💼 Jobs Creator 7.0 [ESX][QBCore] - in-game Job Creation Menu without server restart

But does that job exist? You have to look in your database table jobs for the job lostmc and in the database table job_grades for the grade 4 of the job lostmc

Job Creator

+ Option for next update to “recovery car” at owned garages and enable that cost like 100-200$ for example.
+ Add at public markers sell/buy shops option to get cash to “SOCIETY_NAME”, so I can create stores for sell for example water/bread/whiskey/beer/phones, and enable this money go to any society that we choice from list, and owners can collect that money.


Add option at harvest/collect for make scenes:

Example of one script I use, that sit on chair and start counting money with machine.

The position to interact with this action.
offset = vector3(-0.8, 0.896, 0.6), – The offset for the scene/animations.
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 180.0), – Target rotation for the scene.
time = 20000, – Action bar timer.
act = “Money”, – Which set of scenes should we be performing?
scene = 1, – Which scene should we perform from above set?

  • Model of prop.
  • Offset from scene start location.
  • Object rotation.
    [1] = {
    model = “bkr_prop_money_counter”, – Model of prop.
    pos = vector3(-0.25,0.22,0.4), – Offset from scene start location.
    rot = vector3(0.0,0.0,180.0), – Object rotation.

Does this script actually generate editable LUA to expand on the jobs created?

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Hello, no the script handles all itself

every job exist but dont work but i think its a big essentialmode error with my housing system i open a topic for it but thx for helping :wink: :slight_smile:

i think this shit is the problem

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Hello, I would suggest you to update your es_extended version

Possibility you will add support to use bt-target or qtarget to your all script? doorlock and other?


Hello, I had already spoken with you through a ticket and since the file used for the f6 menu was decrypted, I modified it by adding a function to place items on the ground (already preset) I have another script that allows them to be deleted but now you see how it is Better here I leave the fragment that I modified
in the bolean canHandcuff add this table.insert

table.insert(elements, {label = 'Objetos Policiales (No usar ilegales)', value = 'object_spawner'})

and this is the one that opens the menu and place the objects

elseif(action == "object_spawner") then
                ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'citizen_interaction', {
                    title    = 'Interacciones de trancito',
                    align    = 'bottom-right',
                    elements = {
                        {label = 'Cono', model = 'prop_roadcone02a'},
                        {label = 'Barrera', model = 'prop_barrier_work05'},
                        {label = 'Poncha llantas', model = 'p_ld_stinger_s'},
                        {label = 'Caja', model = 'prop_boxpile_07d'},
                        {label = 'Dinero', model = 'hei_prop_cash_crate_half_full'}
                }}, function(data2, menu2)
                    local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
                    local coords, forward = GetEntityCoords(playerPed), GetEntityForwardVector(playerPed)
                    local objectCoords = (coords + forward * 1.0)
                    ESX.Game.SpawnObject(data2.current.model, objectCoords, function(obj)
                        SetEntityHeading(obj, GetEntityHeading(playerPed))
                end, function(data2, menu2)

thanks for paying attention and have a nice day :smiley:

Thx man can you also add a delete object?

suggestion, should be an easy one!!
Option for weapon upgrader to be paid with dirty money, got some of that stuff set up for gangs and would like to create more use with dirty money.

Anyone got a idea for this - Or anyone else having this so there is more effort to support the above?

I use this, if this is what you’re talking about

Yea we use Core Multi-job as well = but the issue is, if a player accidently removes their “whitelisted” job, they are unable to go to a job center and get the job again - or at the proper rank.

I believe when the “whitelist” gets toggled with this jobs creator script - It “should” update the “user table” with a “newjob_rank” column, where “newjob” is the sql name of the job being whitelisted. That way, if a player accidently deletes their job from the core multijob script OR if a server doesn’t use that script - they can switch back and forth from their allowed whitelisted jobs via a job center (the whitelist job only appears if a player has a rank of 0 or higher).

Currently we are just telling people to be careful and not accidently remove their job from the core-multijob script… but would be nice to not have to, and have a actual functional whitelist instead of just blind restricting it.

Heres an example of our users table with the “job_rank” that saves to a player.

I feel like if enough other people have this issue without a solution (other then buying another script like core multijob like we did - which is only a bandaid because again, if a player accidently deletes their whitelisted job they cant get it back without speaking to a boss or someone to “rehire” them), the script maker might allow for an update - as the script is obstructed I cant even make the simple callout to add the job rank code into the script, nor is there currently enough requests for him to do this type of update yet… maybe people don’t realize its an issue… or maybe I’ve just been using esx whitelist wrong all along lol.

Yeah I get you, we currently don’t have anything implemented to avoid that. People usually submit a support ticket if they do remove it. The only real problem I’ve had is when people get promoted and it doesn’t stick their new roles.

You could potentially try and find or develop a script (also a suggestion for this script) that is a job centre based on whitelisted only jobs to access the whitelist jobs. In saying that if you have gang roles that are whitelisted those may potentially show up in the list (unless you could set them like you do in core_jobutils).

But yeah I totally see your point there, especially if you are running a high pop community and the constant tickets and requests are annoying!

hey just a question when i setup a shop within a job where does the money actually go how can i have it so it goes into the society

my suggestion deleted?

Not by me, I can’t delete messages

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Suggestion for temp garages:

Please add the ability to spawn the cars with selected tuning parts. As some custom cars have bodyparts that need to be tuning to make the car visible.


Hi jaksam1074,
My Friend has a GTA V/Fivem Server he created a Job named Shaks. Everyone else can see the NPC’s and Stuff like that. I can’t even use them (Tresor, On/Off Duty …) . I also tried removing the Job an giving it back.
Please Help