in “barrel”, he distributes barrels to the owners of the gas pumps, and the owner must “slide” the “barrel” item into the tank to fill his tank.

I don’t know if you do something personalized even by paying a little more?

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I imagine for us we use ox_inventory, ox_target, ox_lib, ox_fuel, this is not ox shareable

Must be a very dumb question but would this work with another fueling script?


actually this includes all features of other fuel script I thought about…that’s f.e. a complete replace for LegacyFuel.
For what do you want to use another fuel script?

Update #1
Added realistisc objects…

Well that was exactly this tbh. My current fuel script is using the hose and has a difference between S98 / S95 / diesel. I’ll get yours :slight_smile:


We are currently working on making it possible to “use” items in the owner’s view.
As well as deactivating mission & imports via config.

The only problem would be the petrol stations without owners, as the petrol prices are calculated randomly with every server restart.

Does that bring us any further with you?

service stations without an owner why not manage them in the config by putting a limited stock with a random price between x and x?

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myScrpts? Simply the best! Thanks again for a solid script

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